(In Accordance with the
Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133)

For the Year Ended:

June 30, 2004


Summary of Findings:


Total this audit                          8

Total last audit                          7

Repeated from last audit           6


Release Date:

April 28, 2005



State of Illinois

Office of the Auditor General




To obtain a copy of the Report contact:

Office of the Auditor General

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740 E. Ash Street

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·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have proper segregation of duties. Each of the ROE’s three bookkeepers has the primary responsibility for most of the accounting and financial functions for the programs they individually handle.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have adequate controls over cash receipts.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have adequate controls over property and equipment.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have adequate controls over disbursements.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not record five bank accounts, with balances totaling $247,904, in the general ledger. Two of the accounts were recorded in the financial statements but the adjustments were not recorded in the general ledger.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have employment contracts or formal documentation of rates of pay for several salaried and hourly rate employees tested.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27’s system of accounts does not report funding sources in accordance with the ROE Accounting Manual.


·        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not comply with certain statutory administrative requirements.













        {Expenditures and Revenues are summarized on the reverse page.}








(In Accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133)

For The Year Ended June 30, 2004





FY 2004

FY 2003




Local Sources



% of Total Revenues



State Sources



% of Total Revenues



Federal Sources



% of Total Revenues







Salaries and Benefits



% of Total Expenditures



Purchased Services



% of Total Expenditures



All Other Expenditures



% of Total Expenditures


















1         In fiscal year 2004, Regional Offices of Education implemented Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34 which established a new financial reporting model for state and local governments.  Government-wide financial statements are prepared using full accrual accounting that reports Total Net Assets.  The fiscal year 2003 ending general fixed assets have been restated to reflect the changes required as part of the implementation of GASB Statement No. 34. Percentages may not add due to rounding.




During Audit Period: Honorable R. Bruce Hall

Currently: Honorable Glen W. Braden














The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have proper segregation of duties in its accounting function.



































The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have adequate controls over cash receipts.






















The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have adequate controls over property and equipment.













































The Regional Office of Education #27 did not adequate controls over disbursements and expenditures.





























The Regional Office of Education #27 did not record five bank accounts, with balances totaling $247,904, in the general ledger. Two of the accounts were recorded in the financial statements but the adjustments were not recorded in the general ledger.


















The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have employment contracts or formal documentation of rates of pay for several salaried and hourly rate employees tested.



















 The Regional Office of Education #27’s system of accounts does not report funding sources in accordance with the ROE Accounting Manual.


















The Regional Office of Education #27 did not comply with certain statutory administrative requirements.









        The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have proper segregation of duties.  Each of the ROE’s three bookkeepers has the primary responsibility for most of the accounting and financial functions for the programs they individually handle.  The bookkeepers perform the disbursement functions of invoice processing, check preparation, custodianship of blank checks, recording, and bank reconciliation for those programs.  The bookkeepers also perform the functions of receiving, depositing, and recording of cash receipts for those programs.  The ROE Operations bookkeeper has custody of the signature stamp.


        The Regional Superintendent of Schools is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control system to prevent errors and irregularities.  Inadequate segregation of duties limits the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control system and increases the risk that errors or irregularities may occur and not be detected promptly (Finding 04-1, pages 12 - 14).  This finding is repeated from our 2003 audit.


        The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation to strengthen internal controls.   Checks received will be date stamped and registered on the bookkeeper’s check registry.  The Regional Superintendent will periodically check that deposits are made on a weekly basis, or if needed, twice weekly.  The bank reconciliations and deposits are prepared and initialed by the bookkeeper.  The Superintendent also initials each deposit and reconciliation report.  Unused checks are kept in the Superintendent’s office.  (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #1.) 





       The Regional Office of Education #27 did not maintain a logbook of checks received.  The receipts were recorded only when they were deposited.  Checks received were not restrictively endorsed.  Twelve out of 60 (20%) receipts tested were deposited from 10 to 112 days after the date of the check.


       Sound internal controls require that all checks received should be deposited promptly and recorded immediately to the appropriate accounts (Finding 04-2, pages 15-17).  This finding is repeated from our 2003 audit.


       The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating that checks received will be date stamped and stamped “for deposit only” and placed in the fire safe by the secretary.  The bookkeeper will record the checks in a register.  Receipts will be prepared for moneys received for the Institute Account and kept on file.  The Regional Superintendent will review the receipts periodically for timely deposits.  Transfers between banks and accounts will be recorded properly by the bookkeeper. (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #2.) 





       The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have adequate controls over fixed assets.  For example, no formal policies and procedures had been established to monitor and control equipment and other fixed assets.  Fixed asset tag numbers are assigned to the equipment items but the tags were not affixed to the corresponding equipment item. A fixed asset listing did not have complete information as to the function and activity; reference to the acquisition source document; acquisition date; acquisition cost; vendor; unit charged with custody; location; fund and account from which purchased; and method of acquisition.  Also, transfers of equipment from one location to another were not formally documented.


       The Regional Office of Education (ROE) Accounting Manual requires each ROE to maintain detailed fixed asset records for both accounting purposes as well as insurance purposes, for fixed assets costing $500 or more.  In addition, sound internal controls require that policies and procedures on fixed assets cover the acquisition and tagging, recording and reporting, depreciation (if applicable), transfers and dispositions, and physical inventory, and that they be formally documented and consistently applied  (Finding 04-3, pages 18-20).  This finding is repeated from our 2003 audit.


       The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating that tags have been purchased and will be attached for each item on the inventory list.  A log will be maintained with the item name, number, location, fund used for purchase and sign out area for transportation to another location.  The log will also include a disposal date.  The Regional Office will prepare a fixed asset policy and determine a capital outlay threshold. (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #3.) 





       The Regional Office Education #27 did not have adequate controls over disbursements and expenditures.  For example, the following was noted during testing of disbursements and expenditures:


·        Invoices and supporting documents were not stamped “PAID” or the check number was not recorded on the invoice to indicate that payment had been made.

·        Eight of 60 (13%) vouchers tested did not have supporting documents and 3 of 60 (5%) vouchers tested had supporting documents that did not completely account for the amount disbursed.

·        No receiving reports were prepared to document receipt of items purchased nor was there any acknowledgement of receipt of the items indicated in the invoices attached for 11 of 60 (18%) vouchers tested. 

·        Approval for the disbursement was not evident on the invoices; 16 of 60 cancelled checks tested were signed using a signature stamp.


       Sound internal controls over cash disbursements require all disbursements to be adequately supported, approved by authorized personnel, and have supporting documents properly canceled at time of signature to prevent duplicate payment (Finding 04-4, pages 21-22). This finding is repeated from our 2003 audit.


        The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation to ensure that all disbursements are adequately supported stating that all disbursements will have the check stub attached as well as stamped “PAID” on the invoices.  The Superintendent will also initial all invoices for approval of payment.  When items are ordered, the packing slip will also be attached upon arrival of the item and the date of receipt will be indicated.  These will be attached to the check stub upon payment.  (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #4.) 





         The Regional Office of Education #27 did not record five bank accounts, with balances totaling $247,904, in the general ledger. Two of these accounts were recorded in the financial statements but the adjustments were not recorded in the general ledger.  There were also two other bank accounts that had June 30 balances that had not been reconciled to the Regional Office’s books.


         Sound internal controls require that accounting records accurately and completely record all transactions of the entity.  Balances in the general ledger accounts should be reconciled with the statement of accounts on a regular basis and adjustments recorded timely and correctly in the book of accounts (Finding 04-5 pages, 23-24).  This finding is repeated from our 2003 audit.


        The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation to record these bank accounts in the general ledger.  The Regional Office responded that the unreconciled differences in bank reconciliations will be resolved.  (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #5.) 





       The Regional Office of Education #27 did not have employment contracts or formal documentation of rates of pay for several salaried and hourly rate employees tested. 


       Sound internal controls require that payroll rates and amounts be properly authorized and formally documented.  Absence of an employee contract and salary rate authorization may result in disputes over salary calculations and inaccurate payroll computations  (Finding 04-6, pages 25-26).  This finding is repeated from our 2003 audit.


       The Regional Office of Education #27 agreed with the recommendation stating that contracts will be prepared for all employees. (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #6.) 





       The system of accounts maintained by the Regional Office of Education #27 does not correspond with the system of accounts promulgated by the Illinois State Board of Education in the ROE Accounting Manual.  The Regional Office maintains its system of accounts based on grants, awards and contracts (programs) it administers.  Programs are not maintained in individual separate self-balancing funds.  Instead, programs are set-up as cost centers that track only revenues and expenditures by program.  In addition, revenues are accounted for using a single revenue code for each program, without regard to the source of the revenue. 


          The Regional Superintendent of Schools in each Regional Office of Education shall maintain accurate financial records in accordance the Regional Office of Education Accounting Manual.  The Manual requires the Regional Office of Education #27 to track funding sources as federal, State, or local (Finding 04-7, pages 27-28).


          The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation and stated that it will have all grants use the same terminology and accounts set up in the ROE Accounting Manual. 





          The Regional Office of Education #27 did not comply with certain statutory administrative requirements.  For example, the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/3-6) requires the Regional Superintendent to report, in writing, to the county board on or before January 1 of each year, stating:  (1) the balance on hand at the time of the last report, and all receipts since that date, with the sources from which they were derived; (2) the amount distributed to each of the school treasurers in his or her county; and (3) any balance on hand. 


          The School Code (105 ILCS 5/3-12) also requires that on or before January 1 of each year, the Regional Superintendent shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation published in the region or shall post in each school building under his/her jurisdiction, certain information regarding the Office’s Institute Fund  (Finding 04-8, pages 29-30).


          According to the Regional Office management, for these reports, they use information contained in their audited financial statements, which were not available as of January 1, 2004.  The Regional Office said they were unaware they could use financial information from their accounting records instead of the audited financial statements. The Regional Office planned to place the financial statements in the December Newsletter that is distributed to all schools.  The Regional Office also planned to send a copy of the information to the three county boards as well.


          The Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation to submit the required information to the County by the deadline as well as comply with the notification requirements of the statutes. 





      Our auditors state the Regional Office of Education #27’s financial statements as of June 30, 2004 are fairly presented in all material respects.





WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General









        Our special assistant auditors were E.C. Ortiz & Company, LLP.






#1: INADEQUATE SEGREGATION OF DUTIES - Previous Regional Office Response


In its prior response to the June 30, 2003 audit, the Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation to strengthen internal controls.   The bookkeeper will record the checks on a register with the date received.  The Regional Superintendent will periodically check that deposits are made on a weekly basis, or if needed, twice weekly.  The bookkeeper will sign the bank reconciliations, which will in turn be reviewed and signed by the Regional Superintendent.  The Regional Superintendent’s signature stamp will be in his possession until needed during his absences.


#2: INADEQUATE CONTROLS OVER CASH RECEIPTS - Previous Regional Office Response


In its prior response to the June 30, 2003 audit, the Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating that checks received will be date stamped when possible and stamped “for deposit only” by the secretary.  The bookkeeper will record the checks in a register listing the date received.  Checks will be placed in a fire safe until deposit.  The Regional Superintendent will periodically check to see if the checks have been deposited weekly or twice weekly if needed. 




In its prior response to the June 30, 2003 audit, the Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating that the current fixed asset listing has been updated to include the acquisition dates, funding source, vendor and location of the asset.  It will also show when an item is disposed of and the purchase of new items.  A tagging system and log is being developed.  A log of items that are loaned out to individual school personnel will be kept.  A Capital Outlay Fixed Asset Policy has been created and signed by the Regional Superintendent.




In its prior response to the June 30, 2003 audit, the Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating the bookkeeper will continue to attach documents to the checks and check stubs for the Regional Superintendent to sign.  A packing slip indicating the materials have been received will also be attached.  A stamp “PAID” with check number and date has been purchased to stamp the invoice copies.  The Regional Superintendent, Grant Coordinator, or Administrative Personnel will initial each invoice for payment.  The Regional Superintendent will keep the unused checks in his office.




In its prior response to the June 30, 2003 audit, the Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating the Regional Office is currently working on several ways to include these funds in the Quick Books system.  It is still an ongoing process.  The bookkeeper will begin reconciling the Illinois Funds statements with the Regional Superintendent reviewing and signing them.


#6: INADEQUATE DOCUMENTATION OF SALARY RATES – Previous Regional Office Response


In its prior response to the June 30, 2003 audit, the Regional Office of Education #27 accepted the recommendation stating that contracts are being prepared for all employees.  Job descriptions have been updated and the Regional Superintendent will prepare statements of payroll changes, such as increases in pay, benefit changes or changes in job descriptions.


Complete Regional Office responses to prior findings are available upon request from the Auditor General’s Office.