January 2022


OAG employees must document all written and oral communications they receive that impart or request material information or make a material argument regarding potential action concerning a procurement matter, including but not limited to an application, a contract, or a project. This requirement does not apply to communications regarding the administration and implementation of an existing contract, except communications regarding change orders or the renewal or extension of a contract.

Name and
Title OAG
Date/time of contact Name and title of
person making
contact and name of company
Name and title
of each
participant to
Method of contact (oral by phone, oral
in person, or in writing). If by phone,
list each person's phone number. If in
person, list location of meeting.
duration of
Provide a detailed summary of the points made by each
person involved in the communication, including any
action requested or recommendation made, and the
substance of your response.
Stacie Sherman, Audit Manager 01/03/2022 12:31 PM Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe LLP No Email: brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
email I sent Brandon the contact amendment for the Phase II contract of the FY21 financial audit of the Office of the Treasurer - Illinois Funds for his signature.
Jeanne Michaud, Audit Manager 01/06/2022 08:58 AM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Email: lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com
emails over the course of 15 minutes I sent proposed changes to Schedule 1 and 2 for the 6/30/19 contract of ROE 13. Leilani accepted the proposed changes and sent a revised Schedule 1.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/03/2022 18:21 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No Email: jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com
Email The firm provided me updated dates of the contract timetable for the Financial Audit and State Compliance Examination of the IGIC in order to determine if a contract amendment would need to be performed in January.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/03/2022 18:30 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No Email: jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com
Email The firm provided me updated dates of the contract timetable for the State Compliance Examination of the Illinois State Fair in order to determine if a contract amendment would need to be performed in January.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/03/2022 18:33 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No Email: jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com
Email The firm provided me updated dates of the contract timetable for the State Compliance Examination of the DuQuoin State Fair in order to determine if a contract amendment would need to be performed in January.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/03/2022 18:39 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No Email: jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com
Email The firm provided me updated dates of the contract timetable for the State Compliance Examination of the Department of Agriculture in order to determine if a contract amendment would need to be performed in January.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/10/2022 08:09 AM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the Amendment 1 documents to the firm for processing and signature for the State Compliance Examination of the Department of Agriculture.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/10/2022 09:12 AM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal The firm sent me the processed and signed Amendment 1 documents for the State Compliance Examination of the Department of Agriculture.
Jane Clark, Director 01/11/2022 08:57 AM Tes Sy, Partner Roth&Co No phone: Jane 217-782-0811, Tes 312-876-xxxx 2 minutes Called to let Tes know the OAG had selected Roth&Co's proposal in response to the OAG competitive RFP process for the Department of Children and Family Services. I will send her an email shortly with the formal letter. The assigned manager (Stacie Sherman) will be reaching out to her in the next few weeks. Thanked her for her continued interest in our program.
Jane Clark, Director 01/11/2022 09:01 AM Mike Lawler, Partner, West & Company No phone: Jane 217-781-0811, Mike 618-664-xxxx 2 minutes Called to let Mike know the OAG had selected West & Company's proposal in response to the OAG competitive RFP process for Illinois State Police. I will send him an email shortly with the formal letter. The assigned manager (Kathy Lovejoy) will be reaching out to her in the next few weeks. Thanked him for his continued interest in our program.
Jane Clark, Director 01/11/2022 09:04 AM Amy Sherwood, Partner Sikich LLP No phone: Jane 217-782-0811, Amy 217-862-xxxx 4 minutes Called to let Amy know the OAG had selected Sikich's proposal in response to the OAG competitive RFP process for the Department of Veterans' Affairs and theAttorney General. I will send her two separate emails shortly with the formal letters. The assigned managers (Dennis Gibbons and Lisa Warden) will be reaching out to her in the next few weeks. Thanked her for her continued interest in our program.
Jane Clark, Director 01/11/2022 09:10 AM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No phone: Jane 217-782-0811, Stella 312-240-xxxx 1 minute Left message with receptionist asking Stella to call me back.
Jane Clark, Director 01/11/2022 09:23 AM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No phone: Jane 217-782-0811, Jennifer 312-240-xxxx 5 minutes Jennifer called me back for Stella who is out today. I let her know the OAG had selected Adelfia's proposal in response to the OAG competitive RFP for Department of Agriculture, Fairs, and IL Grain Insurance Corp. I will send her an email shortly with the formal letter. The assigned manager (Janis Van Durme) will be reaching out to her in the next few weeks. Thanked her for her continued interest in the program.
Stacie Sherman, Audit Manager 01/11/2022 08:06 AM Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe LLP No Email: brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
email Brandon let me know that we needed to updated the Treasurer - Illinois Funds contract amendment dates by adding 10 days to each date.
Stacie Sherman, Audit Manager 01/11/2022 14:35 PM Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe LLP No Email: brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
email I sent Brandon the updated contact amendment for the Phase II contract of the FY21 financial audit of the Office of the Treasurer - Illinois Funds for his signature.
Reddy Bommareddi, Audit Manager 01/12/2022 13:12 PM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com Rbommareddi- at -auditor.illinois.gov email Emailed Leilani about amending Phase II contract of FY21 compliance examination of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority along with amended timetable dates and Leilani agreed to those dates in an another corresponding email sent to me at 4:13 PM.
Jeanne Michaud, Audit Manager 01/10/2022 10:18 AM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Katy MacDonna, Auditor II, OAG Email: lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com
email Leilani uploaded signed contract for the 6/30/19 contract of ROE 13 to the OAG RFP portal.
Jeanne Michaud, Audit Manager 01/12/2022 13:42 PM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Email: lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com
email Jeanne uploaded final signed contract for the 6/30/19 contract of ROE 13 to the OAG RFP portal.
Reddy Bommareddi, Audit Manager 01/13/2022 07:42 AM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com Rbommareddi- at -auditor.illinois.gov email/OAG Portal I have uploaded amended Phase II contract of FY21 compliance examination of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for Leilani's signature.
Reddy Bommareddi, Audit Manager 01/13/2022 13:28 PM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com Rbommareddi- at -auditor.illinois.gov email/OAG Portal I have downloaded amended Phase II contract of FY21 compliance examination of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority signed by Leilani.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/13/2022 08:00 AM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the Amendment 1 documents to the firm for processing and signature for the State Compliance Examination and Financial Audit of the Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/13/2022 18:14 PM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal The firm sent me the processed and signed Amendment 1 documents for the State Compliance Examination and Financial Audit of the Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/14/2022 08:08 AM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the firm the finalized (signed by all parties) Amendment 1 documents for the State Compliance Examination of the Department of Agriculture.
Reddy Bommareddi, Audit Manager 01/14/2022 09:38 AM Leilani Rodrigo, Partner, Roth & Co., LLP No Lrodrigo-at-rothcocpa.com Rbommareddi- at -auditor.illinois.gov email/OAG Portal I have uploaded the final signed amended Phase II contract of FY21 compliance examination of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for Leilani.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/18/2022 10:08 AM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the firm the finalized (signed by all parties) Amendment 1 documents for the State Compliance Examination of the Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation.
Stacie Sherman, Audit Manager 01/18/2022 13:02 PM Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe LLP No Email: brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
email I sent Brandon the updated contact amendment for the Phase II contract of the FY21 financial audit of the Office of the Treasurer - Illinois Funds for his signature.
Stacie Sherman, Audit Manager 01/18/2022 13:45 PM Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe LLP No Email: brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
email Brandon sent the signed FY21 Phase II contract amendment for the Treasurer's Illinois Funds financial audit.
Stacie Sherman, Audit Manager 01/19/2022 11:09 AM Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe LLP No Email: brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
email I sent Brandon the final signed FY21 Phase II contract amendment for the Treasurer's Illinois Funds financial audit.
Lisa Warden, Audit Manager 01/07/2022 09:46 AM Ana Ausan, Partner, Adelfia No Email: arausan - at - adelfiacpas.com lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov email Asked for proposed amended timetable dates for the FY20/21 compliance examination of the General Assembly.
Lisa Warden, Audit Manager 01/07/2022 10:44 AM Ana Ausan, Partner, Adelfia No Email: arausan - at - adelfiacpas.com lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov email Asked partner to hold off on submitting proposed amended timetable dates for the FY20/21 compliance examination of the General Assembly until our management provides guidance on how to proceed on this engagement.
Lisa Warden, Audit Manager 01/19/2022 10:29 AM Ana Ausan, Partner, Adelfia No Email: arausan - at - adelfiacpas.com lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov email Asked for proposed amended timetable dates for the FY20/21 compliance examination of the General Assembly.
Lisa Warden, Audit Manager 01/21/2022 09:26 AM Ana Ausan, Partner, Adelfia No Email: arausan - at - adelfiacpas.com lwarden - at - auditor.illinois.gov email Partner submitted proposed amended timetable dates for the FY20/21 General Assembly examination.
Jeanne Michaud, Audit Manager 01/19/2022 15:55 PM Robert Arnholdt, Partner
Doehring Winders & Co. LLLP
No Matt Clarkson, Manager, Doehring Winders & Co. LLP
Jennifer Baptist, Manager, OAG
Email: rarnholdt-at-dwcocpa.com
email I requested an updated timetable for the FY21 audit of ROE 51 if the draft would not be submitted within the next week.
Jeanne Michaud, Audit Manager 01/20/2022 08:35 AM Robert Arnholdt, Partner
Doehring Winders & Co. LLLP
No Email: rarnholdt-at-dwcocpa.com
email Robert responsed that he would provide a revised timetable for the FY21 audit of ROE 51 next week.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/25/2022 13:30 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No phone: Janis 217-782-8393, Jennifer 312-804-XXXX 2 minutes I called the firm to discussed its previously submitted proposed revisions to the contract timetable for the State Compliance Examination of the DuQuoin State Fair and the Illinois State Fair. The conversation concluded with the firm needing to provide alternatire proposed dates.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/26/2022 21:32 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No Andrw Guerrero, Adelfia Manager
Mavie Valera, Adelfia Partner
Email: jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com
Email The firm provided me updated dates of the contract timetable for the State Compliance Examination of the DuQuoin State Fair and the Illinois State Fair.
Lisa Warden, Audit Manager 01/26/2022 09:48 AM Stella Santos, Partner Ana Ausan, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No phone: Stella & Ana 708-369-xxxx Lisa 217-370-xxxx 24 minutes The partner noted a typographical error in the contract amount for the FY20/21 General Assembly examination. The contract will be amended to reflect the correct amount per the firm's RFP proposal.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/26/2022 15:12 PM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the Amendment 1 documents to the firm for processing and signature for the State Compliance Examination of the Illinois State Fair.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/26/2022 15:12 PM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the Amendment 1 documents to the firm for processing and signature for the State Compliance Examination of the DuQuoin State Fair.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/26/2022 15:48 PM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal The firm sent me the processed and signed Amendment 1 documents for the State Compliance Examinations of the Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs.
Janis Van Durme
HHS Audit Manager
01/28/2022 13:05 PM Stella Santos, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No OAG Portal OAG Portal I sent the firm the finalized (signed by all parties) Amendment 1 documents for the State Compliance Examinations of the Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs.
Jeanne Michaud, Audit Manager 01/27/2022 17:16 PM Matt Clarkson, Manager
Doehring Winders & Co. LLLP
No Robert Arnholdt, Partner, Doehring Winders & Co. LLP
Jennifer Baptist, Manager, OAG
Email: rarnholdt-at-dwcocpa.com
email Matt provided an updated timetable for the FY21 audit of ROE 51.
José G. Roa, Auditor V 01/03/2021 07:35 AM Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC No E-mail: Jennifer jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com José jroa-at-auditor.illinois.gov Firm emailed revised timetable for the Illinois Arts Council and Foundation FY21 Compliance Examination.
José G. Roa, Auditor V 01/07/2021 13:37 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC No E-mail: Jennifer jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com José jroa-at-auditor.illinois.gov Emailed amendment contract for the Illinois Arts Council and Foundation FY21 Compliance Examination.
José G. Roa, Auditor V 01/07/2021 14:39 PM Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC No E-mail: Jennifer jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com José jroa-at-auditor.illinois.gov Received signed amendment contract for the Illinois Arts Council and Foundation FY21 Compliance Examination.
Lisa Warden, Audit Manager 01/26/2022 00:00 AM Stella Santos, Partner Jennifer Roan, Partner Mavie Valera, Partner
Adelfia LLC
No Video conference on-line 90 minutes Discussed planned scope of the FY21/22 financial audit and compliance examination of the Department of Corrections and whether more audit effort will be required than anticipated by the prior audit RFP 20-3.