REPORT DIGEST DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS COMPLIANCE AUDIT For the Two Years Ended: June 30, 2002 Summary of Findings: Total this audit 5
Release Date: State of Illinois Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the Report contact: (217)782-6046 or TDD (217) 524-4646 This Report Digest is also available on |
{Expenditures and Activity Measures are summarized on the next page.} |
For The Two Years Ended June 30, 2002
FY 2001 |
FY 2000 |
$29,011,064 |
$28,673,074 |
$26,187,153 |
OPERATIONS TOTAL % of TOTAL Expenditures Personal Services, including reimbursable positions % of Operations Total Expenditures Average No. of Employees Other Payroll Costs (FICA, Retirement) % of Operations Total Expenditures Contractual Services % of Operations Total Expenditures Lincolns Challenge % of Operations Total Expenditures Facilities Operations and Maintenance % of Operations Total Expenditures All Other Items % of Operations Total Expenditures CAPITAL PROJECTS % of TOTAL Expenditures AWARDS AND GRANTS TOTAL % of TOTAL Expenditures NON-APPROPRIATED FUNDS Armory Rental Fund (416) % of TOTAL Expenditures |
$27,991,586 |
$27,506,632 40.5% $556,951 |
$25,363,056 41.7% $218,571 |
$441,535,000 |
$125,173,000 |
$121,627,481 |
FY 2001 |
FY 2000 |
Reimbursements Rent Grant - Lincolns Challenge Sales of Property Other Total |
$14,324,193 |
$14,119,395 |
$13,057,831 |
During Audit Period: Adjutant General David Harris |
Quarterly property reports filed with the Comptroller did not agree with the Departments records
Department did not appropriately evaluate permanent improvement vouchers for reporting purposes
The Department inappropriately excluded buildings still in use and the related accumulated depreciation for financial reporting purposes
Twelve student allowance payments of $45 each could not be accounted for on one report
FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS INADEQUATE RECONCILIATION OF DEPARTMENT FIXED ASSET RECORDS The Department did not adequately reconcile its fixed asset records to the quarterly reports filed with the Office of the State Comptroller. In addition 6 equipment purchase vouchers, of 25 vouchers examined, could not be traced to the Departments property control records. The additions and net transfers reported to the Comptroller from the first quarter through the third quarter of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001 did not agree with the Departments records. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, we noted that there were no supporting documents for the additions and net transfers from the second quarter through the fourth, or for $42,137 of deletions on the second and third quarter reports filed with the Comptroller. Department personnel stated that a reconciliation could not be performed to address these exceptions because necessary information could not be located after the retirement of the person in charge of property records. (Finding 1, pages 11-12) Department officials agreed with our finding and stated they will ensure that all fixed asset additions are posted to the property records within 30 days of acquisition. They further stated proper reconciliation would be performed quarterly as recommended. CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT VOUCHERS WERE NOT CONSIDERED FOR INCLUSION AS STATE PROPERTY The Department did not appropriately evaluate permanent improvement vouchers (vouchers charged to account code 6600) to determine if they should be included in its State Property Reporting System (Property Report) during fiscal year 2001 or 2002. In compiling its Property Report, the Department did not consider assets coded to account series 6600 - Permanent Improvements. The Department has not determined the amount of permanent improvement additions that should be included in the Property Report, as the 6600 code series also has excludable amounts such as repair and maintenance items. The Illinois Administrative Code (44 IL Adm. Code 5010.400) states that agencies are required to adjust property records within 30 days of acquisition, change, or deletion of fixed asset items, including assets coded as permanent improvements. Due to the large number of items coded to "6600 - Permanent Improvements", the Department did not estimate the amount of unreported fixed asset additions. Total vouchers coded to these accounts amounted to approximately $585,000 and $1,095,000 for fiscal year 2001 and 2002 respectively. (Finding 3, page 14) Department personnel agreed with our finding and stated they will review the "6600 - Permanent Improvements" coded vouchers for fiscal years 2001 and 2002 and adjust their records and reports accordingly. Further, for FY 03 and forward, the Department will appropriately capitalize all permanent improvements. INACCURATE REPORTING OF CAPITAL ASSETS The Department did not maintain adequate records of its capital assets for financial reporting purposes. Specifically, the Department inappropriately excluded $27,860,000 in individual assets for financial reporting purposes. The Department did not record buildings and the related accumulated depreciation for items that were acquired prior to 1948 and were above the capitalization threshold for financial reporting purposes. The buildings and improvements appeared to be excluded because of the date of their acquisition. For buildings still in use, they should be capitalized and depreciated over their remaining estimated useful life. Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 34 requires all State agencies to restate the beginning of year balances (June 30, 2001) for capital assets. The restatement records the effect of depreciation as well as deletions of capital assets that will no longer be reported as capital assets within the financial statements because they fall below the capitalization threshold for financial reporting purposes. The Department also inappropriately capitalized land assets totaling $501,780 when individually each parcel was below the capitalization threshold of $100,000. The Department said the problems noted were the results of turnover of key staff in the financial reporting area. (Finding 5, pages 17-18) Department personnel agreed with our finding and stated they would make the necessary adjustments in order to be in compliance with GASB 34 and our recommendations. LINCOLNS CHALLENGE ACADEMY PAY REPORT ROSTERS MISSING STUDENT SIGNATURES Certain students were given a monthly allowance without signing the "Pay Report Roster by Team". Students enrolled in the Lincolns Challenge Academy receive a weekly allowance while they are in the residence phase of the Academy. Allowances are paid to the students in cash. Upon receipt of the cash, the student is required to sign a roster as proof that the funds were received. We examined two pay rosters and found students' signatures missing. The first roster supported 76 student allowance payments of $45 each, for a total of $3,420. Twelve signatures were missing from this report, representing $540. The second report supported 47 student allowance payments of $30 each, for a total of $1,410. One student signature was missing from this report. According to the Department, bank personnel were disbursing the funds and were responsible for obtaining the students signatures. Procedures for payment of student allowances, when students were not available during pay processing, were not adequate to ensure funds were being disbursed to authorized individuals. During fiscal years 2001 and 2002, approximately $266,000 and $216,000 was paid in allowances, respectively. (Finding 4, pages 15 - 16) The Department agreed with our finding. Department personnel stated new procedures have been developed and implemented to ensure that signatures are properly obtained and to provide for adequate documentation of the re-deposit of the cash if it is not disbursed. They further stated a process to review all pay reports for compliance with these procedures has also been established. OTHER FINDINGS The remaining finding is considered less significant and corrective action is reportedly in process. We will review progress towards the implementation of our recommendations in our next audit. Responses were provided by the Departments Adjutant General, David Harris. AUDITORS OPINION We conducted a compliance audit of the Department as required by the Illinois State Auditing Act. We have not audited any financial statements of the Department for the purpose of expressing an opinion because the Department does not, nor is it required to, prepare financial statements.
_____________________________________ WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:TEE:pp SPECIAL ASSISTANT AUDITORS Our special assistant auditors for this audit were McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. |