FINANCIAL AUDIT (In accordance with the Single Audit Act and
OMB Circular A-133)
For the Year Ended: June 30, 2011
Release Date: February 21, 2012
Summary of Findings:
Total this audit: 2
Total last audit: 1
Repeated from last audit: 1
State of Illinois, Office of the Auditor General
To obtain a copy of the Report contact:
Office of the Auditor General, Iles Park Plaza, 740 E. Ash Street, Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 782-6046 or TTY (888) 261-2887
This Report Digest and Full Report are also available on the worldwide web at
• The Regional Office of Education #3 did not have
sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting process.
• The Regional Office of Education #3 had unallowable costs
charged to a federal program.
The Regional Office of Education #3 is required to maintain
a system of controls over the preparation of financial statements in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Regional Office internal controls over GAAP financial reporting should include adequately trained
personnel with the knowledge and expertise to prepare and/or thoroughly review GAAP based financial statements to ensure that they are
free of material misstatements and include all disclosures as required by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
The Regional Office of Education #3 did not have sufficient
internal controls over the financial reporting process. The Regional Office maintains their
accounting records on the cash basis of accounting. While the Regional Office maintains controls
over the processing of most accounting transactions, there are not sufficient
controls over the preparation/review of the GAAP
based financial statements for management or employees in the normal course of
performing their assigned functions to prevent or detect financial statement
misstatements and disclosure omissions in a timely manner. In their review of the Regional Office’s
accounting records, auditors noted that:
• The Regional Office did not have adequate controls over the maintenance of complete records of cash, accounts receivable, capital assets, accrued expenses, or deferred revenue.
• Numerous adjustments were required to present financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
According to Regional Office officials, they did not have
adequate funding to hire and/or train their accounting personnel in order to
comply with these requirements. Additionally, adequate training from the
accounting software company is not available.
(Finding 11-1, pages 13-14) This finding was first reported in 2007.
The auditors recommended that, as part of its internal
control over the preparation of its financial statements, including
disclosures, the Regional Office of Education #3 should implement a
comprehensive preparation and/or review procedure to ensure that the financial
statements, including disclosures, are complete and accurate. Such review procedures should be performed by
a properly trained individual(s) possessing a thorough understanding of
applicable generally accepted accounting principles, GASB
pronouncements, and knowledge of the Regional Office of Education’s activities
and operations.
The Regional Superintendent responded that she understands
this finding and will pursue training for the local bookkeeping personnel in
order to comply with GAAP. (For previous Regional Office response, see
Digest Footnote #1.)
Regulations set forth by OMB Circular A-87 require costs
allowable under federal awards to meet the following general criteria: 1. The costs must be necessary and reasonable for proper and
efficient performance of federal awards. 2. The costs must be adequately
documented. The Regional Office of
Education #3 was not in compliance with the requirements of the Title I-Reading
First Part B SEA federal program.
In their review, auditors noted that for the Title I-Reading
First Part B SEA program, 2 disbursements out of 13 did not have adequate
documentation. These disbursements were
to purchase $50 and $150 gift cards from two vendors. Regional Office officials stated the cards
were given to workshop participants to purchase educational materials at a
later date. However, there was no follow
up documentation maintained to support what was purchased with the gift cards,
whether those purchases were for allowable costs, or when the ultimate purchase
was made.
According to Regional Office officials, personnel believed
that having documentation for the purchase of the gift cards was
sufficient. Therefore, they did not
follow the transaction documentation through to the products actually purchased
with grant funds.
The auditors recommended that the Regional Office of
Education #3 should obtain documentation for all grant expenditures, including
items purchased with gift cards. The
gift card purchases should follow OMB Circular A-87 criteria for allowable
costs and should follow grant guidelines for period of availability. If the Regional Office determines it too
cumbersome to obtain documentation for the gift card purchases, they should
consider purchasing educational materials to distribute to the teachers at the
workshops in lieu of distributing gift cards.
The Regional Superintendent responded that she agrees with
this finding and will immediately remedy this situation by terminating the
purchase of gift cards for teachers’ use in purchasing their own materials.
Our auditors state the Regional Office of Education #3’s
financial statements as of June 30, 2011 are fairly presented in all material
Auditor General
West & Company, LLC, were our special assistant auditors.
#1: Controls Over Financial Statement Preparation —Previous
Regional Office Response
In the prior response in 2010, the Regional Superintendent
responded that he does not have funds available to hire a certified public
accountant to prepare or review financial statements. The Regional Superintendent noted that he
will continue to seek training for the current bookkeeping staff to improve
their understanding of accepted accounting principles and GASB