For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2009
Summary of Findings:
Total this audit: 10
Total last audit: 12
Repeated from last audit: 7
Release Date: September 16, 2010
State of Illinois, Office of the Auditor General
To obtain a copy of the Report contact:
Office of the Auditor General, Iles Park Plaza, 740 E. Ash Street, Springfield, IL 62703
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• The Office did not exercise adequate controls over
contractual agreements.
• The Office did not correct errors in expenditure records
detected during the reconciliation process.
• The Office did not exercise adequate control over its travel functions.
The Office did not exercise adequate controls over
contractual agreements.
We tested 15 contracts totaling $1,093,925 and one contract
which was awarded at the rate of $295 per hour without a contract maximum
specified. Some of the conditions we
noted follow:
• We were unable to determine if 5 of 16 (31%) contracts
tested, totaling $616,925, were approved prior to the performance of services
under the contract. While the contracts
were signed by all parties, the signature dates were absent and timeliness
could not be determined.
• One of 16 (6%) contractual agreements, totaling $300,000,
was not signed by all parties prior to the beginning of the contract term. The contract’s final required signature was
dated 25 days after the beginning of the contract term.
• One of 16 (6%) contractual agreements, totaling $300,000,
was not signed by the chief executive officer, the chief legal counsel and the
chief fiscal officer or other senior executives.
• One of 16 (6%) contractual agreements, totaling $22,000,
contained conflicting terms. The
contract had deliverable due dates of January 14, 2007, January 18, 2007, and
January 25, 2007. However, the term of
the contract was from January 9, 2008 through December 31, 2008, making it
impossible for the vendor to be able to achieve the deliverable dates.
We recommended the Office strengthen controls to ensure
contractual agreements are signed and dated prior to the beginning of services
and filed with the State Comptroller’s Office in a timely manner. We also
recommend the Office bid out contracts in accordance with the Illinois
Procurement Code and publish complete and accurate information in the Illinois
Procurement Bulletin. In addition, we
recommend the Office review their procurement documentation policies to ensure
proper documentation is retained to support contract award decisions. (Finding 1, pages 10-15)
Office officials agreed with portions of our
recommendation. However, Office
officials also stated one of the contracts noted in our finding had in fact
been approved by senior staffers in advance and that a scrivener’s error in the
contract terms resulted in the conflicting terms described in our finding. Office officials contend, though, that the
scrivener’s error was recognized by Office and vendor personnel and addressed
In an auditor’s comment, we noted we were not provided with
documentation to support the statement that senior staffers had approved the
contract in advance. We also noted the
copy of the contract provided to us for testing containing the alleged
scrivener’s error did not include the corrections referenced in the Office’s
The Office did not correct errors in expenditure records
detected during the reconciliation process.
We noted the Office maintained expenditure records during
the examination period and performed reconciliations of their expenditures
records to reports generated by the Office of the Comptroller as required. However, the Office’s expenditure records
were not subsequently corrected or adjusted with respect to the discrepancies
detected during the reconciliation process.
We noted reconciling items, ranging from $40 to $31,023, should have
been posted to 10 of the Office’s 16 (63%) expenditure line items for Fiscal
Year 2008, and reconciling items, ranging from $130 to $13,800, should have
been posted to 9 of the Office’s 16 (56%) expenditure line items for Fiscal
Year 2009.
We recommended
the Office investigate and make corrections to their expenditure records as
necessary to resolve all discrepancies noted during the reconciliation
process. We also recommend the Office
properly notify the Comptroller of any irreconcilable differences noted. (Finding 2, pages 16-17)
The Office
disagreed with our finding and stated they did not perform their own voucher
processing during the examination period.
The Office further noted these records were used to monitor spending and
were not intended for use in financial reporting. Lastly, the Office stated they had
Comptroller records for use in financial reporting and are now processing their
own vouchers, eliminating the need for this internal voucher tracking
In an auditor’s
comment, we noted the use of a program that lacked the ability to post
corrections or void transactions could result in the Office over-expending
appropriated funds. We also noted the
Statewide Accounting Management System requires agencies to use their own
records for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) reporting
The Office did not exercise adequate control over its travel
functions. Our testing of the Office’s
travel expenditures included a sample of 25 vouchers and all of the travel
vouchers for the top ten traveling employees for each year in the examination
period. Some of the conditions we noted
• Five of 25 (20%) travel vouchers tested, totaling $6,342,
were submitted between 4 and 170 days late.
• One of 25 (4%) travel vouchers tested, totaling $1,010,
contained errors totaling $106.
• Two instances noted, totaling $1,927, included charges of
$155 for unused hotel rooms for employees who returned to Chicago from
Springfield ahead of schedule.
We recommended the Office exercise adequate control over
travel expenditures and require employees to submit travel vouchers in
accordance with Office policies.
Further, we recommended the Office carefully review travel vouchers to
ensure consistency with travel support, reasonableness, and mathematical
accuracy prior to payment. We also recommended
the Office ensure all expenditures from Office funds are necessary for the
Office’s operations. Lastly, we
recommended the Office strengthen controls over voucher processing procedures
including maintaining proper documentation.
(Finding 3, pages 18-20)
The Office accepted our recommendation.
The remaining findings are reportedly being given attention
by the Office. We will review the
Office’s progress toward implementation of our recommendations in our next
We conducted a compliance examination of the Governor’s
Office of Management and Budget as required by the Illinois State Auditing
Act. We have not audited any financial
statements of the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget for the purpose of
expressing an opinion because the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget
does not, nor is it required to, prepare financial statements.
WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General
The compliance examination was conducted by the Auditor General’s staff.