REPORT DIGEST REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION # 9 CHAMPAIGN AND FORD COUNTIES FINANCIAL AUDIT For the Year Ended: Summary of Findings: Total this audit 8 Release Date: State of Illinois WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the Report contact: (217)782-6046 or TDD (217) 524-4646 |
{Expenditures and Activity Measures are summarized on the reverse page.} |
For The Year Ended June 30, 2002
FY 2002 |
FY 2001 |
TOTAL REVENUES | 1 $5,504,052 |
$5,067,650 |
Local sources |
$1,390,402 |
$1,258,161 |
% of Total Revenues |
25.26% |
24.83% |
State Sources |
1 $2,597,674 |
$2,449,731 |
% of Total Revenues |
47.20% |
48.34% |
Federal Sources |
$1,515,976 |
$1,359,758 |
% of Total Revenues |
27.54% |
26.83% |
TOTAL EXPENDITURES | 1 $5,484,975 |
$5,033,992 |
Salaries and Benefits |
1 $2,975,245 |
$2,228,462 |
% of Total Expenditures |
54.24% |
44.27% |
Purchased Services |
$1,405,517 |
$1,492,229 |
% of Total Expenditures |
25.62% |
29.64% |
All Other Expenditures |
$1,104,213 |
$1,313,301 |
% of Total Expenditures |
20.13% |
26.09% |
$ 351,526 |
Note: Fiscal Year 2001 data
was obtained from audits of ROEs conducted under the direction of the Illinois State Board
of Education. |
During Audit Period: Honorable Martin Barrett Currently: Honorable Martin Barrett |
The Regional Office of Education # 9 entered into a related party transaction.
The Regional Office of Education # 9 does not record accounts receivable or accounts payable as required by generally accepted accounting principles.
The Regional Office of Education # 9 does not track the sources of their funds accurately. |
FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION The Regional Office of Education # 9 purchased a 1985 pickup truck in 2000 from an employee in the Safe School Program for approximately $6,000. The truck was sold back to the same employee in Fiscal Year 2002 for $100. The employee was the sole bidder in a published request for sealed bids. The trucks fair value at the time it was sold in Fiscal Year 2002 was approximately $1,200. The Regional Office of Education # 9 did not have records showing the trucks value at the time of the original purchase in 2000. The Regional Office of Education # 9s policy forbids transactions with related parties. (Finding 02-1, page 12) The Regional Office of Education # 9 accepted the recommendation to comply with their policy that forbids related party transactions. CASH BASIS ACCOUNTING RECORDS The Regional Office of Education # 9 does not record accounts receivable or accounts payable as required by generally accepted accounting principles. The Regional Office of Education # 9 maintains cash basis accounting records throughout the year. The Regional Office of Education # 9s accounting system contains an accounts payable function that is not currently used. Accrual accounting is required by generally accepted accounting principles for financial statement presentation. (Finding 02-4, page 15) The Regional Office of Education # 9 accepted the recommendation to utilize the payable and receivable function of their accounting system so that payables and receivables can be recorded throughout the year. TRACKING FUNDING SOURCES The Regional Office of Education # 9 records grants received from other governmental agencies other than the Illinois State Board of Education as "other local funds" even though the grantor may be another State agency. The Illinois State Board of Educations accounting manual for the Regional Offices of Education requires funding sources be tracked as federal, State or local. (Finding 02-5, page 16) The Regional Office of Education # 9 accepted the recommendation to accurately record grant funds as required by the Illinois State Board of Education accounting manual. AUDITORS OPINION Our auditors state the Regional Office of Education # 9s financial statements as of June 30, 2002 are fairly presented in all material respects.
_____________________________________ WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:KJM:ro SPECIAL ASSISTANT AUDITORS Our special assistant auditors were Kemper CPA Group, LLP. |