REPORT DIGEST REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #51 FINANCIAL AUDIT (In Accordance with the For the Year Ended: June 30, 2009 Summary of Findings: Total this audit 5 Total last audit 2 Repeated from last audit 1 R March 3, 2010
State of Il Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL
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Report contact: Office of the Auditor
General (217) 782-6046 or TTY (888)
261-2887 This Report Digest and
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Regional Office of Education #51 did not have sufficient internal controls
over the financial reporting process. ·
Regional Office of Education #51 paid an employee $1,000 as an independent
contractor which did not comply with Internal Revenue Service requirements. ·
Regional Office of Education #51 did not have sufficient internal controls
over receipts and disbursements. ·
Regional Office of Education #51 did not properly record reimbursements and
administrative fees between programs. ·
Regional Office of Education #51 did not properly classify $70,049 of
federal grant flow through revenue in their general ledger system as local
revenue. {Expenditures
and Revenues are summarized on the reverse page.} |
For The Year Ended June
30, 2009
FY 2009
FY 2008
$4,085,826 |
$2,560,163 |
Local Sources |
$1,310,294 |
$407,664 |
% of Total Revenues |
32.07% |
15.92% |
State Sources |
$1,425,246 |
$1,530,384 |
% of Total Revenues |
34.88% |
59.78% |
Federal Sources |
$1,350,286 |
$622,115 |
% of Total Revenues |
33.05% |
24.30% |
$4,111,731 |
$2,505,042 |
Salaries and Benefits |
$2,025,582 |
$1,565,478 |
% of Total Expenditures |
49.26% |
62.49% |
Purchased Services |
$1,243,992 |
$811,777 |
% of Total Expenditures |
30.25% |
32.41% |
All Other Expenditures |
$842,157 |
$127,787 |
% of Total Expenditures |
20.48% |
5.10% |
$1,296,3861 |
$1,317,186 |
$17,293 |
$19,948 |
1 Includes an immaterial $5,105 restatement to the FY2009
beginning net asset balance Percentages
may not add due to rounding. |
During Audit Period: Honorable Helen Tolan Currently: Honorable Helen Tolan |
The Regional Office of Education #51 did
not have sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting process. The Regional Office of Education #51 paid
an employee $1,000 as an independent contractor which did not comply with Internal
Revenue Service requirements.
The Regional Office of Education #51 did
not have sufficient internal controls over receipts and disbursements.
The Regional Office of Education #51 did
not properly record reimbursements and administrative fees between
The Regional Office of Education #51 did
not properly classify $70,049 of federal grant flow through revenue in
their general ledger system as local revenue. |
Over Financial Statement Preparation
The Regional Office of Education #51
is required to maintain a system of controls over the preparation of
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP). Regional Office
internal controls over GAAP financial reporting should include adequately
trained personnel with the knowledge and expertise to prepare and/or
thoroughly review GAAP based financial statements to ensure that they are
free of material misstatements and include all disclosures as required by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Regional Office of Education #51
did not have sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting
process. The Regional Office maintains
their accounting records on the cash basis of accounting. While the Regional
Office maintains controls over the processing of most accounting
transactions, there are not sufficient controls over the preparation of the
GAAP based financial statements for management or employees in the normal
course of performing their assigned functions to prevent or detect financial
statement misstatements and disclosure omissions in a timely manner. For example, auditors, in their review of
the Regional Office’s accounting records, noted the following:
According to ROE officials, they did not have adequate funding to hire and/or train their accounting personnel in order to comply with these requirements. (Finding 09-01, pages 12a-12b) This finding was first reported in 2007. The auditors recommended that, as
part of its internal control over the preparation of its financial
statements, including disclosures, the Regional Office of Education #51
should implement a comprehensive preparation and/or review procedure to
ensure that the financial statements, including disclosures, are complete and
accurate. Such procedures should be
performed by a properly trained individual(s) possessing a thorough understanding
of applicable generally accepted accounting principles, GASB pronouncements,
and knowledge of the Regional Office of Education’s activities and operations. The Regional Office of Education #51 responded that it understands the nature of this finding and realizes that this circumstance is not unusual in an organization of this size. The Regional Office of Education staff has a reasonable understanding of the financial statements and can determine that the information in the financial statements is accurate, however, they lack the ability to prepare the notes to the financial statements. The recommendation that “such procedures should be performed by a properly trained individual(s) possessing a thorough understanding of applicable generally accepted accounting principles, GASB pronouncements, and knowledge of the Regional Office of Education’s activities and operations,” has been noted by the Regional Office. The ROE noted that they will continue to work with the other Regional Offices of Education to determine the most effective method of ensuring that its employees possess the knowledge required to compile the necessary GAAP based financial statements. (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #1.) PAYROLL REPORTING The Regional Office of Education #51 paid an employee $1,000 as an independent contractor which did not comply with Internal Revenue Service requirements. Internal Revenue Service Publication 15-A requires existing employees of an entity who are compensated for their duties beyond the duties of their original agreement to be paid as wages subject to all payroll taxes and withholdings. During our testing we noted one instance where an employee who met the criteria of an employee as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service, was paid $1,000 as an independent contractor. The Regional Office was unaware of the proper reporting requirements for additional compensation to existing employees. (Finding 09-02, page 12c) Auditors recommended that the Regional Office of Education #51 should develop policies and procedures to ensure that all additional compensation paid to existing employees is reported as wages subject to all applicable payroll taxes and withholdings. In addition, the Regional Office should contact the Internal Revenue Service and the Illinois Municipal Retirement System to determine if the Regional Office is required to file amended reporting for the applicable period. The Regional Office of Education #51 responded that it will develop policies and procedures to ensure that all additional compensation paid to existing employees is reported as wages subject to all applicable payroll taxes and withholdings. INADEQUATE
INTERNAL CONTROL PROCEDURES The Regional Office of Education #51 did not have sufficient internal controls over receipts and disbursements. The Regional Superintendent of Schools is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control system over receipts and disbursements to prevent errors and fraud. During the audit, auditors noted the following weaknesses in the Regional Office’s internal control system:
Lack of effective internal control procedures could result in unintentional or intentional errors or misappropriation of assets, in which errors or fraud could be material to the financial statements and may not be detected in a timely manner by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned duties. (Finding 09-03, pages 12d-12f) Auditors recommended that:
The Regional Office of Education #51 responded that it will implement internal control procedures requiring receipts for all expenditure requests, submit all payroll withholding reports to the Regional Superintendent for review and authorization, and will ensure that all disbursements have documentation that supports the amount of the expenditure prior to disbursing the funds. The ROE noted that further controls for cash receipts will be implemented to accommodate the separation of duties required for reconciling cash receipts to the receipt book and deposit slips. RECORDING OF REIMBURSEMENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES BETWEEN PROGRAMS The Regional Office of Education #51
did not properly record reimbursements
and administrative fees between programs.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles require revenues and
expenditures only be recognized once in an entity’s financial
statements. The Regional Office records internal
reimbursements as local revenue instead of crediting a “due from” other fund
and then reversing the transaction when the reimbursement is made. The Regional Office receives an
administrative fee to cover the administrative cost of being the fiscal
administrator for several State and federal grants. The Regional Office accounts for their
administrative costs in its Administrative Discretionary Fund, therefore,
they move this fee to the Administrative Discretionary Fund. When the fee is moved to the Administrative
Discretionary Fund, it is recorded as local revenue instead of a transfer in
and an expense in the grant instead of a transfer out. The Regional Office recognized approximately $1.35 million in federal revenue in FY2009, of which $62,800 was reported as federal revenue and again as local revenue. The Regional Office was not aware of the proper reporting of internal reimbursements and administrative grant fees. (Finding 09-04, pages 12g-12h) Auditors recommended that the Regional Office of Education #51 should report expenditures paid on-behalf of other funds as a due from and due to other funds in the effected funds and clear these accounts when the reimbursement is recorded. Auditors also recommended that the administrative fee for functioning as the fiscal administrator for a grant should be transferred to the Administrative Discretionary Fund through transfer in and out accounts to avoid reflecting the revenues and expenditures twice in the accounting records. The Regional Office of Education #51 responded that it will report expenditures paid on-behalf of other funds as a due from and due to other funds and clear the accounts when the reimbursement is recorded. Administrative fees will be transferred to the Administrative Discretionary Fund through transfer in and out accounts to avoid reflecting the revenues and expenditures twice in the accounting records. REVENUE
CLASSIFICATIONS The Regional Office of Education #51 did not properly classify $70,049 of federal grant flow through revenue in their general ledger system as local revenue. The Regional Office is required by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to maintain its accounting system consistent with the ISBE Regional Office of Education Accounting Manual. That manual requires the Regional Office of Education #51 to track funding sources as federal, State, or local. The Regional Office received approximately $1.35 million in federal funding, of which $70,049 was misclassified as local revenue. Auditors identified questioned costs related to the following programs: $52,337 - Area III – Homeless Liaison Project $ 7,582 - System of Support (Title I School Improvement and Accountability) $10,130 - Standards Aligned Classroom The Regional Office was not aware that this flow through revenue should be classified as federal revenue. Auditors recommended that the Regional Office of Education #51 should identify and record revenues as local, State, or federal revenue in accordance with requirements identified by the ISBE Regional Office of Education Accounting Manual. The Regional Office of Education #51 responded that it will require all flow through funding entities to identify the original source of revenues as local, State or federal revenue in accordance with requirements identified by the ISBE Regional Office of Education Accounting Manual and will classify all revenues according to source. AUDITORS’ OPINION Our auditors state the Regional Office of Education #51’s financial statements as of June 30, 2009 are fairly presented in all material respects. _____________________________________ WILLIAM
G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:JB SPECIAL ASSISTANT AUDITORS Our special assistant auditors were Kemper CPA Group LLP. DIGEST
#1: Controls Over
Financial Statement Preparation —Previous Regional Office Response In
its prior response in 2008, the Regional Office of Education #51 responded that it maintains accounting records on
the cash basis of accounting. The
Regional Office of Education noted that while it maintains controls over the
processing of most accounting transactions, there will be more stringent controls
over the preparation of the GAAP based financial statements. Specifically, the Regional Office will
furnish comprehensive accounts receivable and accounts payable listings,
including all grant receivables and deferred revenues. |