REPORT DIGEST DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION FOR THE TWO YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 Release Date: June 30, 2021 FINDINGS THIS AUDIT: 10 CATEGORY: NEW -- REPEAT -- TOTAL Category 1: 0 -- 1 -- 1 Category 2: 5 -- 4 -- 9 Category 3: 0 -- 0 -- 0 TOTAL: 5 -- 5 -- 10 FINDINGS LAST AUDIT: 11 Category 1: Findings that are material weaknesses in internal control and/or a qualification on compliance with State laws and regulations (material noncompliance). Category 2: Findings that are significant deficiencies in internal control and noncompliance with State laws and regulations. Category 3: Findings that have no internal control issues but are in noncompliance with State laws and regulations. State of Illinois, Office of the Auditor General FRANK J. MAUTINO, AUDITOR GENERAL To obtain a copy of the Report contact: Office of the Auditor General, Iles Park Plaza, 740 E. Ash Street, Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 782-6046 or TTY (888) 261-2887 This Report Digest and Full Report are also available on the worldwide web at INTRODUCTION This digest covers our Compliance Examination of the Department of Revenue (Department) for the two years ended June 30, 2020. A separate Financial Audit as of and for the year ended June 30, 2020 was previously released on June 9, 2021. In total, this report contains 10 findings, 2 of which were also reported in the Financial Audit. SYNOPSIS • (20-03) The Department was unable to provide adequate records substantiating the completeness of populations for one or more laws, regulations, or other requirements selected for testing. Therefore, we concluded the Department’s population records were not sufficiently precise and detailed under the Attestation Standards promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AT-C § 205.35). • (20-04) The Department did not maintain adequate controls over income tax abatements resulting from tax credits issued under the Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) program administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS COMPLETE POPULATIONS NOT PROVIDED The Department of Revenue (Department) was unable to provide adequate records substantiating the completeness of populations for one or more laws, regulations, or other requirements. Due to these conditions, we concluded the Department’s population records were not sufficiently precise and detailed under the Attestation Standards promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AT-C § 205.35) to test the Department’s compliance for certain testing areas. Specifically, some of the more important issues we noted were: • While testing compliance with access to controlled areas, we requested and the Department provided a listing of individuals that had access to secure areas for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. However, we could not reconcile this listing to the listing of individuals that entered the secure areas. As a result, we are unable to determine if the individuals that entered the secure area had proper access rights. • While testing compliance with personal services, we requested the Department’s employee populations for employees who were hired, employees who had separated employment from the Department, and active employees as of the last payroll period for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. We noted several exceptions between the listings provided. • While testing compliance with state property and equipment, we requested the Department provide a population of state property and equipment for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020 in order to determine if additions, deletions, and transfers were proper. We were unable to reconcile the population provided by the Department to the Agency Report of State Property (C15). As a result, we are unable to determine if there were additions, deletions, or transfers of which we were unaware. Even given the population limitations which hindered our ability to conclude whether the selected sample was representative of the population as a whole, we obtained the population provided by the Department for each of the areas the Department could not substantiate, selected a sample, and tested for compliance. Noncompliance for those samples selected are reported in Findings 2020-008 and 2020-009. (Finding 3, pages 17-19) We recommended the Department strengthen controls over the records maintained for each area in which a compliance requirement is present. The Department accepted the recommendation and stated it will implement controls over the compilation and subsequent review of testing populations to ensure their accuracy. In addition, we will explore options for systemic processes to replace any manual processes. INADEQUATE CONTROLS OVER TAX CREDIT PROGRAMS The Department did not maintain adequate controls over income tax abatements resulting from tax credits issued under the Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) program administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). During our testing of EDGE tax credits claimed by taxpayers, we noted the Department was not able to provide a copy of the DCEO EDGE Tax Credit Certificate of Verification for 11 out of 54 (20%) taxpayers sampled. The EDGE Credit amounts ranged from $21,246 to $3,099,447. As a result of the Department not requiring the taxpayer to provide a copy of the certification at the time of filing their returns, the Department abated taxes without determining the related credits were valid and proper. Upon request, we were able to obtain a copy of the certificates from DCEO. (Finding 4, page 20) We recommended the Department establish a formal process to correspond with taxpayer’s who claim a credit but do not file a copy of their Certificate of Verification with their tax return. The Department accepted the recommendation and stated it has worked with DCEO to establish a shared location where the certificates can be compiled. Further, the Department stated it will continue to communicate with DCEO the importance of using the shared location to ensure compliance. OTHER FINDINGS The remaining findings pertain to weaknesses in cybersecurity programs and practices, a lack of agreement to ensure compliance with IT security requirements, inadequate execution of interagency agreements, exceptions in testing personnel, inadequate controls over processing and recording of State property and equipment, and inadequate accounting of postage balances. We will review the Department’s progress towards the implementation of our recommendations in our next compliance examination. AUDITOR’S OPINION The financial audit report was previously released. The auditors stated the financial statements of the Department as of and for the year ended June 30, 2020, are fairly stated in all material respects. ACCOUNTANT’S OPINION The accountants conducted a compliance examination of the Department for the two years ended June 30, 2020, as required by the Illinois State Auditing Act. The accountants qualified their report on State Compliance for Finding 2020-003. Except for the noncompliance described in that finding, the accountants state the Department complied, in all material respects, with the requirements described in the report. The financial audit and this compliance examination was performed by RSM US LLP. JANE CLARK Division Director This report is transmitted in accordance with Section 3-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act. FRANK J. MAUTINO Auditor General FJM:jv