1               AGRICULTURE - GENERAL OFFICE                                                    File Date: 7/5/2017

Second Filing - 08/30/2017:

An Affidavit was received on August 30, 2017 requesting an extension for dates starting 10/03/2017 to 12/31/2017 at an additional actual cost of $12,500.00, making the revised cost at $120,500.00.


Original Filing - 07/05/2017:

The Department of Agriculture is conducting an emergency procurement for scanning customization for the pesticide licensing, certification, and licensing program. The Department initially conducted a sole source procurement with Computer Aid, Inc. to purchase the pesticide module of USA Plants to allow for the regulatory change that licenses would be issued for three years versus each year. It was discovered the Department owns scanning software and that Computer Aid could customize the module so that data capture of score sheets would be possible. The Department had been using specialized Scantron scanners which required Scantron forms be used for testing. Those scanners are not able to capture data and documents must be scanned once at the test site and then again at headquarters. Additionally, demographic data from the forms must be manually entered into the database. The customization will save the Department conservatively

$125,000.00 per year in employee time and travel costs. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/05/2017 through 10/02/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $108,000.00.

Signed By:  Laurie Leuenberger, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Computer Aid, Inc. dba CAI, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 7/5/2017



Estimate State Cost: $108,000.00





Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



2               CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES                                                   File Date: 7/5/2017

Original Filing - 07/05/2017:

Replacing the Autocall Fire Alarm and Voice Communication Control Panels at the JRTC with a new notifier addressable fire alarm system and voice communication panel is critical. This system is compatible with other existing components including heat and smoke detectors, pressure and tamper switches, and speakers and strobes. If any parts on the system fail, the entire building would be without fire detection and emergency paging system. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2017 through 8/31/2017 with an Actual Cost of $325,190.00.

Signed By:  James Preckwinkle, Portfolio Manager

Vendor:  Contech MSI Co.






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/30/2017




State Cost:                 $0.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





3               CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES                                                   File Date: 7/6/2017

Latest Filing - 09/29/2017:

On September 29, 2017, an affidavit was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an extension for dates starting 09/29/2017 to 03/31/2018 (or sooner), reporting the Total Actual Cost at $488,993.14.


Original Filing - 07/06/2017:

The State has occupied this leased facility since 1994. The existing lease expired December 31, 2016, and as of June 30, 2017 met its six-month holdover limit. To date, two separate Requests for Information have been published for relocation or renegotiation of the existing lease. In the meantime, CMS processed a five-year lease extension to ensure continued occupancy and payment of rent. That lease, however, was rejected by the Procurement Policy Board during its June 2017 meeting. The only remaining option for continued payment of rent is an Emergency Lease. It is possible, but not expected that CMS may require a brief extension as it continue to work through the RFI process. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2017 through 09/28/2017 with an Actual Cost of $232,921.16.

Signed By:  Susan Florence, Lease Administrator

Vendor:  Chicago Capital Holdings, LLC-Receiver                                          Notary Date: 7/6/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:                 $0.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



4               CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES                                                   File Date: 7/6/2017

Original Filing - 07/06/2017:

Central Management Services published an IFB for the Illinois State Police, Franklin Complex, on May 2, 2017 for a contract to begin July 1, 2017. The solicitation was awarded to Kone, Inc. on June 12, 2017. A protest was filed on June 16, 2017, and CMS responded to the protest on June 20, 2017. CMS received formal notification on July 3, 2017, that the protest had been upheld and CMS was ordered to allow a vendor to cure deficiencies in its bid. Due to an emergency on July 3, 2017, the facility manager for the building contacted Kone, Inc to remove a trapped individual from on the elevators. CMS is requesting a 90-day emergency contract or until a new contract can be put in place. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/03/2017 through 09/30/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $50,000.00.

Signed By:  James Preckwinkle, Portfolio Manager

Vendor:  Kone, Inc






Paid To

Notary Date: 7/6/2017




State Cost:         $50,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





5               CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES                                                   File Date: 8/21/2017

Original Filing - 08/21/2017:

CMS issued Invitation for Bid (IFB) #22040893 on May 26, 2017 to provide facility management services to 401 S. Clinton Building in Chicago. Facility management services had previously been provided by the owner, but CMS took over ownership of the building starting July 1, 2017. The IFB was awarded to East Lake Management on June 28, 2017 and CMS subsequently entered into a small purchase contract under emergency conditions to provide janitorial and engineering services to the building in order to avoid a lapse in services.

On July 21, 2017, CMS found there were errors in the solicitation and canceled the award to East Lake Management issued a new IFB to obtain services. Bids are not due until August 22, 2017. The earliest a contract could be in place resulting from that bid would be September 5, 2017. In order to continue services, CMS is entering into an emergency contract with East Lake Management Group. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/15/2017 through 11/13/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $252,990.00.

Signed By:  John Demien, Sr. State Purchasing Officer

Vendor:  East Lake Management Group


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $252,990.00


Revised Estimate


Paid To



Notary Date:


Actual Final Cost





18     1

Federal Cost



6               NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF                                         File Date: 9/5/2017

Original Filing - 09/05/2017:

The Department received a complaint of gas seeping into a residence in Robinson, IL. DNR sought the services of a contractor who will excavate an area around the residence in an attempt to locate the source of methane. Once the source well is located, the contractor will prepare the site, plug the leaking well and restore the site. The plugging contractor will provide specific services required for the plugging and restoration of the gas well which are endangering the environment as well as public health and safety. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/28/2017 through 11/20/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $60,000.00.

Signed By:  Andrew Hennig, Acting State Purchasing Officer

Vendor:  LA Custom Plugging, Inc.


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $60,000.00


Revised Estimate


Paid To



Notary Date:


Actual Final Cost





18     1

Federal Cost





7               DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE                                                 File Date: 8/8/2017

Original Filing - 08/08/2017:

Due to severe weather conditions on 07/19/2017, the roof on the Sandburg building was severely damaged and needs to be replaced. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/04/2017 through 10/25/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $80,000.00.

Signed By:  Judith Davis, Superintendent

Vendor:  Affordable Roofing Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/2/2017




State Cost:         $80,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



8               CORRECTIONS - GENERAL OFFICE                                                      File Date: 9/15/2017

Original Filing - 09/15/2015:

The previous master contract for providing Correctional Officer Uniforms ended May 31, 2017 and a new one has not been established. The security staff must be in like uniform with all other security staff. If not it raises a public safety issue for those officers and others within the facility. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/08/2017 through 12/07/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $500,000.00.

Signed By:  Julie Kennedy, Purchasing Supervisor

Vendor:  Gall's






Paid To

Notary Date: 9/8/2017



Estimate State Cost: $500,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





9               HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 7/6/2017

Original Filing - 07/06/2017:

The Department of Human Services' Mabley Developmental Center in Dixon, IL, has steel support poles that are failing. It was discovered that the support poles have rusted and an engineer has determined that the poles need to be repaired or replaced. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2017 through 09/28/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $325,000.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Belini's Custom Welding, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/30/2017



Estimate State Cost: $325,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



10           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 7/6/2017

Second Filing: 09/08/2017:

An affidavit was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an expected end date of September 28, 2017.


Original Filing - 07/06/2017:

The Department of Human Services Mental Health Division is declaring an emergency for critical services for the Division. Mental Health is currently conducting competitive procurement for the services. However, the contract will not be in place at the start of the fiscal year. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2017 through 09/30/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $744,000.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Beacon Health Options, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/30/2017



Estimate State Cost: $744,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





11           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 7/10/2017

Original Filing - 07/10/2017:

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) is declaring an emergency to have Statewide Independent Living Centers (SILC) continue to meet the requirements of section 705 of the Rehabilitation Act. SILCs ensure the implementation of the Federally Approved State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). The focus areas in the SPIL address the quality of live improvement needed for people with disabilities in the areas of employment, healthcare, housing, transportation and Center for Independent Living (CIL) capacity development. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/07/2017 through 10/04/2017 with an Actual Cost of $104,700.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Illinois Network of Centers and Statewide Independent Living         Notary Date: 7/6/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:                 $0.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



12           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 9/8/2017

Original Filing - 09/08/2017:

The Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health was granted money from the Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC) Planning Grant. The Grant money must be spent and the work completed by October 22, 2017. This money is to be spent to prepare the mental health provider community to provide Evidence Based Practices. Changes to the State Plan and the Community Medical Rule 132 have produced delays in the progress of this work. In order to prevent loss of Federal funds, IDHS is declaring an emergency to complete the work. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/07/2017 through 12/05/2017 with an Actual Cost of $367,421.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Various Vendors






Paid To

Notary Date: 9/7/2017




State Cost:                 $0.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





13           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/3/2017

Original Filing - 08/03/2017:

The Division of Highways has requested an emergency contract with Miramar International Group, Inc. to provide maintenance at the Prairie View Rest Area until a permanent State use vendor can be secured. These services are critical and essential for motorists' health and safety. If these services are not provided, the rest area will need to be closed until sanitary facilities are available. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/01/2017 through 10/29/2017 with an Total Actual Cost of $112,438.89.

Signed By:  Aundra Williams, Procurement Officer, IDOT

Vendor:  Miramar International Group, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/2/2017




State Cost:                 $0.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



14           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/14/2017

Original Filing - 08/14/2017:

Due to heavy rainfall received on 7/19/17 - 7/22/17, the District experienced extreme flooding and damage to some of our infrastructure. Shoulder stone and supporting soil was washed away in numerous locations in Jo Daviess, Stephenson and Carroll counties, located along IL 78, Canyon Park Road, US20, IL 73, IL 26 and IL

84. This condition is very dangerous for the motoring public with the large drop-offs and any additional heavy rains will cause more erosion. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/10/2017 through 11/07/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $250,000.00.

Signed By:  Kevin Marchek, Region Two Engineer

Vendor:  Fischer Excavating






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/10/2017



Estimate State Cost: $250,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





15           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/15/2017

Original Filing - 08/15/2017:

Due to heavy rainfall received on 7/19/17 - 7/22/17, the District experienced extreme flooding and damage to IDOT’s infrastructure. A bridge over the Apple River has significant undermining and erosion. The pavement adjacent to the approach pavement also washed out. Repairs needed include removal of the approach slab and sleeper slab, new approach pavement and sleeper slab plus necessary granular fill, pipe drain and inlet, new pavement, shoulders and guardrail, restoration of the slope wall. Slightly downstream from this bridge is another bridge which also needs to be repaired. Pavement settlement has also been discovered on US 20 as a result of this flooding. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/15/2017 through 11/12/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $700,000.00.

Signed By:  Kevin Marchek, Region Two Engineer

Vendor:  Civil Constructors






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/11/2017



Estimate State Cost: $700,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



16           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/23/2017

Original Filing - 08/23/2017:

Due to heavy rainfall, District 2 experienced extreme flooding and damage to IDOT's infrastructure. When the rivers rose, it backed up into the culverts and deposited mud and debris. Also, many of these river culverts are located near bluffs so when it rains heavily, tons of silt wash off of these bluffs into our culverts. As a result, we have several culverts that silted in and it is beyond the abilities of our workforce to perform the needed work to clean them. If we do not get these culverts cleaned, the water will continue to flow over the pavement when it rains, causing dangerous conditions for the motoring public, as well as additional erosion issues along the highway. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/22/2017 through 11/18/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $500,000.00.

Signed By:  Kevin Marchek, Region 2 Engineer

Vendor:  Toppert Jetting Service






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/21/2017



Estimate State Cost: $500,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





17           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 9/1/2017

Original Filing - 09/05/2017:

The Department is declaring an emergency to purchase bituminous to immediately repair unsafe roadways prior to the Labor Day weekend. The roadway has been milled and cannot be left in an unfinished condition for a number of days and over the holiday weekend. Leaving this roadway in milled condition would cause undue deterioration of the roadway, as well as increased safety risks associated with decreased lane striping, rough surface weaving and potential water retention on the surface. It is a safety risk to not finish this immediately. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/29/2017 through 09/01/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $161,000.00.

Signed By:  Aundra Williams, Agency Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Gallagher Materials Corporation






Paid To

Notary Date: 9/29/2017



Estimate State Cost: $161,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



18           VETERANS' AFFAIRS - GENERAL OFFICE                                           File Date: 7/7/2017

Original Filing - 07/07/2017:

The Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs (IDVA) has experienced a total disruption of their computer system. This disruption has, in turn, affected the ability of two IDVA's Homes to fill the prescription medication needs of its residents. IDVA needs the assistance of OmniCare to provide prescription medication and labeling that will allow the IDVA to fulfill needed medical prescriptions. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/07/2017 through 10/04/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $600,000.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  OmniCare, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 7/6/2017



Estimate State Cost: $600,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





19           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 7/31/2017

Original Filing - 07/31/2017:

On July 22, 2017, there was a fire at the State Journal-Register Building, located at 313 South 6th Street, Springfield, IL. The fire caused damage to the back dock area and the metal roof deck has sustained catastrophic failure. The metal roof deck is likely to collapse if subjected to the weight of a person. The rooftop air conditioning unit is currently not operating which could cause interior damage if the building experiences excessive heat. Conduits leading to this unit have sustained fire damage. Additionally, if an electrical failure occurs it would cause disruption to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and the Old State Capitol buildings. Should a power outage occur, the museum and Old State Capitol would be forced to shut down. This vendor has been selected to assess, document and recommend corrective actions in response to a July 22, 2017, building fire. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/27/2017 through 10/24/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $25,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Hanson Professional Services, Inc.                                                    Notary Date: 7/27/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $25,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



20           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/24/2017

Original Filing - 08/24/2017:

The Vienna Correctional Center's Power House has a leaking de-aerator tank which feeds warmed water into two boilers that provide heat and hot water to the entire institution. Further deterioration and/or failure of the de-aerator tank could result in a complete shut-down of the facility. Additionally, the Illinois State Fire Marshal notified the Illinois Department of Corrections that the de-aerator tank needs replaced immediately in order to obtain a valid inspection certificate and to avoid fines and other potential legal ramifications. Hurst- Rosche, Inc will provide Engineering services and Rend Lake Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. for construction services. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/21/2017 through 11/18/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00 to Hurst-Rosche, Inc., and an Estimated Cost of $1,000,000 to Rend Lake Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Hurst-Rosche, Inc. and Rend Lake Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc      Notary Date: 8/22/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:    $1,100,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





21           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/29/2017

Original Filing - 08/28/2017:

The Illinois School for the Visibly Impaired in Jacksonville, IL has an emergency generator that has become in- operable. Should a power failure occur, the facility no longer has a back-up power supply which could result

in a complete shut-down of the facility. Because of the age and condition of the generator, attempts at repair are not feasible as parts are no longer being manufactured and there is no guarantee that a repair will last for any significant amount of time. Temporary measures in conjunction with a design and installation of a new generator and any necessary ancillary components are needed immediately in order to minimize serious disruption in critical state service and to protect against the threat to public health and safety. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/28/2017 through 11/25/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of


Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Benton & Associates






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/28/2017




State Cost:         $40,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



22           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 9/15/2017

Original Filing - 09/15/2015:

Emergency boiler and roofing repairs are needed at the Vandalia Correctional Center. On August 23, 2017 the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) issued four citations concerning operations at Vandalia Correctional Center. The citations issued were the direct result of an inspection conducted by the OSFM that found the boilers to be in an unsatisfactory condition. CDB has retained the architectural services of the Upchurch Group of Mattoon to provide design services for repairs and/or replacement of the boiler systems and roofing at an estimated cost of $25,000.00. CDB has select GRP Mechanical Co. of Bethalto to investigate the 4 boiler system and provide an analysis including a detailed description of any necessary repairs and/or replacement of the boiler system at an estimated cost of $20,000.00. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/13/2017 through 12/12/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $45,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  GRP Mechanical Co. and The Upchurch Group, Inc.                        Notary Date: 9/14/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $45,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





23           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 9/28/2017

Original Filing - 09/28/2017:

The Elgin Mental Health Center's Dietary Building has a cooling system that has failed and no longer provides air conditioning to the building. The cooling system is over 50 years old and it’s no longer feasible to provide repair work on an obsolete system. The design and installation of a new cooling system is necessary so that air conditioning can be provided to the building before the next cooling season. CDB has retained Globetrotter Engineering Corporation to provide design services at an estimated cost of $70,000.00 and Voris Mechanical to provide the necessary services to replace the system at an estimated cost of $650,000.00. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/27/2017 through 12/25/2017 with an Original Total Estimated Cost of $720,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Globetrotters Engineering Corp. & Voris Mechanical, Inc.                Notary Date: 9/27/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $720,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



24           EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY                                                          File Date: 7/13/2017

Original Filing - 07/13/2017:

In the past, payments to international recruiters normally do not exceed $5,000 annually. However, in the last year, one of our recruiters has recruited many more students than anticipated. Emerging Consultants, who recruits students from India, recruited 25 students for Fall Semester ($1,000) per enrollee), 41 students for Spring Semester ($1,200), and 18 students for Summer Semester ($1,200). This was not anticipated, but was very exciting for EIU. With the number of students recruited for summer, the purchase exceeded the small purchase limit. Per Admin. Code 4.2020.c.3, we are proceeding with the contract. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/07/2016 through 06/30/2017 with an Actual Cost of $95,800.00.

Signed By:  Kay McElwee, Director of Procurement

Vendor:  Emerging Consultants






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/28/2017




State Cost:                 $0.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





25           GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITY                                                         File Date: 7/25/2017

Original Filing - 07/25/2017:

One of the two main campus chillers failed and required assessment. The vendor was selected for initial investigation and chiller repairs because they provided the lowest cost of four quotes. Significant damage was identified beyond the scope of the original proposal requiring immediate action. During this time the chiller was not operational; therefore, the emergency procurement was approved by the administration for immediate repairs to prevent further loss or damage to University property. The vendor is able to repair the chiller, order parts and re-machine a rotator shaft to make the unit operational. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/17/2017 through 10/15/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $45,801.00.

Signed By:  Tracy Sullivan, Assistant Vice President, Procurement

Vendor:  Advocate Health and Hospitals Corporation                                      Notary Date: 7/19/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $45,801.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



26           NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY                                                      File Date: 8/21/2017

Original Filing - 08/21/2017:

An independent contractor employed by the City to make repairs to curbs and sidewalks within the City's street right-of-way on Normal Road inadvertently damaged the underground electrical power service to Faraday and LaTourette Halls on campus and the adjacent steam tunnel adjacent to the street right-of-way in front of LaTourette Hall creating endangerment to the University and local community. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/08/2017 through 11/05/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of

Signed By:  Antoinette Bridges, Director of Procurement Services

Vendor:  Ballard Companies Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 8/15/2017



Estimate State Cost: $125,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



27           SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY                                                       File Date: 7/14/2017

Original Filing - 07/14/2017

Due to the State’s current fiscal situation, vendors have been unwilling to extend financing to State Agencies and Universities. IPHEC’s quarterly bid process has been placed on hold until such a time that a consistent level of State appropriation can be achieved. The University reached out to several banks and third-party vendors, including those that consistently respond to IPHEC quarterly bids, and they all passed on the financing of this equipment with most citing the state budget impasse. Finding a right fit for financing levels, with favorable financing terms has become extremely difficult. AFC Financial Services LLC has agreed to finance the planes at a reasonable rate for the seven (7) year term to accommodate the aviation program’s budget/finance responsibility. The SIU Aviation Department sought a sole source award, K20613600021S17, awarded on 6/6/17 for the purchase of three Piper Arrow III planes. The planes are urgently needed to meet the complex aircraft requirement for the Commercial Pilot and CFI curriculum which require planes with retractable landing gear. The Piper Arrow is the only aircraft that meets these requirements currently in production. The retractable landing gear on the University’s existing planes has experienced malfunction and  is creating safety concerns. If this request is not approved, the SIU Aviation Department will be unable to purchase these planes and may be forced to discontinue offering the Commercial Pilot and CFI certification.

This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/10/2017 through 03/31/2025 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,077,398.28.

Signed By:  Debbie Abell, Director of Procurement Services

Vendor:  AFC Financial Services, LLC






Paid To

Notary Date: 7/10/2017



Estimate State Cost: $1,077,398.28




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



28           UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS                                                                       File Date: 7/3/2017

Original Filing - 07/03/2017:

The Department of Pharmacology became aware of a new technology offered by GE Healthcare Life Science Corporation, namely the DeltaVision OMX (SR) super-resolution system, which combines multiple components of super-resolution techniques within a single piece of the equipment. This makes DeltaVision OMX SR a unique system in its class. The manufacturer provided the department a quotation on June 15, which offered us a significant discount of 15.65% on both the instrument and 4 years of extended service contract, and waived fees on installation and shipment of $20,000 if we could issue a purchase order by June 26, 2017. This will result in a purchase price of $821,273; if we chose to delay the purchase, then the discount would be reduced to 4% with no additional discounts. The Delta Vision OMX SR microscope will be the first high-end instrument of this class at the University. Having this instrument in the Department will enhance our capability to obtain compatible renewal of certain grants. This is a unique opportunity for the Department that cannot be missed. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/26/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $821,273.00.

Signed By:  Debra Matlock, Director of Purchasing

Vendor:  GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/23/2017



Estimate State Cost: $821,273.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



29           UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS                                                                       File Date: 8/15/2017

Original Filing - 08/15/2017:

The Department of Surgical Services is in need of reconstructive products. They are necessary for orthopedic surgeries with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. The Orthopedic Surgeons use a variety of implantable devices as a means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, spine diseases, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders. They are currently in the process of completing the sole source process. The Biomet implants are patented and proprietary and cannot be ascertained from any other manufacturer. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/07/2017 through 11/05/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $240,000.00.

Signed By:  Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director

Vendor:  Biomet Inc


Original Estimate


Revised Estimate


Paid To


Notary Date:


Actual Final Cost




State Cost:       $240,000.00



18      1

Federal Cost





30           UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS                                                                       File Date: 8/28/2017

Original Filing - 08/28/2017:

The University awarded a contract for replacement of a three-part robotic system. This emergency/quick purchase was required due to a situation in which immediate action was needed to prevent any disruption in University services. In August 2016, pipes burst in a room above the Robotic Training Lab and the water caused damage to one part of a three-part robotic system. Intuitive provided the system and typically when any parts are damaged they recommend replacing the entire system which could cost about $1.2M. This is purchase is for the da Vinci Si Patient Side Cart component that was damaged at a cost of around $410,000.

We did not receive an Original Emergency Purchase Affidavit for this Emergency Purchase. On July, 28, 2017 we received a statement reporting the total actual price for this emergency purchase is $408,000.00.

Signed By:  Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director

Vendor:  Intuitive Surgical, Inc.


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $410,000.00


Revised Estimate


Paid To



Notary Date:


Actual Final Cost





18     1

Federal Cost













Updates To

Previously Filed Emergency Purchases

31           CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES                                                   File Date: 8/21/2017

Latest Filing - 08/21/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 3 is $320,498.46.


Original Filing - 05/24/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 3:

The Department of Central Management Services previously procured a contract with ComSource for amber light bars. ComSource is no longer able to provide products and requested to be relieved of their contractual duties. The amber lights are necessary for trucks during construction season and therefore, CMS does not have the statutorily required time to conduct a formal procurement. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 05/17/2017 through 05/31/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $322,952.61.

Signed By:  Ashley Noblet, Deputy Director-Bureau of Agency Service

Vendor:  Fleet Safety Supply Company






Paid To

Notary Date: 5/19/2017



Estimate State Cost: $322,952.61




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



32           NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF                                         File Date: 7/6/2017

Second Filing - 07/06/2017:

An Affidavit was received on July 6, 2017 requesting an extension for dates starting 07/22/2017 to 09/19/2017 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the total estimated cost at $415,200.00.


Original Filing - 04/25/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 6:

The Department is utilizing an Emergency Quick Purchase to permanently repair fiber optics and replace a control panel at Jake Wolf Memorial Fish Hatchery, Topeka, IL. A lightning strike in 2015 permanently damaged the existing control panel which is used to monitor water levels at several fish rearing tanks. Also, site personnel are no longer able to monitor production rates and flow rates at each of ten water supply wells. Although a small purchase contract temporarily repaired the equipment, site conditions have continued to deteriorate. Under its present condition, monitoring capabilities of hatchery operations are severely limited thus jeopardizing the fisheries resource and capabilities of hatchery operations are severely limited thus jeopardizing the fisheries resource and associated State revenues. Immediate action is necessary to replace damaged fiber optic cabling, restore automated monitoring and control systems for hatchery operations, and avoid loss of federal funds. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/24/2017 through 07/21/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $415,200.00.

Signed By:  Paula Marte, Procurement Officer-DNR

Vendor:  Britton Electronics & Automation, Inc.                                              Notary Date: 4/21/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $415,200.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



33           DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE                                                 File Date: 8/15/2017

Latest Filing - 08/15/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 7 is $83,988.00.


Original Filing - 06/19/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 7:

The Chiller unit servicing the School is in immediate need of a replacement compressor and maintenance. Temperatures inside the School have surpassed 90 degrees and continued use of the building without appropriate action will become a safety issue for staff and youth. The chiller is a Carrier brand unit so using the manufacturer will ensure prompt and qualified service. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/13/2017 through 09/11/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $83,988.00.

Signed By:  Christine Rothwell, Acting Superintendent

Vendor:  Carrier






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/13/2017




State Cost:         $83,988.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



34           CORRECTIONS - GENERAL OFFICE                                                      File Date: 7/31/2017

Latest Filing - 07/31/2017:

For dates 10/01/2016 to 06/29/2017, the Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 2 is $69,752.50


Original Filing - 10/06/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 2:

During the past few years, DOC/DJJ/PRB/OSFM/ISP GAAP packages have been completed by in house staff with assistance of outside firms. Over 50% of our staff are no longer with IDOC which makes this necessary to procure to ensure timely submission. The emergency contract will be used to continue service from a CPA firm to complete the statutorily required GAAP packages for the agencies involved in the Public Safety Shared Services Center.  The Original Estimated Cost is $51,000.00.


Second Filing - 11/15/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 2:

On November 15, 2016, an affidavit was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an extension for dates starting 12/30/2016 to 12/29/2017 at an additional estimated cost of $400,000.00, increasing the estimated cost to $451,000.00.

Signed By:  Mike Knauer, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Crowe Horwath LLC






Paid To

Notary Date: 10/4/2016




State Cost:         $51,000.00





Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



35           CORRECTIONS - GENERAL OFFICE                                                      File Date:

Latest Filing - 08/28/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 4 is $64,878.98.


Second Filing - 04/14/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 4:

An affidavit was received on April 14, 2017 requesting an extension for dates starting 05/30/2017 to 08/29/2017 at an additional estimated cost of $95,000.00, bringing the total estimated cost to $190,000.00.


Original Filing - 03/03/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 4:

Illinois Correctional Industries (ICI) had been obtaining collagen casings from a CMS Led contracted vendor. The vendor was purchased by another company and no longer provides this item. ICI must obtain this product to make various sausage/link meat products for their customers. Without these items, ICI cannot provide the products needed to its customers for nutritional requirements. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/01/2017 through 05/29/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $95,000.00.

Signed By:  Justin Weigler, ICI Procurement Liaison

Vendor:  Zetcorp, Inc. (DBA: International Collagen Resource                        Notary Date: 3/2/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $95,000.00

Revised Estimate


Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



36           CORRECTIONS - GENERAL OFFICE                                                      File Date: 7/6/2017

Latest Filing - 07/06/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 8 is $171,495.39.


Original Filing - 04/06/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 8:

CMS is currently bidding an agency specific contract for cartons, and ICI cannot continue to provide items to their customers without these cartons. If ICI cannot provide milk and juice, the customers will not be able to meet the nutritional needs of their clients. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/04/2017 through 07/02/2017 with an Estimated Cost of $105,000.00.

Signed By:  Justin Weigler, Procurement Liaison

Vendor:  Tetra Pak, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 4/4/2017



Estimate State Cost: $105,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





37           CORRECTIONS - GENERAL OFFICE                                                      File Date: 7/19/2017

Second Filing - 07/19/2017:

On July 19, 2017, an affidavit was received reporting an extension for dates starting 08/31/2017 to 11/28/2017 at an additional estimated cost of $750,000.00, increasing the revised estimated cost to



Original Filing - 06/06/2017: FY 17, Qtr 4, Item#: 9:

ICI had been obtaining collagen casings from a CMS LED contracted vendor. The vendor's supplier was unable to provide a product the met ICI's requirements. ICI must obtain this product to make various meat products for their customers. Without these items, ICI cannot provide the products needed to its customers for nutritional requirements. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/01/2017 through

Signed By:  Justin Weigler, Procurement Liaison for ICI

Vendor:  New England Food, Inc. and Good Source Solutions, Inc.                Notary Date: 6/5/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $750,000.00

Revised Estimate


Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



38           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 8/30/2017

Latest Filing - 08/30/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY15, Qtr 4, Item# 12 is $31,860.00.


Second Filing - 08/21/2015: FY15, Qtr 4, Item# 12:

A letter was received on August 21, 2015 requesting an extension for dates starting 08/17/2015 to 12/31/2015 at an additional estimated cost of $30,000.00, making a revised estimated cost of $50,000.00.


Original Filing - 05/21/15: FY15, Qtr 4, Item# 12:

The Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) website provides around the clock, 24/7 prescription information of individuals. This information allows medical personnel to make informed medical decisions. Over 27,000 PMP users query prescription drug data stored on the servers that provides critical drug information that allows them to make clinical decisions. If a website is not functioning, the physicians and pharmacists will not have access to this information. The Department of Human Services will also fail to meet federal grant obligations and will be forced to give funding back to federal agencies. The physicians, pharmacists and hospitals that rely on this program will lose important information that assists with clinical care of patients. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 05/18/2015 through 08/16/2015 with an Original Estimated Cost of $20,000.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Hanson Information Systems, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 5/20/2015




State Cost:         $20,000.00





Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



39           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 8/30/2017

Latest Filing - 08/30/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY16, Qtr 1, Item# 12 is $818,195.00.


Second Filing - 12/21/2015: FY16, Qtr 1, Item# 12:

An Affidavit was received on December 21, 2015 reporting an extension for dates beginning 12/29/2015 to 02/29/2016 at an additional estimated cost of $290,000.00, making a revised estimated cost of $1,165,000.00.


Per the Illinois Procurement Bulletin an extension had been filed for the dates beginning 09/29/2015 to 12/27/2015 with an additional estimated cost of $437,500.00, making a revised estimated cost of $875,500.00.


Original Filing - 07/02/2015: FY16, Qtr 1, Item# 12:

The services continued by this emergency procurement develop instruction in policies and practices of the Women and Infant Children and Family Case Management programs are necessary to ensure the local service providers have the knowledge and skills required to meet state and federal program standards. Further, federal funds will be lost if there is not a continuum of service provision. Finally, allowing for the completion of a request for proposal process, while preventing a gap in federal funds and badly needed services to local service providers will help insure that these agencies receive necessary training and support to effectively and efficiently provide comprehensive services to reduce infant mortality and child abuse/neglect, provide proper nutrition guidance and WIC food coupons, provide early intervention services, promote positive you development, ensure successful after school programs, reduce the number of youth sent to juvenile facilities and provide comprehensive case management to pregnant women and infants. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2015 through 09/28/2015 with an Original Estimated Cost of $437,500.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Springfield Urban League






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/30/2015



Estimate State Cost: $437,500.00





Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



40           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 8/30/2017

Latest Filing - 08/30/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 5 is $33,339.95.


Original Filing - 03/30/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 5:

The Ludeman Developmental Center in Park Forest IL has experienced a failure in the electrical line that supplies electricity from the emergency generator to ten of the homes. Repairs to this line are needed to restore emergency power to these homes. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/30/2017 through 06/27/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $60,000.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Airport Electrical Co.






Paid To

Notary Date: 3/30/2017




State Cost:         $60,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost





41           HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF                                                  File Date: 8/30/2017

Latest Filing - 08/30/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 12 is $236,452.00.


Original Filing - 06/27/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 12:

The Department is declaring an emergency at the Alton Mental Health Center in Alton, for the replacement of flooring in the Forensic Center. A contract had been executed and work started on the project. That contract was terminated after the old flooring had been removed. This area of the Forensic Center is a high traffic area and the lack of flooring and transition strips has created a hazard. The Department needs to complete the project in a timely manner to prevent any accidents. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/26/2017 through 09/23/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $250,000.00.

Signed By:  William Strahle, Procurement Officer

Vendor:  WWCS, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/23/2017



Estimate State Cost: $250,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



42           HEALTHCARE AND FAMILY SERVICES, DEPT OF                             File Date: 7/13/2017

Latest Filing - 07/13/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 4 is $2,245,258.43.


Original Filing - 11/14/2016: 17, Qtr 2, Item# 4:

The State of Illinois, in accordance with Public Act 98-0008, was required to apply for participation in the Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). Under the BIP, the State received over $96 million in federal funding on the condition that it meets certain requirements, including the implementation of an assessment tool such as the interRAI CHA. The Federal deadline to spend this funding is September 2017. The Department needs to have an assessment tool in place quickly and has indicated to its federal liaisons that the rollout of the tool  will begin in January 2017. Based on this timeline, utilization of a commercial vendor with a largely off-the- shelf software product is the only workable means of meeting the State’s BIP commitments. If the Department fails to implement the InterRAI CHA, the State risks losing $96 million in federal funds. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/15/2016 through 02/13/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of not to exceed $2,250,000.00.

Signed By:  Lynette Schafer, Agency Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Momentum Heathware






Paid To

Notary Date: 11/14/2016



Estimate State Cost: $2,250,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



43           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/24/2017

Latest Filing - 08/24/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 2, Item#7  is $108,031.65.


Original Filing - 11/29/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 7:

Macon Resources Inc. (MRI), a sheltered workshop located in Decatur, IL has agreed to assume the existing Farmland Rest Area Maintenance Contract at the existing contract price of $36,010.55 per month beginning Monday, November 21, 2016. The District chose to offer the emergency contract to MRI based on their above average performance on the existing contract at Illini Prairie. This vendor is a large company with locally available resources and staff and they are located in close proximity to the rural Farmland rest area location. Maintenance services to the rest area are necessary in order to keep the location open and functional, especially during peak travel dates. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/21/2016 through 02/18/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $90,000.00.

Signed By:  Aundra Williams, Agency Procurement Officer

Vendor:  Macon Resources






Paid To

Notary Date: 11/23/2016




State Cost:         $90,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



44           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/25/2017

Latest Filing - 08/25/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 6 is $88,250.33.


Original Filing - 11/29/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item #6:

IDOT’s contract for Roadway Weather Information System Support expires 11/18/2016. The contract was originally awarded to Vaisala, Inc. The contract was novated to DBT Transportation Services LLC. This vendor is not yet registered with the Secretary of State, but is expected to be in the next 30 days. This emergency contract will cover all the existing pavement temperature, subsurface temperature, atmospheric conditions, traffic counting sensor, and roadway video cameras for the network of fifty-eight Roadway and Weather Information Systems facilities. This contract will provide repair and maintenance to the existing systems which is imperative as the cold weather season approaches. It is important to note that DBT is the only vendor in Illinois certified to work on Vaisala’s equipment, thus it is imperative that they be selected to continue the maintenance and repair on this equipment. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/19/2016 through 02/16/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $80,000.00.

Signed By:  Aundra Williams, Agency Procurement Officer

Vendor:  DBT Transportation Services LLC                                                     Notary Date: 11/22/2016


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $80,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



45           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 8/9/2017

Latest Filing - 08/09/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 6 is $118,000.00.


Original Filing - 03/23/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 6:

The Department sustained substantial roof damage to 2 salt domes at the Wood River Maintenance Yard and 1 salt dome at the Mitchell Satellite Maintenance Yard during the storm event on February 28, 2017. The proposed work will consist of repair/replacement of damaged roof structural members and replacement of damaged/lost shingles. The Department's District 8 Bureau of Operations does not have sufficient qualified forces or proper equipment to accomplish the required work. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/21/2017 through 06/19/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $25,000.00.

Signed By:  Joseph Monroe, Operations Engineer

Vendor:  R & W Builders, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 3/21/2017




State Cost:         $25,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



46           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 7/21/2017

Latest Filing - 07/21/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 13 is $372,819.64.


Original Filing - 04/19/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 13:

The condition of Interstate 57 in Champaign County has deteriorated rapidly and unexpectedly over the winter of 2016-2017. The condition of the bare concrete pavement under overhead structures near mile markers 247 and 249 has deteriorated to a point that they are a hazard to the traveling public. The temporary patching material available to the District Operations staff does not last more than a few day for any of these routes and the Department continues to spend resources and material tying to repair the same locations. The areas that needs repair continue to grow at each location. Proceeding with an emergency contract will eliminate the hazard for the motoring public. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/17/2017 through 07/16/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $975,000.00.

Signed By:  Kensil Garnett, Region Three Engineer

Vendor:  G.M. Sipes






Paid To

Notary Date: 4/17/2017



Estimate State Cost: $975,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



47           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 9/5/2017

Latest Filing - 09/05/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 14 is $150,615.93.


Original Filing - 05/17/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 14:

On April 31, 2017 the 54 inch culvert running under Shady Knolls road has caused a large sink hole to form on the east edge of US 150. The sink hole was caused by a large rain event over the past week. The culvert runs parallel to US 150. Over time the culvert bottom has deteriorated, causing the earth to wash away with every rain event, making the roadway unstable. This is a main access to a neighborhood of US 150, and is causing a hardship on the residents. Due to the severity of the sink hole, if this culvert is not repaired, US 150 will also be affected and the roadway will have to be closed. The detour and the amount of people affected by the closure of US 150 would be significant.  This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 05/15/2017 through 08/12/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $139,668.80.

Signed By:  Kensil Garnett, Deputy Director of Highways

Vendor:  J. C. Dillon, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 5/15/2017



Estimate State Cost: $139,668.80




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



48           TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF                                                File Date: 3/21/2017

Latest Filing - 07/21/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 15 is $381,661.74.


Original Filing - 06/06/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 15:

The Department sustained a slope failure on the north side of Old US Route 50 between Frogtown Road and Stolletown Road in Clinton County. The slope failure is approximately 0.8 miles in length. The slope failure is a result of flooding that occurred during the period of April 29th through May 10th, compounded by waves resulting from high sustained winds during the period of Mar 4th, 5th, and 6th. The Department's District 8 Bureau of Operations does not have sufficient qualified forces, equipment and traffic control to accomplish the required work. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/01/2017 through 08/29/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,000,000.00.

Signed By:  Joseph Monroe, Operations Engineer

Vendor:  The Kilian Corporation






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/1/2017



Estimate State Cost: $1,000,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



49           VETERANS' AFFAIRS - GENERAL OFFICE                                           File Date: 8/15/2017

Latest Filing - 08/15/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY16, Qtr 2, Item# 14 is $110,827.34.


Second Filing - 03/10/2016: FY16, Qtr 2, Item# 14:

A letter was received on March 10, 2015 requesting an extension for dates starting 02/17/2016 to 06/30/2016 at an additional estimated cost of $100,000.00, bringing the total estimated cost to $200,000.00.


Original Filing - 12/07/15: FY16, Qtr 2, Item# 14:

Due to the outbreak of the Legionella disease at the Quincy Veterans Home campus, it is now required all of the bath tubs in all units be disinfected several times a day to eliminate the automatic disinfectant injector and tub water of the bacteria. This contract will only be for the mandated purchase of the Ecolab Pro Oasis 20 surface disinfectant, to use during this time. At this time the Department of Veteran's Affairs is unsure how long this disinfecting of the tubs will need to be done or how much product will be purchased. An average of 56 cases will be used a week. This will fluctuate each week depending on how soon the Legionnaire’s disease can be eliminated for a unit’s tubs. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/19/2015 through 02/16/2016 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.

Signed By:  Deborah Miller, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Ecolab, Inc.






Paid To

Notary Date: 11/24/2015



Estimate State Cost: $100,000.00





Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



50           VETERANS' AFFAIRS - GENERAL OFFICE                                           File Date: 8/21/2017

Latest Filing - 08/21/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY16, Qtr 3, Item# 8 is $578,750.50.


Fourth Filing - 01/11/2017: FY16, Qtr 3, Item# 8:

An Affidavit was received on January 11, 2017 requesting an extension for dates starting 01/06/2017 to 08/31/2017 at an additional estimated cost of $300,000.00, increasing the original estimated cost to



Third Filing - 01/29/2016: FY16, Qtr 3, Item# 8:

A letter was received in the same filing quarter, on January 29, 2016 reporting an actual cost expended of

$82,916.25 for dates 10/08/2015 to 01/05/2016, leaving an estimated balance of $250,000.00.


Second Filing - 01/13/2016: FY16, Qtr 3, Item# 8:

A letter was received in the same filing quarter on January 13, 2016, requesting an extension for dates starting 01/06/2016 to 01/05/2017 at an additional estimated cost of $250,000.00, increasing the revised estimated cost to $350,000.00.


Original Filing - 01/07/2016: FY16, Qtr 3, Item# 8:

Due to the outbreak of the Legionnaires' disease, Center for Disease Control advised the home to contract  with this vendor to conduct water testing. It was determined that an emergency contract should be completed and posted for management and implementation of a Water Safety Remediation Plan, and the testing of water samples for Legionnaires' bacteria. The vendor will document and validate the findings of the water sample testing. This service is needed until the water sample testing comes back with negative results each time. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/08/2015 through 01/05/2016 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.

Signed By:  Deborah Miller, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Phigenics LLC






Paid To

Notary Date: 12/22/2015



Estimate State Cost: $100,000.00





Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



51           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 7/5/2017

Latest Filing - 07/05/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY16, Qtr 2, Item# 15  is $6,379,611.77.


Third Filing - 07-15-2016: FY17, Qtr 1, Item# 46:

A letter was received on July 15, 2016 reporting that the completion date has been extended to 08/31/2016. No estimate was given for any additional costs.


Second Filing - 12/02/2015: FY16, Qtr 2, Item# 15:

On December 2, 2015, a letter was received in the same filing quarter, increasing the original estimated cost for BRIC Partnership LLC from $353,101.00 to $445,309.30, and the original estimated cost for Doyle Plumbing & Heating Company from, $1,866,000.00 to $3,970,000.00, increasing the Total Estimate Cost



Original Filing - 10/16/2015: FY16, Qtr 2, Item# 15:

The Illinois Veterans’ Home in Quincy provides long term skilled nursing care to approximately 380 elderly persons and employs over 500 direct care and support staff. On August 23, 2015 the Home experienced its third confirmed case of Legionella, constituting an outbreak. To date there have been 12 deaths and 54 ill residents and employees at the Home. Emergency purchases are necessary in order to provide immediate upgrades to the domestic water system at the Home to alleviate the outbreak of Legionella, to further protect against the threat to public health and safety and to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical services.


BRIC Partnership LLC will provide limited design, including but not limited to photos, rough dimensions, and directives to identify and repair the domestic water system as outlined in the attached listing of work items required by the Illinois Department of Public Health and other items that the Illinois Department of Public Health or Department of Veterans’ Affairs deem necessary to identify and repair the emergency conditions.


Doyle Plumbing & Heating Company will provide labor and material to repair the domestic water system as directed by BRIC Partnership as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)and any other work items that IDPH or the Department of Veterans' Affairs deem necessary to identify and repair the emergency conditions.


This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/01/2015 through 12/29/2015 with an Original Estimated Cost for BRIC Partnership LLC of $353,101.00 and an Original Estimated Cost for Doyle Plumbing & Heating Company of $1,866,000.00, making the Total Estimate Cost $2,219,101.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  BRIC Partnership LLC & Doyle Plumbing & Heating Company       Notary Date: 10/6/2015


Original Estimate

State Cost:    $2,219,101.00

Revised Estimate


Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost




52           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 7/13/2017

Second Filing - 07-13-2017:

An affidavit was received reporting the Actual Total Cost paid to Union Roofing Co., Inc. at $332,030.00. There remains an estimated cost $98,233.00 for Farnsworth Group, Inc.


Original Filing - 10/03/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 8:

The Fox Developmental Center has experienced numerous leaks as a result of a failed roofing system. The maintenance staff has made several attempts at short term repairs to keep rain water from entering the building, but the roofs continue to deteriorate causing interior damage to the building and the displacement of residents and closure of rooms. The exterior porches have been closed as a result of the plaster ceilings coming loose creating a safety concern for residents and staff. A portion of the front entrance decorative terra cotta has fallen off the building and maintenance staff has built a protective covered walkway to protect staff and visitors entering the building. Repairs are needed immediately in order to prevent further damage to the building, to minimize serious disruption in critical state services and to protect against the threat to public safety. Vendor has been selected to provide an abbreviated specification and observation of construction for replacing approximately 22,628 square feet of roofing on two buildings, including porches and connecting corridors and the replacement and repairs of missing terra cotta. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/22/2016 through 12/20/2016 with an Original Estimated Cost of $250,000.00.


On November 15, 2016, an affidavit was received in the same filing quarter, adding Union Roofing Co., Inc. to this Emergency Purchase. The estimated cost for adding Union Roofing Co., Inc. is $1,030,330.00, increasing the estimated cost to $1,280,330.00.


On November 28, 2016 an affidavit was received in the same filing quarter advising that the roof replacement will now be done in 2 phases. Phase 1 of this project will perform necessary roof repairs on the residential building only. Union Roofing Co., Inc's proposal for phase 1 is estimated at $335,500.00. Phase 2 of this project will now be competitively bid. The new total estimated cost for completion of phase 1 of this Emergency purchase is $585,500.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Farnsworth Group, Inc. & Union Roofing Co., Inc.                           Notary Date: 9/22/2016


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $250,000.00

Revised Estimate


Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



53           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/30/2017

Latest Filing - 08/30/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 11 is $656,171.75.


Original Filing - 11/04/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 11:

The Sheridan Correctional Center is experiencing multiple water leaks in Building C-3 (Chapel/Health Care Unit/Offices/Records Room/Pharmacy) causing saturated and falling ceilings as well as leaking in light fixtures and electrical panels. Poor roofing conditions must be repaired immediately to avoid further structural damage as well as damage to interior furnishings inside the building. In addition, the continuance  of water leaks inside the building raises concerns over the health and safety of personnel and inmates. An emergency purchase is necessary to provide repair work before winter and to ensure uninterrupted operations at the facility. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/01/2016 through 01/29/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $600,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  J.L. Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.                                              Notary Date: 11/3/2016


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $600,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



54           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/5/2017

Latest Filing - 11/08/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 12 is $873,900.44.


Original Filing - 11/04/2016: FY17, Qtr 2, Item# 12:

The Sheridan Correctional Center is experiencing multiple water leaks in Buildings C-15, C-17, C-19, C-21, C-23 (Housing Units). Poor roofing conditions must be repaired immediately to avoid further structural damage as well as damage to interior furnishings inside the buildings. In addition, the continuance of water leaks inside the building raises concerns over the health and safety of personnel and inmates. An emergency purchase is necessary to provide repair work before winter and to ensure uninterrupted operations at the facility. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/01/2016 through 01/29/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,000,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  J.L. Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.                                              Notary Date: 11/1/2016


Original Estimate

State Cost:    $1,000,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



55           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/3/2017

Latest Filing - 08/03/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 7 is $611,475.37.


Original Filing - 02/27/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 7:

The Illinois Department of Agriculture has closed the Coliseum as a result of a failing roof system. Repairs to the Coliseum will take over two years to complete once funding is in place. A temporary measure is needed to house the scheduled shows that were to held in the Coliseum. The State is moving forward with the enclosure of a warm-up arena as a temporary venue until permanent repairs can be made to the Coliseum. Vendor will provide labor and material for enclosure work to the warm-up arena, including providing large doors on all four sides as well as any associated electrical and HVAC upgrades. This will provide an alternative venue for the various events currently scheduled at the Coliseum. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/24/2017 through 05/24/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $600,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Financial Officer

Vendor:  Evans Construction Company






Paid To

Notary Date: 2/24/2017



Estimate State Cost: $600,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



56           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/3/2017

Latest Filing - 08/03/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 18 is  $66,239.26 for David Loyet & Associates, Inc. and

$2,111,294.00 for Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc..


Original Filing - 05/10/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 18:

The Alton Mental Health Center has experienced major leaks in the Pine Cottage and Mechanical Building as a result of failed roofing systems. Sever attempts at short term repairs have been made, including patching   and the use of a tarp to keep rain water from entering the building, but recent rains have caused the roof to further deteriorate to the point where short term repairs are no longer an option. The Pine Cottage houses patient records from multiple mental health centers and the Mechanical Building houses the fire alarm system, security equipment and other controls for the entire facility. This emergency purchases is necessary to allow roof replacement to begin as soon as possible in order to protect against further loss or damage to the buildings, including the equipment/system controls and to insure the integrity of State records. This  Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 05/05/2017 through 08/02/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00 for David Loyet & Associates, Inc. and $785,000.00 for Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  David Loyet & Associates & Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing Inc        Notary Date: 5/9/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $885,000.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



57           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 7/25/2017

Second Filing - 07/25/2017:

On July 25, 2017 and affidavit was received reporting an increase in the estimated cost for Horner & Shifrin, Inc. to $78,100.00 and adding a second vendor; Red Dot Construction and Equipment Rentals, Inc., at an estimated cost of $348,000.00, making a revised estimated total of $426,100.00


Original Filing - 05/16/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 19:

Menard Correctional Center has experienced a sanitary sewer bar screen failure. The bar screen separates foreign debris from sewage before the sewage enters the treatment system. Recent rain and flooding have caused some debris to be scattered across the site and there are concerns that this contaminated debris could become a serious EPA issue for both the facility and the City of Chester. Horner & Shifrin, Inc. has been selected as the A/E for this project to provide an evaluation of the existing conditions of the sanitary sewer bar screen. They are to make recommendations for a replacement sanitary bar screen or grinding system capable of supporting the institution's needs, and specify the recommended replacement system. The work also   includes recommendations for any temporary measures that would assist IDOC in operating the system until it can be permanently repaired. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 05/10/2017 through 08/07/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $25,000.00.

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Horner & Shifrin, Inc. and Red Dot Construction & Equipment        Notary Date: 5/15/2017


Original Estimate

State Cost:         $25,000.00

Revised Estimate


Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



58           CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD                                                         File Date: 8/14/2017

Latest Filing - 18/14/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 20 is $96,915.00.


Original Filing - 06/12/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 20:

As a result of recent storms, the canopy over the Multi-Purpose Arena at the Illinois State Fairgrounds has further deteriorated, prompting the closure of the facility as it has been deemed unsafe for occupancy. An emergency purchase is necessary to quickly remove the canopy fabric, stabilize the frame of the structure with cabling and provide any other limited services necessary to safely occupy the arena. The arena is used for various prominent events throughout the year and generates substantial annual revenue for the State of Illinois. In order to protect against further damage to the structure and to prevent the threat to public safety, as well as prevent serious disruption in critical state services that affects the collection of substantial State revenues as a result of the arena shutdown, the State of Illinois is moving forward with the removal of the canopy to safely occupy the facility and honor as many scheduled events as possible. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/07/2017 through 09/04/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of

Signed By:  Gus Behnke, Chief Fiscal Officer

Vendor:  Tensile Structure Systems






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/4/2017




State Cost:         $98,700.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



59           GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITY                                                         File Date: 7/25/2017

Latest Filing - 07/25/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 21 is $120,033.00.


Original Filing - 06/19/2017: FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 21:

One of the two main campus chillers failed and required assessment. The vendor was selected for initial investigation and chiller repairs because they provided the lowest cost of four quotes. Significant damage was identified beyond scope of original proposal, requiring immediate action. During this time, the chiller was not operational; therefore, the emergency procurement was approved by administration for immediate repairs to prevent further loss or damage to university property. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/12/2017 through 06/30/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $130,000.00.

Signed By:  Tracy Sullivan, Asst. Vice-President of Procurement

Vendor:  FE Moran Inc






Paid To

Notary Date: 6/14/2017



Estimate State Cost: $130,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



60           UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS                                                                       File Date: 9/11/2017

Latest Filing - 09/08/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 14 is $172,638.00.


Original Filing - 02/28/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 14:

The University awarded a contract for elevators and escalators repairs. This emergency/quick purchase was required due to a situation in which immediate action was needed to prevent any disruption in University services. Over the past several months the Chicago Campus has been involved in annual inspections of all campus vertical transportation. A more thorough and rigorous inspection process has been engaged by the campus due to the establishment of new and more stringent operating standards. An independent elevator inspection company, following State of Illinois standards identified a wide range of deficiencies in over 125 conveyances across the campus. This emergency is related to emergencies JMG404 and JMG406. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/22/2017 through 05/22/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $202,184.00.

Signed By:  Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director, U of I

Vendor:  Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corporation                                                  Notary Date:


Original Estimate

State Cost:       $202,184.00

Revised Estimate

Paid To



Actual Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost



61           WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY                                                         File Date: 8/21/2017

Latest Filing - 08/21/2017:

The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 1, Item# 29 is $17,845.46.


Original Filing - 07/25/2016: FY17, Qtr 1, Item# 29 is $10,291.00.

Due to the sudden and untimely departure of two Foundation Office CPA's and the impending departure of the only remaining Accountant II in the Foundation Office due to maternity, it is critical to have experienced financial professionals able to review and close all financial records by July 21, 2016. The need for additional financial expertise past July 31, 2016 is dependent upon staffing needs and progress of an external search for employment candidates. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/12/2016 through 10/12/2016 with an Original Estimated Cost of $30,000.00.

Signed By:  Shannon Reed, Director of Purchasing

Vendor:  RSM US LLP






Paid To

Notary Date: 7/12/2016




State Cost:         $30,000.00




Final Cost



18     1

Federal Cost

