REPORT DIGEST TAYLORVILLE CORRECTIONAL CENTER COMPLIANCE AUDIT For the Two Years Ended: Summary of Findings: Total this audit 4 Release Date: State of Illinois WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the Report contact: (217)782-6046 or TDD (217) 524-4646 This Report Digest is also available on |
{Expenditures and Activity Measures are summarized on the next page.} |
For The Two Years Ended June 30, 2000
FY 1999 |
FY 1998 |
$20,104,226 |
$18,868,635 |
$17,894,909 |
Personal Services % of Total Expenditures Average No. of Employees Average Salary Per Employee Inmate Compensation % of Total Expenditures |
$12,064,365 60% 300 $40,215 $246,607 1.23% |
$11,537,665 61.15% 286 $40,341 $270,563 1.43% |
$11,048,088 61.73% 292 $37,836 $274,714 1.54% |
Other Payroll Costs (FICA, Retirement) % of Total Expenditures |
$2,715,573 13.51% |
$1,955,572 10.37% |
$1,381,007 7.72% |
Contractual Services % of Total Expenditures |
$3,156,968 15.70% |
$3,111,760 16.49% |
$3,185,506 17.80% |
All Other Items % of Total Expenditures |
$1,920,713 9.56% |
$1,993,075 10.56% |
$2,005,594 11.21% |
$25,315,468 |
$25,541,326 |
$25,310,698 |
FY 1999 |
FY 1998 |
1,190 |
1,185 |
1,185 |
1/5.5 |
1/6.0 |
1/5.6 |
$16,801 |
$15,862 |
$14,984 |
600 |
600 |
600 |
29 |
30 |
29 |
During Audit Period: Anthony Scillia (through 5/15/99),
Walter A. Groesch, Ph.D. (6/1/99 - 6/30/00) |
Inventory records were inaccurate
Employees did not understand how to prepare financial reports
Receipts were deposited 7 to 36 days late |
FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS INVENTORY WEAKNESSES The Center did not maintain proper internal controls over commodity inventories. We noted the following control weaknesses over inventories:
We recommended management ensure staff are properly trained and supervised. We further recommended the Center devote adequate resources and personnel to ensure inventory records are accurately maintained, adjusted, and reconciled in a timely manner. (Finding 00-1, pages 9-10) Center officials accepted our recommendations and stated the Center will fill staff vacancies and provide ongoing training. INACCURATE FINANCIAL REPORTING The Center submitted inaccurate year-end financial reports to the Department of Corrections Central Office. We noted the following:
The Center stated Business Office employees misunderstood how to convert the Centers accrual basis accounting records to the cash basis reports which the Department of Corrections required. The other misstatements noted were due to clerical oversight. We recommended the Center emphasize the need for accurate reporting to its staff, seek additional training, and conduct detailed reviews of year-end financial reports. (Finding 00-2, page 11) Center officials agreed to implement each of our recommendations. INADEQUATE CONTROLS OVER CASH RECEIPTS The Center did not maintain adequate controls over the deposit and accounting of cash receipts. We noted 6 of 25 (24%) receipts tested totaling $2,092 were deposited 7 to 36 days late in the State Treasury. In addition, receipts were not timely recorded. The Center reported receipts totaling $21,555 in FY99 and $24,576 in FY00. We recommended the Center strengthen its controls over receipts to ensure cash receipts are timely recorded and deposited into the State Treasury. (Finding 00-3, page 12) Center officials stated they have implemented our recommendation and modified procedures to ensure the timely documentation and remittance of cash receipts. OTHER FINDING The remaining finding is less significant and is being given attention by the Center. We will review progress towards implementation of our recommendations during our next audit. Responses to the recommendations were provided by Mr. Mark Krell, Chief Internal Auditor for the Department of Corrections. AUDITORS' OPINION We conducted a compliance audit of the Center as required by the Illinois State Auditing Act. We also performed certain agreed-upon procedures with respect to the accounting records of the Center to assist our audit of the entire Department. Financial statements for the Department will be presented in that audit report. ____________________________________ WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:LW:pp AUDITORS ASSIGNED This audit was performed by the Office of the Auditor Generals staff. |