REPORT DIGEST REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 CALHOUN/GREENE/ JERSEY/MACOUPIN COUNTIES FINANCIAL AUDIT (In Accordance with the For the Year Ended: June 30, 2007 Summary of Findings: Total this audit 4 Total last audit 2 Repeated from last audit 0 Release Date: June 26, 2008
State of
Office of the Auditor General WILLIAM G. HOLLAND AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the
Report contact: Office of the Auditor
(217) 782-6046 or TTY (888)
261-2887 This Report Digest and Full
Report is also available on the worldwide web at |
SYNOPSIS · The Regional Superintendent did not review and approve all general journal entries. · The Regional Office of Education #40 does not have sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting process. {Expenditures and Revenues are summarized on the reverse page.} |
Accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133)
FY 2007 |
FY 2006 |
$1,749,823 |
$1,667,653 |
Local Sources |
$427,782 |
$378,564 |
% of Total Revenues |
24.45% |
22.70% |
State Sources |
$980,534 |
$940,571 |
% of Total Revenues |
56.04% |
56.40% |
Federal Sources |
$341,507 |
$348,518 |
% of Total Revenues |
19.52% |
20.90% |
$1,731,217 |
$1,661,390 |
Salaries and Benefits |
$1,066,198 |
$1,097,150 |
% of Total Expenditures |
61.59% |
66.04% |
Purchased Services |
$471,131 |
$399,549 |
% of Total Expenditures |
27.21% |
24.05% |
All Other Expenditures |
$193,888 |
$164,691 |
% of Total Expenditures |
11.20% |
9.91% |
$329,439 |
$310,833 |
$98,545 |
$36,560 |
Percentages may not add due to
rounding. |
During Audit Period: Honorable Larry D. Pfeiffer Currently: Honorable Larry D. Pfeiffer |
The Regional Office of Education #40 classified capital outlays of $286 and $498 as purchased services and supplies, respectively.
A $406 deposit intended for a school district remained
in a Regional Office bank account for over eight months.
The Regional
Superintendent did not review and approve all of the general journal entries.
The Regional Office of Education #40 does
not have sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting process. |
FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSMISCODING OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS The Regional Office of Education #40 classified capital outlays of $286 and $498
as purchased services and supplies, respectively. In the first instance, the cost of a
printer was not properly recorded as a capital outlay. This resulted in the general ledger showing
$286 as purchased services rather than as capital outlays. In the second instance, a $498 expenditure for
a laptop was recorded as supplies rather than as a capital outlay. The
cost of the printer and laptop computer, which exceeded $500, was split
between two funds. Regional Office
personnel thought that payments under $500 should not be recorded as capital
outlay. Although the cost in each fund
was under $500, the amount should still be recorded as capital outlay since
the equipment purchased cost over $500.
(Finding 07-01, pages 14-15) Auditors recommended that Regional
Office of Education personnel responsible for coding expenditures should be
made aware that any payments on equipment meeting the capitalization
threshold of $500 should be recorded to capital outlay even if the cost is
split between two separate funds. The
Regional Office personnel should also contact the Illinois State Board of
Education to correct the final expenditure reports. The Regional Office of Education #40 responded that an amended
expenditure report for the Math/Science Grant was submitted to the Illinois
State Board of Education on October 11, 2007.
The Regional Office noted that the refund due on the Math/Science
Grant was paid on November 12, 2007. The
Regional Office responded that in regard to the Truant Alternative Optional
Education Grant, on February 14, 2008, the Regional Office contacted ISBE
Funding and Disbursements and was informed that it would be contacted as to
what needed to be done. The Regional
Office noted that an amended expenditure report for this grant was submitted
on February 15, 2008, and that they were awaiting further contact. FAILURE TO REVIEW AND RECONCILE A BANK ACCOUNT. Sound internal control requires bank reconciliations to be performed monthly to ensure that all transactions have been recorded. The bank reconciliation process should include identifying and correcting all discrepancies between the bank’s records and the Regional Office’s books on a timely basis. The auditors’ review of the bank account determined that it had not been reconciled on a monthly basis. Therefore, when $406 was received in December 2006 from the Illinois State Board of Education, which was intended to go to a school district and not the Regional Office, the amount remained in the Regional Office of Education #40’s account until discovered by auditors in August 2007.
The Regional Office of Education #40 personnel are supposed to receive faxes from the bank when any funding is transferred into the bank account. Regional Office personnel then determine which grant the payment relates to and notify the bank to transfer the funding to the appropriate checking account. However, this process was not followed after the Regional Office employee, who was in charge of the account, retired at the end of fiscal year 2006. Since the bank statement was not reviewed and reconciled, the improper payment was not noticed when it was transferred into the account. (Finding 07-02, pages 16-17) The auditors recommended that the Regional Office of Education #40 personnel review and reconcile all bank statements every month and correct any discovered discrepancies in a timely manner. The Regional Office responded that monthly bank statements are now reconciled by bookkeeping. The Regional Office noted that the Illinois State Board of Education was notified and the $406 in question was transferred out of the account with Illinois Funds and into the proper account on September 5, 2007. INADEQUATE REVIEW
OF JOURNAL ENTRIES Regional Office program directors prepare “Debit and/or Credit Authorization” forms directing the bookkeeping staff to make general journal entries allocating expenditures between various programs. The Regional Superintendent spot checked some general journal entries but did not review and approve all of them. Adequate controls over compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements require supervisory review of expenditures charged to grant programs. Unallowable costs could be charged to grant program expenditures or errors in calculating allocations could be made and not detected within a reasonable period of time. (Finding 07-03, page 18) Auditors recommended that the Regional Superintendent review and approve all “Debit and/or Credit Authorization” forms along with supporting information documenting the allocation before the entries are posted to the accounting records. The Regional Office responded that training in journal entries has been completed internally and a transfer of funds form has been developed. The Regional Office noted that the Regional Superintendent reviews and approves all grant directors’ requests for transfer of funds. Controls
Over Financial Statement Preparation
The Regional Office of Education #40
is required to maintain a system of controls over the preparation of
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP). Regional Office
internal controls over GAAP financial reporting should include adequately
trained personnel with the knowledge and expertise to prepare and/or
thoroughly review GAAP based financial statements to ensure that they are
free of material misstatements and include all disclosures as required by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Regional Office of Education #40
does not have sufficient internal controls over the financial reporting
process. The Regional Office maintains
their accounting records on the cash basis of accounting. While the Regional Office maintains
controls over the processing of most accounting transactions, there are not
sufficient controls over the preparation of the GAAP based financial
statements sufficient for management or employees in the normal course of
performing their assigned functions to prevent or detect financial statement
misstatements and disclosure omissions in a timely manner. For example, auditors, in their review of
the Regional Office’s accounting records, noted the following:
According to Regional Office officials, they did not have adequate funding to hire and/or train their accounting personnel in order to comply with these requirements. (Finding 07-04, pages 19-20) The auditors recommended that, as
part of its internal control over the preparation of its financial
statements, including disclosures, the Regional Office of Education #40
should implement a comprehensive preparation and/or review procedure to
ensure that the financial statements, including disclosures, are complete and
accurate. Such procedures should be
performed by a properly trained individual(s) possessing a thorough
understanding of applicable generally accepted accounting principles, GASB
pronouncements, and knowledge of the Regional Office of Education’s
activities and operations. The
Regional Office of Education #40 responded that the Macoupin County Board
Finance Committee has been made aware of the new audit requirement and the
anticipated cost associated with contracting an accounting firm. A meeting will be called with all AUDITORS’ OPINION Our
auditors state the Regional Office of Education #40’s financial statements as
of June 30, 2007 are fairly presented in all material respects. ____________________________________ WILLIAM
G. HOLLAND, Auditor General WGH:JRB SPECIAL ASSISTANT AUDITORS Our special assistant auditors were West & Company, LLC. |