REPORT DIGEST ILLINOIS GAMING BOARD FINANCIAL AUDIT - STATE GAMING FUND For the Year Ended: June 30, 2012 COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended: June 30, 2012 Release Date: April 25, 2013 Summary of Findings: Total this audit: 12 Total last audit: 8 Repeated from last audit: 1 State of Illinois, Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the Report contact: Office of the Auditor General, Iles Park Plaza, 740 E. Ash Street, Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 782-6046 or TTY (888) 261-2887 This Report Digest and Full Report are also available on the worldwide web at SYNOPSIS • The Board failed to exercise adequate internal control over financial reporting, resulting in errors within the State Gaming Fund’s year-end reporting package and draft financial statements. • The Board was unable to comply with the requirements of the Riverboat Gambling Act, resulting in $66.9 million in excess funds being retained in the State Gaming Fund’s cash balance at June 30, 2012. • The Board did not exercise adequate control over the calculation of its transfers to the Education Assistance Fund from the State Gaming Fund. • The Board had not developed an effective change management process to control modifications to computer applications. • The Board failed to maintain sufficient controls over the reconciliation and reporting of its property. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS INADEQUATE CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING The Board did not exercise adequate internal control over financial reporting, resulting in inaccuracies and errors within the State Gaming Fund’s (Fund) year-end Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) reporting package submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller and the Fund’s draft financial statements. We noted: • The Board recorded adjusting journal entries which incorrectly categorized $5.721 million as both taxes receivable and other receivables on its June 30, 2012, GAAP reporting forms. Further, the original taxes receivable adjusting journal entry included $906 thousand for which the Board had already received the cash as of June 30, 2012. The entry included a $45 thousand mathematical error when the Board added the receivable amounts. • The Board did not record $30 thousand in video gaming licensing fees that were received on June 29, 2012 as cash in-transit as of June 30, 2012. These combined errors resulted in an overstatement of the amount due to the Education Assistance Fund, totaling $5.736 million, on the initial draft of the Fund’s financial statements. Auditors also noted errors and omissions from the Fund’s draft financial statement disclosure notes: • The Board’s “Description of the Fund” and “Interfund Balance” footnotes did not reflect the Board’s current operating environment and responsibilities under the Video Gaming Act. • The Board’s growing and current liability to the Horse Racing Equity Fund and Chicago State University were inaccurately included as a “Commitment” disclosure footnote. • The Board did not include a subsequent event footnote regarding video gaming terminals going “live” in October 2012. We recommended the Board work with Shared Services to implement procedures and cross-training measures to ensure the Fund’s GAAP Package and financial statements are accurate and fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. (Finding 1, pages 14-16) Board officials agreed with the recommendation and indicated they will work toward implementing policies and procedures to ensure the Fund’s GAAP Package and financial statements are accurate and fairly presented. NONCOMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS The Board was unable to comply with the requirements of the Riverboat Gambling Act, resulting in $66.9 million in excess funds being retained in the State Gaming Fund’s cash balance at June 30, 2012. On July 15, 2011, the tenth riverboat casino license became operational in Des Plaines, Illinois. When this occurred, a statutory change required the Board to pay 15% and 2% of the tenth riverboat casino’s adjusted gross receipts to the Illinois Racing Board for deposit into the Horse Racing Equity Fund and to Chicago State University, respectively. As of June 30, 2012, the State Gaming Fund had outstanding liabilities due to the Horse Racing Equity Fund and Chicago State University, totaling $59.032 million and $7.871 million, respectively. We recommended the Board work with the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget (GOMB) and the Illinois General Assembly to seek legislative remedy to address the growing cash balance within the State Gaming Fund. (Finding 2, Page 17) Board officials agreed with the recommendation and indicated they will continue to work with GOMB and the Illinois General Assembly to seek legislative remedy to address the growing cash balance within the State Gaming Fund. NEED TO IMPROVE CONTROLS OVER FUND TRANSFERS The Board did not exercise adequate internal control over the calculation of its transfers to the Education Assistance Fund (EAF) from the State Gaming Fund (SGF). During testing of the Board’s bi-monthly transfers, we noted: • The Board did not include all outstanding obligations due to Cook County as of the date the transfer was calculated. • The Board did not include all outstanding obligations for admission and wagering taxes due to local governments as of the date the transfer was calculated. We were unable to recalculate the total obligation amount used by the Board in its calculation for these transfers. • The Board did not include all receipts received by the Board and deposited in the SGF as of the date the transfer was calculated. We were unable to recalculate the total receipt amount used by the Board in its calculation for these transfers. • The Board did not include all outstanding obligations due to the Horse Racing Equity Fund and the Chicago State University as of the date the transfer was calculated. • The Board did not ensure all previous SGF transfer obligations to the EAF were included as of the date the transfer was calculated. • The Board did not accurately account for cash disbursements paid by the Board as of the date the transfer was calculated. • The Board did not maintain supporting documentation for cash disbursements paid by the Department of Human Services pursuant to an appropriation from the SGF for programs related to the treatment of problem gambling. We recommended the Board implement internal controls to timely prepare and accurately calculate transfers of excess cash resources from the SGF to the EAF. (Finding 3, pages 18-19) Board officials agreed with the recommendation and stated procedures are in the process of being revised to strengthen controls regarding the fund transfers. LACK OF FORMALIZED CHANGE MANAGEMENT STANDARD The Board had not developed an effective change management process to control modifications to computer applications to ensure changes are properly approved, tested and documented. The Board maintains sixteen applications in order to meet their mission of administering and regulating riverboat casino gambling and video gaming in Illinois. Auditors noted, in the event a change was required, an email would be sent to the applicable programmer requesting the change be made. The programmer would complete the change; however, documentation was not always maintained. We recommended the Board implement a structured change management standard to ensure adequate oversight of modifications to existing systems. (Finding 4, pages 20-21) Board officials agreed with the recommendation and stated a structured change management standard was implemented, effective January 1, 2013. INADEQUATE RECONCILIATION AND REPORTING OF PROPERTY The Board did not maintain sufficient controls over the reconciliation and reporting of its property. Some of the conditions we noted are as follows: • The Board did not adequately reconcile its property control records to the Agency Report of State Property (C-15) filed with the Office of the Comptroller. • The Board could not provide support for numbers presented on the C-15. • The Board’s property listing contained inadequate and inaccurate information. • The Board did not properly record pieces of equipment on its property listing. • The Board did not timely record equipment on its property listing. • The Board improperly included a commodity item as part of an asset’s value. • The Board did not record equipment items on the C-15 during the same quarter the items were actually added, transferred, or deleted. • The Board improperly reported transfers-out as deletions. • The Board reported a transfer-out of the same asset on two successive C-15s. We recommended the Board establish controls over property reporting and implement procedures. (Finding 5, pages 22-26) Board officials agreed with the recommendation and stated property control procedures have been implemented. OTHER FINDINGS The remaining findings pertain to: (1) noncompliance with timekeeping requirements, (2) performance evaluations, (3) inaccurate Agency Workforce Reports, (4) certifying insurance automotive coverage, (5) Board membership, (6) Identity Protection Act, and (7) weaknesses over security and control of confidential information. We will review the Board’s progress towards the implementation of our recommendations in our next engagement. AUDITORS’ OPINION Our auditors stated the State Gaming Fund Financial Statements of the Illinois Gaming Board as of and for the year ended June 30, 2012 are fairly stated in all material respects. WILLIAM G. HOLLAND Auditor General WGH:JV:rt AUDITORS ASSIGNED The financial audit and attestation engagement was performed by the Office of the Auditor General’s staff.