FINANCIAL AUDIT (In accordance with the Single Audit Act and
OMB Circular A-133)
For the Year Ended: June 30, 2010
Summary of Findings:
Total this audit: 4
Total last audit: 4
Repeated from last audit: 2
Release Date: May 19, 2011
State of Illinois, Office of the Auditor General
To obtain a copy of the Report contact:
Office of the Auditor General, Iles Park Plaza, 740 E. Ash Street, Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 782-6046 or TTY (888) 261-2887
This Report Digest and Full Report are also available on the worldwide web at
• The Regional Office of Education #2 did not have
sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting process.
• The Regional Office of Education #2 had cash account
balances with one bank which exceeded the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) coverage and pledged collateral by $373,035.
• The Regional Office of Education #2 did not properly
handle interest earned on federal funds.
• The Regional Office of Education #2 did not properly report grant funds that were obligated but not expended on initial grant yearend expenditure reports.
The Regional Office of Education #2 is required to maintain
a system of controls over the preparation of financial statements in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Regional Office internal controls over GAAP
financial reporting should include adequately trained personnel with the
knowledge and expertise to prepare and/or thoroughly review GAAP based
financial statements to ensure that they are free of material misstatements and
include all disclosures as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards
Board (GASB).
The Regional Office of Education #2 did not have sufficient
internal controls over the financial reporting process. The Regional Office maintains their
accounting records on the cash basis of accounting. While the Regional Office maintains controls
over the processing of most accounting transactions, there were not sufficient
controls over the preparation of the GAAP based financial statements for
management or employees in the normal course of performing their assigned
functions to prevent or detect financial statement misstatements and disclosure
omissions in a timely manner.
Auditors, in their review of accounting records, noted that
the Regional Office did not have adequate controls over the maintenance of
complete records of accounts receivable, accounts payable, or deferred
revenue. While the Regional Office did
maintain records to indicate the balances of accounts payable, accounts
receivable, and deferred revenue, the Regional Office’s financial information
required several adjusting entries to present the financial statements in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Auditors also noted that the Regional Office had not
recorded several prior period audit adjustments within its basic financial
According to Regional Office officials, they did not have
adequate funding to hire a certified public accountant or other financial
professionals for their full-time staff.
The omission of several prior period adjustments was due to oversight by
Regional Office personnel. (Finding 10-01, pages 12a-12b) This finding was
first reported in 2007.
The auditors recommended that, as part of its internal
control over the preparation of its financial statements, including
disclosures, the Regional Office of Education #2 should implement a
comprehensive preparation and/or review procedure to ensure that the financial
statements, including disclosures, are complete and accurate. Such procedures should be performed by a
properly trained individual(s) possessing a thorough understanding of
applicable generally accepted accounting principles, GASB pronouncements, and
knowledge of the Regional Office of Education’s activities and operations.
The Regional Office of Education #2 responded that in an
attempt to correct this finding, they sent the ROE Controller to various
trainings to better understand accrual accounting and reporting under generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
In addition, the Regional Office noted that it had contracted with a
Certified Public Accountant to assist the Regional Office with its yearend
closing entries and who is willing to review and accept the responsibility for
the financial statements. (For previous
Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #1.)
The Regional Office of Education #2 had cash account
balances with one bank which exceeded the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) coverage and pledged collateral by $373,035. The Public Funds Deposit Act (30 ILCS 225/1)
gives the authorization for deposits in excess of the federally insured limit
to be covered by pledged collateral held by the financial institution’s trust
department in the Regional Office of Education #2’s name. In addition, prudent business practice requires
that all cash and investments held by financial institutions for the ROE be
adequately covered by depository insurance or collateral.
As of June 30, 2010, cash account balances with one bank
exceeded FDIC coverage and pledged collateral by $373,035. Failure to secure full collateral on cash and
investment balances may result in monetary losses to the Regional Office.
According to the Regional Office’s management, the required
additional collateral for the deposits was deficient due to the ROE’s insufficient
monitoring of account balances requiring collateral. (Finding 10-02, page 12c)
Auditors recommended that the Regional Office of Education
#2 should monitor collateral held for its bank accounts. The Regional Office should also establish
controls for confirming amounts pledged by the bank on a regular basis,
especially when cash balances exceed the FDIC level.
The Regional Office of Education #2 agreed with the
finding. The ROE noted that management
will meet with bank personnel to review their agreement about additional
collateral for the Regional Office and will request a regular statement showing
the amounts that have been pledged. The
Regional Office’s staff will also more closely monitor collateral pledged on
bank account balances.
The Regional Office of Education #2 did not properly handle
interest earned on federal funds. The
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to
State and Local Governments (34 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 80.21)
requires that interest earned on federal fund balances in excess of $100 be
remitted back to the federal granting agency promptly or at least
The Regional Office had interest income of $514 earned from
federal funding in excess of $100 related to the 2009 System of Support – Title
I – School Improvement and Accountability program, dated September 1, 2008
through August 31, 2009, which was due back to the grantor agency. Auditors questioned costs of $514. (Finding 10-03, page 12d)
Auditors recommended that the Regional Office should track
interest earnings on federal funds so that any excess funds can be returned
promptly. In addition, at the end of the
grant period, any unobligated or unspent interest on all grants plus any
federal interest in excess of $100 should be returned to the grantor.
The Regional Superintendent responded that she agrees with
the finding.
The Regional Office of Education #2 did not properly report
grant funds that were obligated but not expended on initial grant yearend
expenditure reports. When grants have
expenditures that are obligated, but not yet expended at the end of a grant
period, the Illinois State Board of Education requires these amounts to be
reported as obligations on initial grant yearend expenditure reports.
The Regional Office was not in compliance with the Illinois
State Board of Education grant expenditure report filing requirements. In addition, final June 30, 2010 expenditure
reports could not be filed until revisions were made to the initial reports
filed. (Finding 10-04, page 12e)
Auditors recommended that the Regional Office should
implement procedures to ensure that expenditure reports are filed correctly
with the Illinois State Board of Education.
The Regional Superintendent responded that she agrees with
the finding. The Regional Office did
become aware of the problem upon the filing of their final expenditure reports
for the grants. The ROE noted that at
that time, revisions were made to the initial grant yearend reports to report
obligations so that the final grant reports could be filed with an increase in
Our auditors state the Regional Office of Education #2’s
financial statements as of June 30, 2010 are fairly presented in all material
Auditor General
Kemper CPA Group, LLP were our special assistant auditors.
#1: Controls Over Financial Statement Preparation - Previous
Regional Office Response
In its prior response in 2009, the Regional Office of
Education #2 responded that in an attempt to correct this finding, they sent
the ROE Controller to various trainings to better understand accrual accounting
and reporting under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In addition, the Regional Office noted that
it had contracted with a certified public accountant to assist the Regional
Office with its yearend closing entries and who is willing to accept the
responsibility for the financial statements.