EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended: June 30, 2005 Summary of Findings: Total this report 2 Total last report 1 Repeated from last report 0 Release Date:
June 13, 2006
State of Illinois Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the
Report contact: Office of the Auditor
General Iles Park Plaza 740 E. Ash Street Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 782-6046 or TTY (888) 261-2887 This Report Digest is also
available on the worldwide web at
SYNOPSIS ¨ The pharmacy hub at the Center did not maintain adequate pharmacy commodity inventory records. ¨ The Center did not approve vouchers for payment in a timely manner. {Expenditures and Activity Measures are summarized on the reverse page.} |
FY 2005 |
FY 2004 |
FY 2003 |
Expenditures (All Appropriated Funds)................................................. |
$16,404,075 |
$15,638,368 |
$17,024,821 |
TOTAL........................ |
$16,392,675 |
$15,626,768 |
$17,013,021 |
% of Total
Expenditures.................... |
99.9% |
99.9% |
99.9% |
Personal Services.............................. |
$11,387,575 |
$11,080,811 |
$12,059,875 |
% of Operations Expenditures....... |
69.5% |
70.9% |
70.9% |
Average No. of Employees........... |
216 |
221 |
236 |
Average Salary Per Employee....... |
$52,720 |
$50,139 |
$51,101 |
Other Payroll Costs (FICA, Retirement)..................................... |
$2,595,973 |
$2,212,002 |
$2,619,941 |
% of Operations Expenditures....... |
15.8% |
14.2% |
15.4% |
Contractual Services.......................... .. |
$1,701,106 |
$1,647,312 |
$1,730,063 |
% of Operations Expenditures....... |
10.4% |
10.5% |
10.2% |
All Other Items.................................. |
$708,021 |
$686,643 |
$603,142 |
% of Operations Expenditures....... |
4.3% |
4.4% |
3.5% |
GRANTS TOTAL................................. |
$11,400 |
$11,600 |
$11,800 |
of Total Expenditures.................... |
0.1% |
0.1% |
0.1% |
· Cost of Property and Equipment....... |
$22,158,443 |
$22,094,685 |
$21,961,473 |
· Cost of Inventories............................. |
$390,884 |
$173,755 |
$174,860 |
MEASURES (Not examined) |
FY 2005 |
FY 2004 |
FY 2003 |
· Average Number of Residents............... |
112 |
102 |
104 |
· Ratio of Employees to Residents............ |
1.93/1 |
2.17/1 |
2.27/1 |
· Cost Per Year Per Resident.................. |
* |
$194,611 |
$195,140 |
*The information needed to perform this calculation was not available.
During Period: Karen Thurman (7/1/03 – 7/31/03), Karen Schweighart (8/1/03 – 1/15/04), Scott Viniard (1/16/04 – 6/30/05) |
Currently: Scott Viniard |
Thirteen of 25
(52%) pharmacy items had large discrepancies when the auditors recounted
these items Eleven of 62 (18%) vouchers tested were not approved timely
INTRODUCTION The Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) – Andrew McFarland Mental Health Center (Center) is located at 901 Southwind Road, Springfield, Illinois. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS ANDRECOMMENDATIONS INADEQUATE CONTROLS OVER PHARMACY
INVENTORY RECORDS The pharmacy hub at the Center did not maintain adequate pharmacy commodity inventory records. Responsibility for the pharmacy hub was transferred to the DHS – Central Office during FY05. During our test counts of the pharmacy inventory, we noted that the Pharmacy did not follow up on the discrepancies noted between the end of year counts and Pharmacy records. Pharmacy staff stated that Central Office staff conducted pharmacy counts on June 10, 2005 and made adjustments without consulting with either pharmacy staff or management of the Center prior to making adjustments. The June 30, 2005 adjusted balance per Central Office for the pharmacy inventory totaled $344,276. Thirteen of 25 (52%) items that required large adjustments as a result of the June 10, 2005 inventory count continued to have large discrepancies when the auditors recounted these items on September 19, 2005 (Finding 1, pages 10-11). We recommended all proposed adjustments be followed up with the necessary pharmacy personnel to verify accuracy prior to adjustments being posted.
Center officials agreed with the finding and stated that the Bureau of Pharmacy and Clinical Services (Bureau) staff will conduct another physical inventory. Bureau personnel will tabulate the counts, compare them to central office records (commodity control system), make the necessary adjustments and enter them into the commodity control system. After the adjustments have been posted, a pharmacist will review the adjustments for accuracy. VOUCHER PROCESSING WEAKNESS The Center did not approve vouchers for payment in a timely manner. During testing we noted the following: Eleven of 62 (18%) vouchers tested, totaling $81,354, were approved
between 5 and 153 days late. (Finding 2,
page 12) We recommended that the Center
comply with the Illinois Administrative Code procedures and implement
controls to ensure vouchers are approved within the required time frame. Center officials agreed with the finding and stated that additional staff was added to the Business Office in March 2005 to ensure that vouchers are processed in a timely manner. Management will review the Illinois Administrative Code requirements with all appropriate staff. Responses to the recommendations were provided by Carol L. Adams, Secretary of the Department of Human Services in a letter dated January 19, 2006.
We conducted a limited scope compliance examination of the Center as required by the Illinois State Auditing Act. Financial statements for the entire Department of Human Services will be presented in the Department’s audit report. ______________________________________ WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:CML:pp AUDITORS ASSIGNED
The compliance examination was conducted
by the Auditor General’s staff. |