REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #9 CHAMPAIGN AND FORD COUNTIES FINANCIAL AUDIT (In Accordance with the For the Year Ended: June 30, 2004 Summary of Findings: Total this audit 2 Total last audit 4 Repeated from last audit 1 Release Date: March 16, 2005
State of Illinois Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL
To obtain a copy of the
Report contact: Office of the Auditor
General Iles Park Plaza 740 E. Ash Street Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 782-6046 or TTY (888) 261-2887 This Report Digest is also
available on the worldwide web at |
The Regional Office of Education #9’s expenditure
reports to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) reported estimated
expenditures as obligated funds even though the related services or goods had
not been received, ordered, or otherwise obligated as defined in ISBE’s State and Federal Grant Administration
Policy and Fiscal Requirements and Procedures. · The Regional Office of Education #9 had excessive working capital within its internal service fund at June 30, 2004.
{Expenditures and Revenues are
summarized on the reverse page.} |
FY 2004 |
FY 2003 |
$5,384,106 |
$6,144,250 |
Local Sources |
$1,698,547 |
$1,596,717 |
% of Total Revenues |
31.55% |
25.99% |
State Sources |
$1,323,364 |
$3,001,112 |
% of Total Revenues |
24.58% |
48.84% |
Federal Sources |
$2,362,195 |
$1,546,421 |
% of Total Revenues |
43.87% |
25.17% |
$5,408,758 |
$6,097,295 |
Salaries and Benefits |
$3,338,601 |
$3,799,206 |
% of Total Expenditures |
61.73% |
62.31% |
Purchased Services |
$1,226,749 |
$1,534,137 |
% of Total Expenditures |
22.68% |
25.16% |
All Other Expenditures |
$843,408 |
$763,952 |
% of Total Expenditures |
15.59% |
12.53% |
$875,684 |
$884,971 |
$181,882 |
$167,233 |
In fiscal year 2004,
Regional Offices of Education implemented Government Accounting Standards
Board (GASB) Statement No. 34 which established a new financial reporting
model for state and local governments.
Government-wide financial statements are prepared using full accrual
accounting that reports Total Net Assets.
The fiscal year 2003 ending general fixed assets have been restated to
reflect the changes required as part of the implementation of GASB Statement
No. 34. Percentages may not add due to
rounding. |
During Audit Period: Honorable Judith Pacey Currently: Honorable Judith Pacey |
The Regional Office of Education #9’s expenditure reports to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) reported estimated expenditures as obligated funds even though the related services or goods had not been received, ordered, or otherwise obligated.
The Regional Office of Education #9 had excessive working capital within its internal service fund at June 30, 2004. |
FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS STATE EXPENDITURE REPORTS AND CASH MANAGEMENT The Regional Office of Education #9’s expenditure reports to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) reported estimated expenditures as obligated funds even though the related services or goods had not been received, ordered, or otherwise obligated as defined in ISBE’s State and Federal Grant Administration Policy and Fiscal Requirements and Procedures. The Regional Office indicated this method of expenditure reporting prevented cash shortfalls due to slow reimbursements from the State. Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles require that expenditures be reported when either the funds have
been obligated or the disbursement has been made. The Illinois State Board of Education’s State and Federal
Grant Administration Policy and Fiscal Requirements and Procedures
provides guidance on what constitutes a valid obligation. (Finding 04-1, page
12a) This finding was first reported in our Fiscal Year 2002 audit. The Regional Office of Education #9 disagreed with the recommendation to report only liabilities actually incurred but not paid as obligated funds on Illinois State Board of Education expenditure reports. The Regional Office stated it will continue to use the estimated method until funding from the State is prompt for all programs. (For previous Regional Office response, see Digest Footnote #1.) WORKING CASH IN INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Cash on hand in the administrative internal service fund at June 30, 2004, totaled $63,767 representing approximately 190 days of average expenses. In comparison, at June 30, 2003, the internal service fund’s working cash totaled $13,670 representing 37 days of average expenses. The Regional Office anticipated a substantial reduction in grant funding for the year. Consequently, the Regional Office reduced planned expenses from the internal service fund and increased the rate each program paid into the fund by one-half of one percent of revenues. When the shortfall in grant funding was not realized, a significant increase in working cash resulted. During the year-ended June 30, 2004, programs paid approximately $50,097 more than actual, allowable administrative expenses. Expenditure reports for two programs that will not continue in 2004-2005 were overstated by 30%. (Finding 04-2, page 12b) The Regional Office of Education #9 accepted the recommendation to amend the expenditure reports for the two programs that paid expenses during 2003-2004 that will not continue in 2004-2005. Those programs’ expenditure reports will be amended to reflect the approximately 30% reduction in administrative expenses and any excess paid to the administrative internal service fund will be refunded to ISBE. The administrative expenses charged to the other continuing programs for 2004-2005 will be reduced by the estimated overcharge for 2003-2004. AUDITORS’ OPINION Our
auditors state the Regional Office of Education #9’s financial statements as
of June 30, 2004 are fairly presented in all material respects. _____________________________________ WILLIAM
G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:KJM:ro
special assistant auditors were Kemper CPA Group, LLP. DIGEST FOOTNOTES
EXPENDITURE REPORTS AND CASH MANAGEMENT – Previous Regional Office Response In its prior response in 2003, the
Regional Office disagreed with the finding.
The Regional Office stated they completed expenditure reports using
the stated formula at the suggestion of the Illinois State Board of Education
and would continue to use the formula until funding from the State was prompt
for all programs. Complete Regional Office responses to prior findings are available
upon request from the Auditor General’s Office. |