STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION Summary of Findings: Total this audit 3 Release Date: State of Illinois Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the Report contact: (217)782-6046 or TDD (217) 524-4646 This Report Digest is also available on |
{Expenses and Activity Measures are summarized on the reverse page.} |
For the Year Ended June 30, 2002
For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2002
FY 2001* |
REVENUES Gifts, grants, and awards Investment income (loss) Other revenue Total Revenue EXPENSES Awards, scholarships, and grants Athletic support Academic departmental support Other expenses Total Expenses ADDITIONS TO PERMANENT ENDOWMENTS * FY 2001 amounts have not been restated to reflect the implementation of GASB statements #34, 35, 37, and 38. |
$1,698,077 $1,516,560 |
$800,870 N/A |
AT JUNE 30, 2001* |
Cash and
Investments Fund Balances Net Assets * FY 2001 amounts have not been restated to reflect the implementation of GASB statements #34, 35, 37, and 38. |
$40,020,627 N/A $48,640,214 |
$42,613,528 $43,624,932 N/A |
During Audit
Period: Dr. Susan T. Kern Currently: Dr. Susan T. Kern |
One employee had access to blank checks and signature stamp, and also reconciled the bank statements
The Foundation did not notify the University Comptroller of computer software and equipment donations estimated at $3.4 million
Individuals selling raffle tickets were not required to turn in any unsold tickets
INTRODUCTION Our report covers the financial audit of the Illinois State University Foundation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002 and a compliance audit for the two years ended June 30, 2002. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS INTERNAL CONTROL OVER DISBURSEMENTS An internal control deficiency existed over the disbursement function at the Foundation. One employee had access to the blank checks and signature stamp, and also reconciled the bank statements. Proper internal controls would separate the recording, authorizing, and custody of assets. (Finding 1, page 9) We recommended the Foundation maintain a system of good internal controls by separating the record keeping, authorization, and treasury functions of assets. We also recommended the Foundation establish written procedures that address adequate segregation of duties over the disbursement function. Foundation management stated that in June, 2002 its accountant began receiving the unopened bank statement and reviewing the cancelled checks for propriety before the bank reconciliation is performed. Further, they have established written procedures that address the segregation of duties over the disbursement function. FAILURE TO NOTIFY PROPER UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL OF DONATED SOFTWARE AND EQUIPMENT The Foundation did not notify the University Comptrollers Office of computer software and equipment donations having an estimated value of $3.4 million. By not communicating the donations to the University Comptroller's Office or University Property Control, the software and equipment was not recorded in the Universitys general ledger or fixed assets records. The Foundation did not have procedures in place outlining the documentation and communications required related to donated assets. (Finding 2, page 10) We recommended the Foundation establish and implement procedures for documenting the receipt of donated items and communicating donations to the University Comptrollers Office and University Property Control. The Foundation agreed with our recommendation and stated they have established written procedures for documenting the receipt of donated items and communicating donations to the University Comptrollers Office and University Property Control. LACK OF CONTROLS OVER PRE-NUMBERED RAFFLE TICKETS The Foundation and University Athletic Department did not properly control pre-numbered raffle tickets in conjunction with the Trip Raffles held in 2002 and 2001. Additionally, individuals selling the tickets were not required to turn in any unsold tickets. The events brought in $54,813 and $50,372 of revenue in fiscal years 2002 and 2001, respectively. Failure to adequately control raffle tickets and receipts does not promote accountability. (Finding 3, page 11) This finding was first reported in 1998. We recommended the Foundation work with the Athletic Department staff to develop and implement procedures to track pre-numbered raffle tickets. Foundation management stated they would work with Athletic Department personnel to formalize written procedures for handling raffle ticket sales. The procedures are to include an accounting of all pre-numbered tickets and funds collected. (For previous Foundation responses, see Digest footnote #1.) Ms. Ronda Queen, financial coordinator, provided foundation responses. AUDITORS' OPINION Our auditors state the financial statements of Illinois State University Foundation as of June 30, 2002, and for the year then ended, are fairly presented in all material respects.
_____________________________________ WILLIAM G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:CML:pp SPECIAL ASSISTANT AUDITORS Our special assistant auditors for this engagement were Clifton Gunderson LLP.
DIGEST FOOTNOTES #1 LACK OF CONTROLS OVER PRE-NUMBERED RAFFLE TICKETS Previous Foundation Responses 2000: Recommendation accepted. The Foundation will work in conjunction with Athletics to include instructions in the transmittal letter to return any unsold tickets. Additionally, checks for the purchase of raffle ticket will be made payable to ISU Athletics, with the tickets indicating such. 1998: Recommendation accepted. The Foundation and Athletic Department personnel will work to develop a procedure that will provide better tracking of the pre-numbered tickets. |