Legislative Audit Commission


Presented by Representative Winkel

    WHEREAS, the Early Intervention Program was created to enhance the development of children from birth to three years old in the Sate of Illinois in order to minimize developmental delay and maximize individual potential for adult independence;

    WHEREAS in January 1, 1998, the Department of Human Services became the lead agency for the Early Intervention program;

    WHEREAS, as of January 1, 2000, approximately 10,000 children ages 0 to 3 and their families were served by the Early Intervention program;

    WHEREAS, concerns have been raised about the increasing costs of the Early Intervention program in recent years;

    WHEREAS, the Department contracts with local Child and Family Connection (CFC) offices to provide service coordination and assist with eligibility determination, and with local providers to provide services to eligible infant and toddlers, and

    WHEREAS, given that many Early Intervention functions are performed by contractors, strong administrative and management controls are needed to ensure that services are being properly provided and the clients needs are being met; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Legislative Audit Commission that the Auditor General be directed to conduct a performance audit of the Illinois Department of Human Services' management and administration of the Early Intervention Program; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the audit include but need not be limited to the following determinations:

Whether the Program's management information system provides the information needed to monitor services provided and contractor performance;

Whether contracts with entities coordinating and providing services contain reporting mechanisms (such as performance measures or deliverables) to allow the Program to monitor and evaluate their performances;

Whether the Program has established a system to monitor and assess contractor activities, including: CFC referral practices; provider compliance with established billing, service, and supervision requirements; and geographic variances in service utilization, services accessed, and provider billing patterns; and

Whether the Department has procedures in place to ensure that services provided to clients are consistent with the Individual Family Services Plans (ISFPs).

    RESOLVED, that the Department, its contractors and any other entity that may have relevant information pertaining to this audit cooperate fully and promptly with the Auditor General's Office in the conduct of this audit; and be it further

    RESOLVED that the Auditor General commence this audit and report his findings and recommendations upon completion to the Legislative Audit Commission, the Governor and member of the General Assembly.

    Adopted this 26th day of June 2001.