October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
1 Auditor General, Office of the File Date: 10/21/2019
Original Filing - 10/21/2019:
The Office had originally planned to perform the Illinois Power Agency's financial audit with the Office's staff.
However, due to staff turnover and a statutory deadline for completing the audit, it was determined in the best
interest of the Office and the Illinois Power Agency to have this audit completed by the Special Assistant Auditors.
A fair and reasonable price was negotiated with Plante & Moran, PLLC, who has experience with the Auditors
General's program and has sufficient staff and expertise to perform this engagement within the constricted
timeframes needed to avoid a serious disruption in the Office's audit services. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 10/21/2019 through 06/30/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $123,500.00.
Signed By: Jane Clark, Director, Financial and Compliance Audit
Vendor: Plante & Moran, PLLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $123,500.00 $123,500.00 $123,500.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
2 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 12/3/2019
Original Filing - 12/03/2019:
DCFS has occupied this leased facility since 2002. This space houses the Department of Children and Family
Services' Units: Day Care Licensing, Foster Care Licensing, Administrative Case Review, and Placement and
Investigations. These units provide critical services to the residents of Carroll, Lee and Whiteside Counties. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/01/2019 through 02/28/2020 with an Actual Cost of
Signed By: Michael Pittman, Acting Deputy Director
Vendor: John W. Schmitt Partners, L.P. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $28,069.78 $28,069.78 $28,069.78 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
3 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/23/2019
Original Filing - 12/23/2019:
The agency has previously negotiated terms and condition with the vendor. Since this is a subscription and the
vendor can turn off service electronically, the agency's ability to move quickly to negotiate a contract is imperative.
Having previously negotiated the same terms that will accompany this emergency purchase will allow the agency to
execute in a timely manner to continue services. 350 Pluralsight Enterprise Plan Subscription Licenses for 90 days.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/19/2019 through 03/18/2020 with an Original Estimated
Cost of $59,132.50.
Signed By: Dante Watson, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Savvy Technology Solutions Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $59,132.50 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
4 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 12/6/2019
Original Filing - 12/06/2019:
A portion of the I & M Canal Trail, built as a continuous levee to contain water within the Canal, has been severely
damaged by recent heavy rains. Several tons of debris is blocking the culvert and spillway causing water to over top
the levee. This has caused a portion of the trail (levee) to be undermined and washed out. If repairs are not made
immediately a complete levee failure will result exponentially increasing the costs of repair and damage to adjacent
properties. Stott Contracting, LLC will reconstruct and restore approximately 410 lineal feet of levee and remove
excess rock, drift wood and other debris blocking the relief culverts and spillways. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 12/03/2019 through 02/28/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $117,487.00.
Signed By: Eric Michael, Executive II-Procurement Specialist
Vendor: Stott Contracting, LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $117,487.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
5 Corrections, Department of File Date: 10/2/2019
Original Filing - 10/02/2019:
The IT infrastructure and application supported by this vendor manage the offender information and movement
throughout the Correctional system. Offender 360 replace the former, paper driven, Offender Tracking System.
Offender 360 automates the work and allows the offender's information to be accessible by all levels of the Justice
system. Without this system, vital information about the offender would not be readily available. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 10/01/2019 through 12/29/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: William Strahle, Acting APO
Vendor: Microsoft Corp. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
6 Corrections, Department of File Date: 10/8/2019
Latest Filing - 12/30/2019:
An Actual Total Cost of $25,197.13 was reported in the same filing quarter.
Original Filing - 10/08/2019:
The Sheridan Correctional Center received 8 inches of rain and at least one lightning strike from thunderstorms over
the weekend. These storms caused a power outage that lasted 17 hours. The Center is determining the extent of the
damage. This constitutes a critical life safety situation. Vendors for this Emergency Purchase will be Albrecht Well
Drilling, Ohio, IL; Altorfer Caterpillar, Oglesby, IL; Complete Integration, Peru, IL and Stanley Convergent Security
Solutions, Fishers, IN. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/01/2019 through 12/29/2019 with
an Original Estimated Cost of $50,000.00.
Signed By: William Strahle, Acting APO
Vendor: Various Venders Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $50,000.00 $25,197.13 $25,197.13 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
7 Corrections, Department of File Date: 12/13/2019
Original Filing - 12/13/2019:
Vendor will provide pancakes and waffles to ICI-IL River as needed during the term of the emergency agreement.
The extension is necessary while CMS bids out these items on their food survey contracts. Per CMS, the contract
will be in place on or before 6/30/2020. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/10/2019 through
03/08/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $159,000.00.
Signed By: Justin Weigler, Procurement Liaison
Vendor: Good Source Solutions, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $159,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
8 Corrections, Department of File Date: 12/13/2019
Original Filing - 12/13/2019:
A boiler and hot water heater at the Northern Reception Center (NRC) have failed. The office of the State Fire
Marshall (OSFM) inspected the boiler and ordered immediate repairs to repair cracks. The cracks cannot be repaired
and the boiler must be replaced. OSFM is giving the institution 30 days for today’s date 12/4/19 to have the repairs
complete to prevent facing OSFM violations and fees. The water heater, which supplies hot water to the offender
living quarters, failed and is in need of immediate repairs. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
12/11/2019 through 03/09/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $50,000.00.
Signed By: William Strahle, Acting Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Xcell Mechanical Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
9 Financial and Professional Regulation, Department of File Date: 12/20/2019
Original Filing - 12/20/2019:
IDFPR requires court reporting services on an ongoing basis to fulfill statutory requirements and to secure accurate
records of various complex proceedings, meetings, or conferences. The vendor shall provide court reporters who
will take verbatim dictation of various proceedings, meetings, conference, hearings, etc., and provide DFPR with a
certified typewritten verbatim transcription, including a record of appearances. The engagements, some of which
may extend multiple days, will cover a wide variety of topics that discuss up to and including: legal, medical, and
scientific terms and notations. Most engagements will take place Monday through Friday between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. but may also take place outside these hours. All engagements will be held at the James R.
Thompson Center in downtown Chicago, where the Administrative Hearings Unit is located. These services will
avoid any operational interruptions, which will cause a threat to public health or public safety and serious
disruption in critical State services that affect health, safety, or collection of substantial State revenues. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/02/2020 through 03/31/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $50,000.00.
Signed By: Brandon Purcell, Agency Purchasing Officer, COO
Vendor: Magna Legal Services Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
10 Human Services, Department of File Date: 11/1/2019
Original Filing - 11/1/2019:
DHS requires immediate access to accurate, up to date income and employment verification, independent of action
taken by the client. The information must integrate with the State's Integrated Eligibility System (IES). Services
must be available online, seven (7) days a week. The information must be delivered to the State via batch file and
integrate with the State's IT systems. Upon entering the Social Security Number, TWN will provide, at a minimum:
hire date; current employment status; pay dates; hours worked; rate of pay per pay period; job title; total time
working for employer, and employer name and location for the previous 12 months. In addition, consulting services
are necessary for troubleshooting, training and maintenance within the system. DHS will require the following two
system and usage reports from Equifax/TALX in a mutually agreed upon electronic format: Monthly usage report
due no later than the 10th day of the following month. The report should include, at a minimum: For each inquiry,
the detail will include individual’s name or other identifier; initiator’s name and location/office/unit; date and time.
The information should be separated by calls placed and online requests and should be further divided into time
frame brackets (or buckets). The invoice will detail total billable transactions. System availability report due no later
than the 10th of the following month that includes information of dates and times the system was unavailable and a
summary of the system outage. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/01/2019 through
01/29/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,096,100.00.
Signed By: Jean Sandstrom, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Equifax/TALX Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $1,096,100.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
11 Public Health, Department of File Date: 10/10/2019
Second Filing - 12/19/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 19, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
01/24/2020 to 04/02/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $224,110.30, revising the total estimated cost to
$448,220.60. This is a no-cost contract. All fees are paid by the customer to the vendor.
Original Filing - 10/10/2019:
This a no cost contract. The State does not pay nor receive money. Expedited services for birth and death
certificates, and credit/debit card service both online and at POS until the competitive procurement can be
completed. The service is needed because of Illinois and federal statutes requiring the presentation of a certificate
such as school enrollment, aid benefits including SNAP and housing and child support. Vendor will also continue to
provide expedited services to the federal government for federal background checks. Vendor provides 2 staff
persons dedicated to Illinois Vital Records as well as dedicated website with online identity verification to order and
track expedited services. In this case expedited services means the ability to accept online, credit/debit card orders
and ship overnight to the customer. VitalChek is the only way to accept credit/debit cards at point of service, 925 E.
Ridgely. The Vital Records division is not capable of receiving and processing debit/credit cards due to the old,
1985 DOS based fee system. The estimated expenditure is the estimated value to the vendor and the State. The
value to the vendor is estimated at $149,983.30 and was determined by costs associated with expedited ordering,
point of sale transactions, and next day delivery service. The value to the State is estimated at $74,127 and was
determined by the cost for certified birth certificates, certified death certificates, and verification of marriage and
divorce. All costs are paid by the customer which makes this a no cost contract to the State. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 10/05/2019 through 01/03/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: Vicki Wilson, APO
Vendor: Lexis Nexis VitalChek Network, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $224,110.30 $448,220.60 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
12 Public Health, Department of File Date: 12/27/2019
Original Filing - 12/27/2019:
This Procurement is necessary to continue the current contract for licensing, maintenance, and services associated
with continuing maintenance on existing functions in the Illinois Vital Records System until the RFP to replace the
existing system is released in BidBuy and the winning proposal is selected. The Division of Vital Records preserves
the state’s records on births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, and abortions. This system provides a web-
based means for Vital Record staff to maintain vital event data. The software also provides hospitals, clinics, funeral
directors, physicians, medical examiners, coroners, and local registrars around the state a web-based means to enter
data associated with the registration of births, deaths, and fetal deaths. In addition, the software provides hospitals a
web-based means to enter data associated with IDPH’s birth-related programs and a means for IDPH to extract the
individual data of the birth-related programs. About 500,000 vital records are registered annually. If the state did
not go forward with this procurement, all vital record event recording would revert to paper filing/registration, and
manual entry into a database would be required at the state level. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start
date of 01/01/2020 through 03/30/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $103,513.00.
Signed By: Vicki Wilson, Deputy Director Finance & Administration
Vendor: Netsmart Technologies, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $103,513.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
13 Public Health, Department of File Date: 12/27/2019
Original Filing - 12/27/2019:
IDPH DOL is in the process of posting a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new 10-year LIMS contract. It is
unknown at this time when the RFP will be posted and what vendors will bid on the contract. After posting, review
of bids, demonstration, and award, IDPH DOL is looking at 12-24 months to have a new, fully functioning LIMS
system. In the meantime, the DOL must have the ability to make improvements, to keep the database up to date
and properly functioning as well as save legacy data from another system to meet legal and regulatory requirements.
Local lab staff need assistance from Abbott Informatics to set up these modules in STARLIMS. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 01/02/2019 through 03/31/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: Vicki Wilson, Deputy Director Finance & Administration
Vendor: Abbott Informatics Corporation Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $82,468.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
14 Transportation, Department of File Date: 10/2/2019
Latest Filing - 12/17/2019:
An Actual Total Cost of $73,248.62 was reported in the same filing quarter.
Original Filing - 10/02/2019:
During recent flooding events along the Illinois River in Hardin, IL, flood water and debris damaged the heat trace
insulation coverings and possibly the pipes for the water and sewer lines that service the control tower on the Joe
Page Bridge. Flood water was also found in the junction boxes for these two lines and full damage is yet to be
determined until these lines are uncovered. Due to the unique position of the bridge and river, the location of other
utilities and local requirements, the District is unable to perform this work with our forces and equipment. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/01/2019 through 12/29/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $150,000.00.
Signed By: Joseph Monroe, District 8 Operations Engineer
Vendor: Loelike Plumbing, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,000.00 $73,248.62 $73,248.62 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
15 Transportation, Department of File Date: 10/17/2019
Original Filing - 10/17/2019:
Heavy rains on Aug 12th resulted in a culvert failure on IL 160 2.7 miles south of IL 140 and the closure of
IL160 from Pocahontas Rd to IL140 in Grantfork. The contractor will remove the pavement, make Temporary
subgrade repairs and backfill to re-establish operations. Once the needed final materials are obtained, the Contractor
will replace the culvert, install rip rap on end sections for protection and patch the pavement. On October 17, 2019,
both an Original Emergency Purchase Statement and a Final Actual Cost Statement were received from the
Department of Transportation for the dates of 08/14/2019 through 09/30/2019, reporting the Estimated Total Cost
at $250,000.00, and the Actual Total Cost at $233,532.57.
Signed By: Joseph Monroe, District 8 Operations Engineer
Vendor: Keeley & Sons Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $250,000.00 $233,532.57 $233,532.57 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
16 Transportation, Department of File Date: 10/28/2019
Latest Filing - 11/21/2019:
An Actual Total Cost of $9,424.88 was reported in the same filing quarter.
Original Filing - 10/28/2019:
A semi vs. tractor accident in front of the Amboy maintenance yard caused extensive damage to the security fence
and gate at the yard. Contractor will be replacing fence posts with concrete foundations, supplying temporary
panels to secure the facility, approximately 200' of new fencing and new gate. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 10/23/2019 through 01/20/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $15,000.00.
Signed By: Masood Ahmad, Regional Engineer
Vendor: Sterling Fence Co. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $15,000.00 $9,424.88 $9,424.88 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
17 Transportation, Department of File Date: 10/29/2019
Latest Filing - 11/21/2019:
An Actual Total Cost of $64,762.02 was reported in the same filing quarter.
Original Filing - 10/29/2019:
This work is anticipated to include repairs to the bridge deck and back parapet wall along with installing a new
React attenuator that were damaged in an accident on October 21, 2019 under MCHD Claim #818118. The new
attenuator is being provided by District 8 Operations. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
10/28/2019 through 01/25/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $300,000.00.
Signed By: Joseph Monroe, District 8 Operations Engineer
Vendor: Keeley and Sons, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $300,000.00 $64,762.02 $64,762.02 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
18 Transportation, Department of File Date: 11/5/2019
Latest Filing - 12/02/2019:
An Actual Total Cost of $239,200.00 was reported in the same filing quarter.
Original Filing - 11/05/2019:
Due to a semi accident the north bound I-57 bridge (025-0002) over I-70 in Effingham sustained major damage. The
contractor will provide proper traffic control & protection and complete structure repairs to the damaged parapet,
bridge deck and bridge joint. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/01/2019 through 01/29/2020
with an Original Estimated Cost of $400,000.00.
Signed By: Jeffrey Myers, Region Four Engineer
Vendor: Halverson Construction Co. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $400,000.00 $239,200.00 $239,200.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
19 Transportation, Department of File Date: 11/7/2019
Original Filing - 11/07/2019:
Monroe Truck Equipment was the last contract holder for snowplow repair parts. Monroe snowplow repair parts
and accessories as needed during the emergency contract. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
11/05/2019 through 02/02/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $350,000.00.
Signed By: Audra Williams, Bureau Chief-Business Services
Vendor: Monroe Truck Equipment Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $350,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
20 Transportation, Department of File Date: 11/12/2019
Original Filing - 11/12/2019:
Purchase of liquid calcium chloride in bulk for deicing. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
11/08/2019 through 02/05/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $220,000.00.
Signed By: Aundra Williams, Bureau Chief-Business Services
Vendor: Sicalco Ltd.; Scotwood Industries & Gasaway Distribution Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $220,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
21 Transportation, Department of File Date: 12/19/2019
Original Filing - 12/19/2019:
Conserv FS, Piatt FS, Illini FS, Prairieland FS, and Evergreen Heritage FS are the four vendors issued contracts to
purchase fuel. These contracts will enable the Department of Transportation to purchase diesel fuel and biodiesel
fuel on an as needed basis. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/19/2019 through 03/18/2020
with an Original Estimated Cost of $159,000.00.
Signed By: David Papp, State Purchasing Officer
Vendor: Various Vendors Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $159,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
22 Veterans Affairs, Department of File Date: 11/5/2019
Original Filing - 11/05/2019:
IDVA has had existing contracts with Phigenics, LLC for all IDVA Homes to establish and maintain a water
management system and complete testing as needed at each home if a positive Legionella test is received. The
original cost of these contracts were divided by home individually. However, due to current barriers in getting a long
term contract in place we are in need of an emergency contract for 90 days so that we are able to get a new contract
in place for all 4 homes. Additionally, an IFB for FY20 will be published for competitive bid for water management
with continued testing. This emergency contract shall also help cover the needs of the Home while the protest is
completed and a competitive bid awarded. The contract shall cover the Water Management Plan costs for the 90
days of the emergency. It shall also cover water sample collections and the testing of those sample for Legionella.
Shipping and handling cost is also included to ship the samples to a CDC accredited lab for the Legionella Test. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/01/2019 through 01/29/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $315,600.00.
Signed By: Michele Kuntz, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Phigenics LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $315,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
23 Capital Development Board File Date: 10/9/2019
Second Filing - 11/21/2019:
On November 21, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an
extension for dates starting 12/10/2019 to 03/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated
cost at $1,351,000.00.
Original Filing - 10/09/2019:
The scope of work provides for the renovation of the basement (East Wing) in Oak Hall for a Statewide Processing
Center as directed by the Architect/Engineer of record and will involve the General demolition, Construction,
Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC Mechanical and Asbestos trades. Incorporated documents include the March 2009
Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement and design documents provided by the Architect/Engineer of
record and approved by CDB. Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $100,000.00, which is a
place-holder prior to entering into a Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital
Development Board in consultation with the Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon
project completion and project close-out. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/09/2019
through 01/06/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,278,853.00 with contingency..
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: H & N Construction, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,278,853.00 $1,351,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
24 Capital Development Board File Date: 10/21/2019
Second Filing - 12/13/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 13, 2019, for Farnsworth Group Inc. & Limbaugh
Construction Company Inc., requesting an extension for dates starting 01/02/2020 to 07/01/2020 at an additional
estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated cost at $1,125,000.00.
Original Filing - 10/21/2019:
On August 30, 2019, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Federal CMS) approved a Corrective Action
Plan (CAP) submitted by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) in response to
deficiencies outlined in a December 2018 and February 2019 Federal inspections. The CAP is to correct areas where
the State of Illinois is out of compliance with Federal Medicaid laws for, among other reasons, failure to allow
beneficiaries to respond and provide renewal forms or necessary information through any of the modes of
submission which includes telephone, (specifically, HFS as the State Medicaid Agency and the Illinois Department
of Human Services (DHS), the agency that makes determinations on public benefits). This CAP includes a plan to
create a new call center at Alton to address these findings and it is to be fully functional on April 1, 2020. Therefore,
DHS has asked that CDB procure vendor(s) under an emergency declaration to renovate the first floor of Holly
Hall into a call center. The call center is necessary to alleviate wait times as high as 50 minutes and abandonment
rates well exceeding 50%. This potentially endangers hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans and puts them at risk for
not having food or getting needed medical attention if they cannot reach DHS to apply for public benefits. Not only
is the State of Illinois under a CAP from federal CMS, but we are also under a CAP from the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) on SNAP benefits (for timeliness issues).
The scope of work provides for design services to renovate the existing interior space for approximately 80
workers. The work includes removal of existing walls and finishes, the creation of new toilet rooms, office space,
and breakroom. The existing electrical must be replaced and HVAC system must be modified to accommodate the
increased occupant load. The existing entrances will have to be modified for accessibility. The existing elevator must
be repaired. A new parking lot will be constructed to accommodate the increased occupancy of the building. This
project includes the removal of asbestos-containing materials. Lead removal may also be required. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 10/21/2019 through 01/18/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of
$125,000.00 for Farnsworth Group and $1,000,000.00 for Limbaugh Construction Company, Inc..
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Farnsworth Group, Inc. & Limbaugh Construction Co., Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,125,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
25 Capital Development Board File Date: 11/6/2019
Latest Filing - 12/02/2019:
An Actual Total Cost of $37,522.73 was reported in the same filing quarter.
Original Filing - 11/06/2019:
On October 25, 2019, the last operating water heater failed at the Anna Veterans' Home leaving the facility without
hot water. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs requests that the Capital Development Board procure vendors
under an emergency purchase to provide repairs to or replacement of the facility's water heaters. This project began
through the use of an IDIQ contract with Eggemeyer Associates to investigate and assess the hot water heaters and
distribution system at the facility. Due to the failure of the remaining water heater, emergency purchases are now
necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents, and State employees at the facility and to prevent or
minimize a serious disruption in critical State services at the facility. The contractor A& W Plumbing and Heating
located at Murphysboro, Illinois was selected to provide emergency services because they have experience with
MEP systems, they are relatively in close proximity to the project site and they can respond immediately to this
request for emergency services. The scope of work provides for the repair or replacement of hot water heaters and
necessary electrical items to the affected building at the Anna Veterans' Home. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 10/25/2019 through 10/26/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $99,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: A&W Plumbing and Brown Electric Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $99,000.00 $37,522.73 $37,522.73 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
26 Capital Development Board File Date: 11/7/2019
Original Filing - 11/07/2019:
On October 15, 2019, facility staff notified CDB that one of the two operating boilers to be replaced has failed. The
connected load exceeds the capacity of the remaining operating boiler and the facility is concerned that one boiler
will not be able to generate enough heat for the facility once winter temperatures set in. It is unknown whether
attempts at repair work on a boiler that has exceeded its useful life and is original to the building will suffice during
the winter months, and costs associated with those repairs are not fiscally in the best interest of the State.
Considering the time frames needed for design, bidding and award procedures for the overall project, the replacement
of the failed boiler under the existing processes would not begin until after the heating season. Therefore, in order to
maintain sufficient heat throughout the winter for residents and staff, an emergency declaration is necessary to
replace the failed boiler as quickly as possible. The scope of work provides for the replacement of the failed boiler
to include any ancillary components as directed by the Architect/Engineer of record. This Emergency Purchase has
an expected start date of 11/07/2019 through 02/04/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Loescher Hearing & Air Conditioning Co. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
27 Capital Development Board File Date: 12/9/2019
Original Filing - 12/09/2019:
The Pontiac Correctional Center is an 83 building facility established in 1892. The heating system for the North Cell
House has failed and is beyond economic repair. A survey has been conducted to replace the heating system at an
estimated construction cost of $6.1 million. The existing unit heaters are only at 50% capacity because the failed
steam traps will not stop the flow of steam in the appliance in order to allow it to work properly, and as a result,
the unit will not give off the rated amount of BTU. Facility staff has tried numerous temporary measures including
the use of portable electric heaters to the entrances and office areas of the cell house as well as providing temporary
propane heaters. However, the propane tanks are a fire hazard and put off CO2 causing safety issues and potential
grievances from the occupants. Additionally, the hoses for the fuel are accessible to the occupants which creates
additional security threats. Also, there is no readily available electric power in the cell house to provide anything
beyond small electric heaters. The Illinois Department of Corrections has requested that CDB procure vendors
under an emergency declaration to assess and provide immediate temporary heat before the onset of consistently
low temperatures. The lack of a properly functioning heating system is putting the facility’s operations at risk and
temporary measures need to be put in place before the overall heating system replacement project can be
implemented. This project will utilize an IDIQ contract for Architect/Engineer (“A/E”) design services. Considering
the time frames needed for the award of a construction contract for temporary heating at Pontiac Correctional
Center's North Cell House under normal processes would likely not begin for several months, emergency purchases
are necessary to protect against the threat to public health and safety and to prevent or minimize serious disruption
in critical State services. A & R Mechanical Contractors, Inc. was selected to provide construction services because
they are familiar with the site having recently completed a project at Pontiac CC, have the necessary security
clearances in place, and they can respond immediately to this request for emergency services. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 12/09/2019 through 03/07/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: A & R Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
28 Capital Development Board File Date: 12/19/2019
Original Filing - 12/19/2019:
The underground heat piping at Lawrence Correctional Center between House 7 (C8525) and House 8 (C8527) has
deteriorated to the point that it has started leaking in multiple areas. Repair clamps were used initially as a
temporary fix but the leaks have worsened. If the piping completely fails, the boiler system will shut down, which
supplies heat to the entire south end of the facility. The scope of work provides for the replacement of, to be
verified, 4” diameter hot water supply and return piping between Buildings C8525 & C8527. The work shall consist
of excavating alongside the existing pipes and installing new 4” diameter pre-insulated direct buried steel pipe with
welded fittings, 2” thick insulation with waterproof jacket. At each building, the piping shall be extended to the
foundation wall, turned up and projected through the wall which then shall re-connect to the existing interior heating
pipe. The masonry wall shall be core drilled to accept the pipes. Provide annular expansion seals to seal each
penetration at each building. At each interior connection point, provide a 4” shutoff valve (4 total). All new piping
shall be flushed and cleaned prior to placing them into service. Upon installation and commissioning of the new
lines, existing pipes shall be cut off 1'-0” from the face of the foundation and capped. The remaining buried pipe
shall be removed in its entirety. The entire excavation shall be backfilled and final graded. This Emergency Purchase
has an expected start date of 12/19/2019 through 03/17/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $46,200.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Heartland Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $46,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
29 Capital Development Board File Date: 12/23/2019
Second Filing - 01/09/2020:
On January 9, 2020 and Emergency Purchase Statement was received to include Brown Electric, Inc.. Brown
Electric will provide construction services for the replacement of the employee duress system at Chester Mental
Health Center as directed by the architect/engineer of record. Some abatement is possible. Incorporated documents
include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement and design documents provided by
the Architect/Engineer of record and approved by CDB. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
01/09/2020 through 04/07/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $370,000.00, revising the estimated cost to
Original Filing - 12/23/2019:
On August 20, 2019, a survey of the employee duress system at the Chester Mental Health Center was conducted
to determine if necessary actions were needed to prevent or minimize a serious disruption of the system. The
Chester Mental Health Center is a 28 building maximum security facility established in 1975. The survey indicates
the current system is over 24 years old, the original manufacturer is no longer in business, and repair parts are
extremely difficult to locate or do not exist. The duress system is used to alert security and medical personnel that
additional staff are required at an area immediately to protect both staff and patients and allows for rapid response
to any critical situation throughout the facility. An emergency could consist of anything from a staff assault, patient
assault, or even a medical emergency. The scope of work provides for the investigation and assessment of the
employee duress system in this 28 building facility and to provide design services for its entire replacement. Some
abatement is possible. Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction &
Supplement and the March 2009 Design and Construction Manual & Supplement. WRF Engineers is authorized to
proceed with the scope of work outlined in this Emergency Purchase Statement. The cost for Professional Services
provided under this procurement is estimated not to exceed $100K. The contract amount is not to be exceeded
without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the Chief Procurement
Office. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/23/2019 through 03/21/2020 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: WRF Engineers & Brown Electric, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $470,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
30 University of Illinois File Date: 10/1/2019
Original Filing - 10/01/2019:
The federal granting agency, Brookhaven National Laboratory, has directed the University of Illinois Urbana-
Champaign to purchase tungsten powder, in accordance with CFR 200.320(f)(2), from HC Stark Incorporated
(Applicable Illinois Statute: 30 ILCS 500/20-30).This emergency quick purchase is being pursued to avoid the
detrimental research impact of a six-month delay and an additional $77,000 that would be required to qualify an
alternative vendor's tungsten powder. This transaction is for 11,400kg of tungsten powder. Tungsten powder is a
component of an electromagnetic calorimeter being constructed for the sPHENIX Project to be located at the
Brookhaven National Laboratory. A research team at UIUC has developed a specialized casting process to create
calorimeter blocks for the Brookhaven National Laboratory. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
10/01/2019 through 10/01/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $661,000.00, using Federal Funds.
Signed By: Brad Henson, Director of Purchasing
Vendor: HC Stark Incorporated Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $661,000.00 $661,000.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
31 University of Illinois File Date: 10/3/2019
Latest Filing - 01/13/2020:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 2, Item# 31 is $975,000.00.
Original Filing - 10/03/2019:
This is the approved vendor from the Vizient Cooperative that is currently utilized by the UlC Hospital. The
supplies and services are needed on an on-going basis until the university has State authority to procure under the
Vizient cooperative contract #FD91220 (Vizient Reference Number - US Foods, Inc.). The emergency is required
until the approval process to procure under the Vizient contract is completed. The bulletin reference number
#007MKS. This vendor supplies all food products and supplies to support the cafeteria that serves the guests of
hospital, patients and visitors, along with the food for inpatients dietary and clinical needs. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 10/02/2019 through 12/31/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of
$975,000.00 using Institutional Funds.
Signed By: Kevin Fair, Associate Director of Purchasing
Vendor: US Foods Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $975,000.00 $975,000.00 $975,000.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
32 University of Illinois File Date: 10/17/2019
Original Filing - 10/17/2019:
Windows 10 Operating System software upgrade to the Electroencephologram (EEG) equipment within the
hospital, including upgrading of vendor's proprietary software to their machines. This upgrade is due to the sun
setting of the current operating system by Microsoft (Windows 7) and must be completed by January 14, 2020 to
keep the hospital from risk of software security breaches, and/or equipment failure due to the operating system
failure on the equipment & keeping the safety of our patient's health & medical information out of jeopardy. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/21/2019 through 01/01/2020 with an Actual Cost of
$210,117.72, using Institutional Funds.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Director, UIC Purchasing
Vendor: Nihon Kohden Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $210,117.72 $210,117.72 $210,117.72 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
33 University of Illinois File Date: 10/22/2019
Original Filing - 10/22/2019:
The fermenters are specifically designed stainless steel aseptic tanks with controls, valves, and instrumentation to
monitor processes inside the tank. They will be used for industrial biotech fermentation processes in our research
programs. 1 - 400L Sartorius Fermentor, 1- 200L Sartorius Fermenter, 1-1200L Sartorius Stedim Fermenter, 1- 150L
Sartorius Stedim Fermentor, and 1- 100L Sartorius Stedim Fermentor. This Emergency Purchase has an expected
start date of 10/24/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $240,000.00.
Signed By: Brad Henson,
Vendor: Federal Equipment Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $240,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
34 University of Illinois File Date: 11/20/2019
Original Filing - 11/20/2019:
Operate the University of Illinois Waste Transfer Station (WTS) and haul University solid waste from the WTS.
The services will include, but not be limited to providing trailers and containers for use, hauling trailers and
containers from the site, sorting recyclable materials from the waste stream, and operating and maintaining
equipment on site. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/01/2019 through 02/29/2020 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $105,000.00.
Signed By: Brad Henson, Director of Purchasing
Vendor: Allied Waste Transportation dba Republic Services, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $105,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
35 University of Illinois File Date: 12/22/2019
Original Filing - 10/22/2019:
On May 21, 2019 the results of a structural analysis and testing of a concrete ceiling slab of the mechanical room of
The Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls complex in Urbana, Illinois were presented to the University. A
concrete slab, which acts as a roof and supports multiple utilities, was deteriorated to the point of overstress.
Actions were taken by Housing to prohibit any pedestrians and employees from walking on top of the slab, and
limit access by housing personnel in the mechanical room. Delaying repairs puts employees that need to maintain
the equipment in the mechanical room in danger of injury from an increased risk of a slab or utility failure. In
addition, should the slab fail, utilities and critical systems in the mechanical room would be damaged and would
render the Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls complex to be unoccupied. Students currently living in the 1,053
available dorm rooms would require temporary housing at considerable expense to the University. Failure of the
slab would result in substantial costs to repair the affected damaged utilities and critical systems in the mechanical
room and to temporarily house the students currently living in 1053 available dorm rooms. Lastly, should Housing
would have significant loss of revenue from events that have been booked in this facility. This Emergency Purchase
has an expected start date of 10/18/2019 through 04/26/2020 with an Actual Cost of $745,800.00, using Institution
Signed By: Sean Reeder, Assistant Vice President-Capital Program
Vendor: Felmley-Dickerson Company Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $745,800.00 $745,800.00 $745,800.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
Previously Filed
Emergency Purchases
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
36 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 10/18/2019
Latest Filing - 10/19/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 3 is $2,014,414.33.
Original Filing - 06/27/2019: FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 3:
This is the vendor DoIT currently has a contract with for this Oracle Software Maintenance and Support. The
current contract expires on 06/30/19 can no longer be renewed. This emergency will be the same terms and
conditions as the current contract. Failure to purchase ongoing maintenance on this software places the State at risk
for the product to stop working or extended service interruptions as a result of the loss of vendor upgrades or
software patches, vendor provided technical support. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
07/01/2019 through 09/28/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,125,000.00.
Signed By: Ron Guerrier, Acting Secretary
Vendor: Mythics, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,125,000.00 $2,014,414.33 $2,014,414.33 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
37 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 11/18/2019
Latest Filing - 11/18/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 4 is $783,804.00.
Original Filing - 06/27/2019:
DoIT, in agreement with the Chief Procurement Officer for General Services, desires to establish a Joint Purchase
Master Contract for governmental units and qualified not-for-profit agencies. This emergency is to continue services
under the JPMC ESRI GIS Products and Maintenance Contract until a new JPMC contract is negotiated and
executed. Failure to purchase ongoing ESRI GIS Products and Maintenance on this software places the State at risk
for the product to stop working or extended service interruptions as a result of the loss of vendor services. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2019 through 09/28/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $250,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $250,000.00 $783,804.00 $783,804.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
38 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/27/2020
Second Filing - 12/27/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 27, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
12/30/2019 to 03/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $150,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 09/26/2019:
The current contract that expires 9/30/19 can no longer be extended renewed. (CMS7965240.) This emergency will
be the same terms and conditions as the current contract. This maintenance and support is critical to the support of
numerous end-of-life servers/applications that reside in the outdated Unix server environment at the State's Central
Computing Facility (CCF). These servers are providing critical services to all consolidated and supported agencies.
Without this contract these systems could not be adequately supported and would experience downtime that could
jeopardize the life, health, safety of the citizens. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/01/2019
through 12/29/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $150,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Matrix Systems Group, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,000.00 $300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
39 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/27/2019
Second Filing - 12/27/2019: FY20, Qtr !, Item# 7:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 27, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
12/28/2019 to 04/30/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $1,125,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 09/30/2019: FY20, Qtr !, Item# 7:
The current master contract (renewal 2 of 2) that expires 6/30/19 can no longer be renewed. (CMS7966630-B) The
current emergency contract expires 9/28/19. This new emergency will be the same terms and conditions as the
current emergency contract. Failure to purchase ongoing maintenance on this software places the State at risk for the
product to stop working or extended service interruptions as a result of the loss of vendor upgrades or software
patches, vendor provided technical support, etc. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/29/2019
through 12/26/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $1,125,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Mythics, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,125,000.00 $2,250,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
40 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/25/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 4 is $137,888.96 for Willett Hofmann & Associates Inc. and
$1,358,427.42 for Civil Constructors Inc..
Original Filing - 03/06/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 4:
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) requires emergency services at the Hennepin Canal, located
in Bureau County, near Tiskilwa, Illinois. The Agency requires emergency services to install two (2) earthen coffer
dams, one upstream of the break and one downstream of the break within the canal. Between the coffer dams, a 4-
foot diameter culvert will be installed to divert the water around the breach in the levee. The culvert will need to be
several hundred feet long. Once the flow is by-passed around the levee break, engineers can investigate the failure,
obtain geotechnical borings and develop a long-term solution to best repair the levee break. Once the embankment
has been re-established, the trail shall be restored atop the embankment. The construction contractor estimates the
construction will be completed in approximately 6-8 weeks. Engineering professional services will be provided by
Willett Hofmann & Associates Inc., of Dixon, Freeport and Moline, Illinois, to oversee the construction efforts,
provide technical support to IDNR engineers and the contractor and provide compaction tests of the earthen
embankment material. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/06/2019 through 05/31/2019 with
an Original Estimated Cost of $500,000.00 for Civil Constructors Inc. and $50,000.00 for Willett Hofmann &
Associates, Inc..
Signed By: Clara Orrill, Assistant Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Civil Constructors Inc. & Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $550,000.00 $1,496,316.38 $1,496,316.38 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
41 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/25/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 8 is $973,564.42.
Original Filing - 07/22/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 8:
The IDNR requires services to supply and place an estimated 40,000 tons of 'torpedo' sand to replenish
approximately 2,300 feet of coastal shoreline in the Camp Logan unit, to prevent further damage to the adjacent bike
trail and the nature preserve. The trail is in a damaged state due to the erosive effects of Lake Michigan wave action
and the above average rainfall. The IDNR has the role of stewardship for the state park and its important and vital
nature preserves, as protected under the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act, and as recommended in the Long-
Term Coastal Stewardship management plan for Illinois Beach State Park and North Point Marina. Failure to
provide the sand could result in more trail being washed away and additional loss of habitat in the nature preserve.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/17/2019 through 10/11/2019 with an Original Estimated
Cost of $925,226.00.
Signed By: Clara Orrill,
Vendor: Thelen Materials, LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $925,226.00 $973,564.42 $973,564.42 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
42 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 11/4/2019
Third Filing - 11/04/2019: FY 20, Qtr 1, Item# 9:
On November 11, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received, reporting an extension for dates starting
10/13/2019 to 04/12/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated cost at $0.00.
Second Filing - 09/20/2019: FY 20, Qtr 1, Item# 9:
On September 20, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an
extension for dates starting 10/13/2019 to 07/18/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated
cost of $0.00.
Original Filing - 07/24/2019: FY 20, Qtr 1, Item# 9:
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) requires emergency concession services to operate and
maintain the two level underground parking facility located beneath the Old State Capital Historic Site while a
formal solicitation can be prepared.
The Concessionaire will operate the parking facility from 7:00 AM to 7PM
Monday through Friday and from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Saturdays and have an option to operate on Sunday's.
The Concessionaire will pay IDNR 42.15% of gross receipts on a monthly basis. This is a Revenue generating
contract, no State funds will be expended for this procurement. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date
of 07/19/2019 to 10/12/2019.
Signed By: Clara Orrill, Assistant Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: James McCann DBA Uptown Garages Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
43 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 10/9/2019
Latest Filing - 10/9/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 11 is $173,035.00.
Original Filing - 07/25/2019:
Emergency construction services. DNR requires the services of a contractor to drill and grout at the location of an
abandoned coal mine shaft. The scope of work will include completing subsurface borings with intent to intercept
and fill voids within the abandoned mine shaft. Drilling will consist of inclined boreholes to various depths.
mine shaft collapsed in October 2018 and was subsequently remediated in December 2018 by placing a concrete
plug from the 3 ft. to 17 ft. depth. At the time of the collapse the shaft was measured to be in excess of 200 ft.
deep, and the open hole approximately 20 ft. in diameter at ground surface. At the time of remediation the open
hole/shaft was measured to be 17 ft. deep with a circular footprint approximately 40 ft. in diameter. It’s uncertain if
the open shaft filled with material or become clogged with material.
It’s noted that additional failure of material
within and/or adjacent to the shaft may occur. Such failure, if deep seated, can happen rapidly, with little or no
warning, creating a hole that is tens of feet wider and deeper than the original collapse. Therefore, all work within
the vicinity of the shaft should be considered dangerous and the Contractor shall employ all safety procedures
deemed necessary to protect personnel, equipment, and property. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start
date of 07/31/2019 through 10/28/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $148,280.00.
Signed By: Clara Orrill, Assistant Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Howard Concrete Pumping Co, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $148,280.00 $173,035.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
44 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 10/17/2019
Third Filing - 11/04/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 10:
On November 4, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an
extension for dates starting 10/14/2019 to 01/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $31,200.00, making a
revised State estimate of $54,600.00
Second Filing - 10/17/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 10:
A Final cost statement was received on October 17, 2019 stating the total cost for dates 04/25/2019 through
07/19/2019 was $0.00
On September 20, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an
extension for dates starting 10/14/2019 to 01/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated
cost of $23,400.00.
Original Filing - 07/25/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 10:
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) requires emergency concession services at the Grand Marais
Golf Course located in Centreville, IL, in St. Clair County within the Frank Holten State Recreation Area (SRA)
IAC with 30 ILCS 500/20-30).
IDNR was forced to terminate a contract with the previous concessionaire
leaving the agency with the burden of maintaining the Grand Marais Golf Course. IDNR does not have the
expertise, experience, or staff required to operate and maintain a golf course.
The cost to maintain the 18-hole golf
course for the 2019 season is estimated at $350,000 to $400,000. If it is not maintained the cost to restore the
greens to golfing conditions has been estimated at $800,000 to $1,000,000. This cost would be a maintenance
expense only. IDNR wouldn't receive any income as the golf course would remain closed to the public and further
cause site deteriorate beyond repair.
IDNR is currently in the process of expending a substantial amount of
money for repairs and improvements to the course including flood mitigation, new irrigation pumps, and clubhouse
improvements. The clubhouse was left in a state of disarray by the previous concessionaire. These repairs and
improvements will not be sustained without a concessionaire to perform the general and routine maintenance IDNR
is unable to provide.
The golf course is in a prime location less than ten miles from St. Louis and has been a big
part of the metro-east area for over 30 years. Under good management the golf course has seen revenues at around
$500,000 annually in recent years and in the past revenues have exceeded $1,000,000. This revenue provides
multiple income streams to state and local agencies. If closed for this season it will become another costly venture
on Illinois taxpayers and significantly impact the local economy. Golden Tees will receive a monthly payment of
$7,800, and will be responsible for general routine maintenance and repairs, and safety and security at the site.
Immediate concession services are necessary to prevent a potential threat to public safety, further damage to State
property, and disruption of services providing for the collection of substantial State revenues. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 07/20/2019 through 10/13/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: Clara Orrill, Assistant Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Golden Tees - Robert Bonner Notary Date:
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $24,300.00 $54,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
45 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 10/17/2019
Fourth Filing - 11/04/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 12:
On November 4, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an
extension for dates starting 10/27/2019 to 01/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $.00, keeping a revised State
estimate of $0.00
Third Filing - 10/17/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 12:
A Final cost statement was received on October 17, 2019 stating the total cost for dates 04/08/2019 through
07/26/2019 was $0.00
Second Filing - 09/20/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 12:
On September 20, 2019, an Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter, reporting an
extension for dates starting 10/27/2019 to 01/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated
cost of $0.00.
Original Filing - 08/07/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 12:
A 90 day emergency for the Golconda Marina Concession was declared on April 8th, 2019 at which time Larry
Millis, LLC began operation of the Marina and concession store. IDNR requested and extension to the emergency
contract through December 31, 2019 which was approved on June 26, 2019. An oversight on the initial contract led
to it not being fully executed until July 19, 2019 which was past the expiration date of July 5th, 2019. IDNR
cannot extend an expired contract and is declaring a new 90 day emergency for the concession operation utilizing the
same Vendor. The Golconda Marina is a 274-acre full-service boat marina recognized as one of the finest fishing and
boating areas in the nation. On average, the concession generates $305,000 in annual sales derived from daily,
overnight and seasonal boat slip rental, and the sale of Illinois hunting and fishing licenses, fuel, and miscellaneous
items offered in the concession store. Of the $305,000 IDNR directly collects approximately $125,000 annually
from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses alone as Golconda Marina is the only point of sale (POS) for hunting
and licenses in Pope County. Mr. Willis will be authorized to collect fees for daily, overnight and seasonal boat slip
rental, dispense fuel, and offer for sale food, confections, hot and cold non-alcoholic beverages, tobacco products,
selected souvenirs and novelties in good character, clothing, newspapers, boating equipment, bait, hunting/fishing
licenses, marine, fishing, hunting, picnic and camping supplies, offer boat rental and State of Illinois Lottery Tickets.
The concessionaire shall keep all revenues from the concession operation. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 08/01/2019 through 10/26/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $0.00 ($150,000.00 Value).
Signed By: Clara Orrill, Assistant Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Larry W. Millis, LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
46 Corrections, Department of File Date: 10/15/2019
Latest Filing - 10/15/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 8 is $274,205.33.
Second Filing - 05/31/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on May 31, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
05/05/2019 to 08/04/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $213,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
$426,000.00. For this extension they will be using 301 Working Capital.
Original Filing - 02/06/2018:
ICI-IL River is running out of white and wheat flour for the production of various bakery items they produce for
customers. Currently, the bakery has enough flour to last until the second week in February. The current CMS
contract vendor will not supply product at the stated price differential. ICI needs this product to continue providing
bakery goods to customers at IDOC and other state agencies. The emergency request will enable ICI-IL River
enough inventory to produce items until the beginning of May 2019. This Emergency Purchase has an expected
start date of 02/04/2019 through 05/1/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $213,000.00.
Signed By: Jeff Schukai, State Purchasing Officer
Vendor: Advanced Commodities Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $213,000.00 $426,000.00 $274,205.33 $274,205.33 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
47 Corrections, Department of File Date: 10/23/2019
Latest Filing - 10/19/2019: FY19, Qtr. 4, Item#11:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 11 is $76,750.00.
Second Filing - 08/26/2019: FY19, Qtr. 4, Item#11:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on August 26, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
09/23/2019 to 10/31/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated cost at $110,000.00.
Original Filing - 06/26/2019: FY19, Qtr. 4, Item#11:
This Emergency Purchase Statement covers the purchase of parts and labor to repair the failed Computerized
Locking Control System at Logan Correction Center. Failure of this system poses a significant risk to the life,
health, and safety of both staff and offenders. The Capitol Development Board was consulted during the decision-
making process and made a recommendation that the project should proceed. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 06/25/2019 through 09/22/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $110,000.00.
Signed By: Darrell Marcy, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Stanley Security System Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $110,000.00 $76,750.00 $76,750.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
48 Human Services, Department of File Date: 10/15/2019
Second Filing - 10/16/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 17:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on October 16, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
10/222/2019 to 07/23/2021 at an additional estimated cost of $313,250.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 08/01/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 17:
The Ligas v. Hamos lawsuit was filed on July 28, 2005, on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities who
were residing in private, State-funded facilities (Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental
Disabilities or ICFs/DD) of nine or more persons or who were at risk of being placed in such facilities. Plaintiffs
sought placement in Community-Based Settings and receipt of community-based services. On June 15, 2011, a
fairness hearing was held; on the same day, a Consent Decree was approved by the Court.
The Court has since
found that the rates DHS pays for residential services to class members are too low. An appropriate rate must be
established to ensure quality services are provided. That rate relief must be forthcoming as quickly as possible. DHS
must secure the services of a qualified rate developer. Working in collaboration with the Division of Developmental
Disabilities and the Rates Oversight Committee, the vendor will conduct a rate study, conduct research on the
current rate methodologies, consider recommendations developed by the Rates Oversight Committee and craft
recommended rate methodologies for Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) and Intermediate Care
Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ICF/IDD), Illinois' primary residential
settings for persons with developmental disabilities. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
07/24/2019 through 10/21/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $103,250.00.
Signed By: Jean Sandstrom, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Navigant Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $103,250.00 $416,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
49 Military Affairs, Department of File Date: 12/23/2019
Second Filing - 12/23/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 23, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
12/28/2019 to 05/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $867,750.00, revising the total estimated cost to
$1,442,025.00 in Federal Funds.
Original Filing - 09/27/2019:
The Illinois Department of Military Affairs requires Security Guard services for: Camp Lincoln, Marseilles Training
Area, Peoria, Midway, North Riverside and Decatur. Services are required to ensure the safety of employees and to
protect the property of the State. Services include stationary assignments and patrol of buildings or properties
during operating and after hours. The DMA requires trained and qualified on-duty armed security officers
distributed among three shifts and six locations from the first day of performance through completion of this
contract in support of post patrol, access control points, security enforcement, vehicular traffic flow, and vehicle
inspections in accordance with federal, state, local, Department of Defense (DoD), and applicable force protection
conditions to include random antiterrorism measures. In support of their duties, vendor security officers will deter,
detect, and detain, by use of necessary and reasonable force, trespassers or persons who illegally gain or attempt to
gain access to the installation. Additionally, vendor security officers will detect and detain persons suspected of
committing other offenses such as operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drug, driving a motor
vehicle on any DMA facility with a suspended/revoked license, and illegal transport of drugs/explosive
materials/weapons. Vendor security officers must also possess or be capable of possessing any other skills that are
inherent to the protection of the DMA's assets and personnel. In addition, federal funding will be lost if services are
not procured by 9-30-19, which would also make this eligible as an emergency in accordance with IL Administrative
Code Title 44 Sec. 1.2030(c)(5). This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/01/2019 through
12/31/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $574,275.00 using Federal Funds.
Signed By: Donna Weatherly, Exec II - DMA State Procurement
Vendor: Global Security Services-IA, Ltd. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $574,275.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
50 Transportation, Department of File Date: 12/10/2019
Latest Filing - 12/10/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 18 is $122,425.39.
Third Filing - 10/22/2018: FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 18:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on October 22, 2018 requesting an extension for dates starting
10/22/2018 to 04/30/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $160,000.00 for Yoder Oil and $160,000.00 for Grainco
FS, Inc., revising the total estimated cost to $620,000.00.
Second Filing - 04/05/2018: FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 18:
An Emergency Purchase Statement was received adding an additional vendor, Yoder Oil, Inc., for dates 03/30/2018
through 05/22/2018, at an additional estimated cost of $100,000, making the revised estimated total at $300,000.00
Original Filing - 03/02/2018: FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 18:
This emergency contract will cover the operation yard locations for LaSalle, Yorkville, and Morris, IL and for
District 4. The vendors will provide diesel bulk fuel oil grade no. 1-D and no. 2-D. Vendors will also provide the
winter additive to treat diesel fuel. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/23/2018 through
05/22/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost of $200,000.00.
Signed By: Aundra Williams, APO
Vendor: Grainco FS, Inc., Sunrise FS and Yoder Oil Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $200,000.00 $620,000.00 $122,425.39 $122,425.39 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
51 Transportation, Department of File Date: 12/3/2019
Latest Filing - 12/03/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 14 is $59,131.80.
Original Filing - 03/06/2019:
EZ Street Premium Cold is a polymer-modified cold asphalt guaranteed to permanently repair potholes, utility cuts,
overlays, and edge repairs in asphalt or concrete. EZ Street is currently being used by State DOT's across the
country in bulk form. This product is not on contract and reduces the repeat repair of pot holes in the winter
months. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/05/2019 through 05/31/2019 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $130,000.00.
Signed By: Aundra Williams, APO
Vendor: Christ Bros. Products, LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $130,000.00 $59,131.80 $59,131.80 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
52 Transportation, Department of File Date: 11/1/2019
Latest Filing - 10/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 22 is $145,292.85.
Original Filing - 07/15/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 22:
Heavy rains over the last month have caused a 2 culvert system and berm to wash out on IL172 approximately 0.5
miles south of Tampico in Whiteside County. As we continue to get more rounds of heavy rains, the erosion is
getting worse and will soon undermine the roadway and there is no longer a berm to hold back the drainage way
water. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/11/2019 through 10/08/2019 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $150,000.00.
Signed By: Masood Ahmad, Region 2 Engineer
Vendor: Civil Constructors Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,000.00 $145,292.85 $145,292.85 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
53 Transportation, Department of File Date: 11/5/2019
Latest Filing - 11/05/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 23 is $141,609.26.
Original Filing - 08/07/2019:
On August 1, 2019, there was an accident involving 2 semis on I-74 at MP206. The accident resulted in a fire which
severely burnt both westbound lanes and both shoulders. The repair will involve milling down to good pavement
and then resurfacing. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/05/2019 through 11/02/2019 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $150,000.00.
Signed By: Kensil Garnett, Region 3 Engineer
Vendor: Open Road Paving Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,000.00 $141,609.26 $141,609.26 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
54 Transportation, Department of File Date: 10/22/2019
Latest Filing - 10/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 25 is $15,619.00.
Original Filing - 09/24/2019:
During recent flooding events along the Mississippi River in Alton, IL, flood water entered the Department's storm
sewer system along IL 100/Broadway inundating it with mud and debris. This storm sewer needs to be cleaned to
maintain efficiency and minimize any future flooding concerns due to impacted pipes. Due to the length and depth
of the storm sewer and also the depths of several of the basins/Structures, the District is unable to perform this
work with our forces and equipment. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/20/2019 through
12/18/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Joseph Monroe, District 8 Engineer
Vendor: Haier Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $15,619.00 $15,619.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
55 Veterans Affairs, Department of File Date: 10/22/2019
Latest Filing - 10/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 27 is $351,000.00.
Second Filing - 05/07/2018:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on May 7, 2018 requesting an extension for dates starting
05/24/2018 to 08/22/2018 at an additional estimated cost of $200,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 02/22/2018: FY18, Qtr 2, Item# 27:
The Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy, Illinois, seeks an emergency purchase of Pall sink filters. All faucets on
campus will be replaced as part of our on-going goal to eradicate legionella bacteria in the water system. Once
faucets are replaced, filters will immediately be put on every faucet. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start
date of 02/22/2018 through 05/23/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Frederick Murphy, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Unicor Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $300,000.00 $351,000.00 $351,000.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
56 Veterans Affairs, Department of File Date: 11/21/2019
Latest Filing - 11/21/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 28 for Ottsie, LLC and multiple vendors is $110,132.13, making the
Actual Total Cost for this Emergency at $220,276.69.
Second Filing - 07/31/2018: FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 28:
An Emergency Purchase Statement was received on July 31, 2018 reporting the Actual Final Cost for Prairie State
Plumbing and Heating at $32,714.88 and Original Final Cost of $77,429.68 for Sparrow Plumbing and Heating,
leaving an estimated cost for Ottsie, LLC at $100,000.00.
Original Filing - 02/22/2018: FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 28:
The IDVA is needing to replace all faucets on Campus as soon as possible. To that end, multiple vendors may be
sought out to provide faucets that the vendors have in stock that fit the faucet criteria as the installation needs to be
done immediately. The IDVA needs 630 faucets as soon as possible. All faucets need to be replaced as part of our
on-going goal to eradicate legionella bacteria in the water system. Once faucets are replaced, filters will immediately
be put on every faucet. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/22/2018 through 05/23/2018 with
an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00 to Ottsie LLC and $100,000.00, an Original Estimated Cost of
$100,000.00 to Sparrow Plumbing and Heating, and an Original Estimated cost of $100,000.00 to Prairie State
Plumbing & Heating.
Signed By: Frederick Murphy, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Ottsie, LLC and Prairie State Plumbing & Heating & Sparrow Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $300,000.00 $220,276.69 $220,276.69 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
57 Veterans Affairs, Department of File Date: 10/15/2019
Latest Filing - 10/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 29 is $197,025.00.
Second Filing - 05/07/2018:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on May 7, 2018 requesting an extension for dates starting
05/30/2018 to 08/27/2018 at an additional estimated cost of $100,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 03/01/2018: FY18, Qtr 2, Item# 29
The Illinois Veteran's Home in Quincy, Illinois, seeks an emergency purchase of Pall filters for all point of contact
water on campus. This includes tubs, ice Machines and water drinking fountains. Filters will be used and replaced as
needed as part of our on-going goal to eradicate legionella bacteria in the water system. This Emergency Purchase
has an expected start date of 03/01/2018 through 05/29/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Frederick Murphy, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Unicor Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $200,000.00 $197,025.00 $197,025.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
58 Veterans Affairs, Department of File Date: 10/15/2019
Fourth Filing - 12/20/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 16:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
12/23/2019 to 03/22/20 at an additional estimated cost of $135,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Third Filing - 10/15/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 16:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on October 15, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
07/26/2019 to 12/22/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $225,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Second Filing - 03/20/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 16:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter requesting an extension for dates starting
04/27/2019 to 07/25/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $135,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 01/25/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 16:
The Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs - LaSalle Home does not have an On-Site Pharmacy and needs to
contract out with a Vendor to ensure continued Pharmaceutical operations at the Home. This Vendor was the
vendor who was awarded the contract under a previous competitive solicitation. At the end of that contracted term,
a Purchase of Care procurement was incorrectly authorized and will be canceled. This emergency contract will allow
the Agency time to properly procure a new competitive contract for the Home. This emergency contract will be
canceled when the new competitively bid contract is in place. The Vendor shall provide Pharmacy services that
include dispensing medications and intravenous solutions in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal
laws and regulations. Provide staff including a Pharmacist that is on call 24 (Twenty-Four) hours a day, make
months rounds to review charts and proper documentation. Vendor shall also provide HIPPA compliant Facsimile
Machines to safely send and receive confidential information and lockable Medication Carts to store medication for
use at the Home. Vendor shall also keep the Home informed of all medical issues concerning medications prescribed
to residents of the Home. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/26/2019 through 04/26/2019
with an Original Estimated Cost of $135,000.00.
Signed By: Frederick Murphy, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Enloe Drugs LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $135,000.00 $495,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
59 Veterans Affairs, Department of File Date: 12/20/2019
Latest Filing - 12/20/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 16 is $32,400.00.
Original Filing - 06/26/2019: FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 16:
The contract shall cover the Water Management Plan costs for the 90 days of the emergency. It shall also cover
water sample collections and the testing of those sample for Legionella. Shipping and handling cost is also included
to ship the samples to a CDC accredited lab for the Legionella Test. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start
date of 06/27/2019 through 09/24/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $43,600.00.
Signed By: Frederick Murphy, APO
Vendor: Phigenics, LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $43,600.00 $32,400.00 $32,400.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
60 Capital Development Board File Date: 11/21/2019
Fifth Filing - 11/21/2019: FY18, Qtr. 4, Item# 26:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received extending Farnsworth Group, Inc.'s contract from 12/10/2019 to
07/31/2020. There was no additional cost reported.
Fourth Filing - 08/02/2018: FY18, Qtr. 4, Item# 26:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received extending Farnsworth Group, Inc.'s contract not to exceed 521
days. There was no additional cost reported.
Third Filing - 07/24/2018: FY18, Qtr. 4, Item# 26:
An Emergency Purchase Statement was received reporting the Final Actual Cost for Henson Robinson at $6,184.00.
The estimated cost for Farnsworth Group, Inc. remains at $150,000.00
Second Filing - 06/27/2018: FY18, Qtr. 4, Item# 26:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on June 27, 2018 requesting an extension for dates starting
08/29/2018 to 12/31/2018 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the total estimated cost at $160,000.00.
Original Filing - 05/31/2018: FY18, Qtr. 4, Item# 26:
The Logan Correction Center's Program Center has two 40 ton chillers that have failed and are no longer repairable.
The building is used daily to conduct education classes, various programs and has several staff offices. The facility
currently has no air-conditioning as a result and there is not additional space to conduct the classes. In addition, the
building's roofing system has failed, causing several leaks throughout the building and is beyond repair. The roofing
system needs to be replaced as soon as possible in order to protect the interior surfaces and furnishings, which have
already experienced significant damage. The failed roofing system and lack of air conditions is creating excessive heat
and creating mold issues. Farnsworth Group, Inc. will remove the existing roof in its entirety, and include the
installation of new high R-value insulation and all necessary accessories and flashings. The work also provides for
replacing two chillers, pumps, a portion of controls and some incidentals. Some abatement may also be necessary.
Henson Robinson will provide immediate temporary roof patch as directed by CDB until permanent roof
replacement commences. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 05/31/2018 through 08/28/2018
with an estimated cost of $150,000.00 to Farnsworth Group, Inc. and a estimated cost of $10,000.00 to Henson
Robinson, making the Original Estimated Total Cost at $160,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Farnsworth Group, Inc. and Henson Robinson Company Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $160,000.00 $6,184.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
61 Capital Development Board File Date: 11/20/2019
Fifth Filing - 11/20/2019: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 27:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on November 20, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
12/10/2019 to 03/31/2020. There was no additional cost reported.
Fourth Filing - 07/02/2019: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 27:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on July 2, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
07/31/2019 to 12/31/2019. There was no additional cost reported.
Third Filing - 03/05/2019: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 27:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on March 5, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
04/02/2019 to 07/31/2019 with an increased estimated cost of $1,417,210.00
Second Filing - 08/29/2018: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 27:
An Emergency Purchase Statement was received on August 29, 2018 requesting an extension for this contract not to
exceed 269 days. There was no additional cost reported.
Original Filing - 06/07/2018: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 27:
The scope of work provides for correcting identified code violations and making basic improvements to allow the
Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs to occupy the building as quickly as possible. Asbestos abatement may be
required. This project has a six month expedited design and construction schedule and will require substantial on-site
observation in order to monitor construction progress and cost. Incorporated documents include the March 2009
Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement and the March 2009 Design and Construction Manual &
Supplement. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/2018 through 09/04/2018 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $900,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: DLR Group, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $900,000.00 $1,417,210.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
62 Capital Development Board File Date: 11/20/2019
Fifth Filing - 11/20/2019: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 29:
n Emergency Purchase Extension was received on November 20, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
12/10/2019 to 03/31/2020. There was no additional cost reported.
Fourth Filing - 07/02/2019: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 29:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on July 3, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
07/31/2019 to 12/31/2019. There was no additional cost reported.
Third Filing - 03/05/2019: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 29:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on March 5, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
04/02/2019 to 07/31/2019 with a revised estimated cost of $24,809,000.00
Second Filing - 08/29/2018: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 29:
An Emergency Purchase Statement was received on August 29, 2018 requesting an extension for this contract not to
exceed 238 days. There was no additional cost reported.
Original Filing - 06/11/2018: FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 29:
The scope of work provides for correcting identified code violations and making basic improvements to allow the
Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs to occupy the building at 720 Sycamore Street in Quincy, Illinois as
directed by the Architect/Engineer of record. Asbestos abatement may be required. This project has a six month
expedited design and construction schedule. Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents
for Construction & Supplement and the March 2009 Design and Construction Manual & Supplement. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/11/2018 through 09/04/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $6,000,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: River City Construction LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $24,809,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
63 Capital Development Board File Date: 10/7/2019
Third Filing - 10/07/2019: : FY19, Qtr 2, Item# 8:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on October 7, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
01/01/2020 to 02/29/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the original estimated cost of
Second Filing - 01/31/2019: : FY19, Qtr 2, Item# 8:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on January 31, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
01/29/2019 to 12/31/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the original estimated cost of
Original Filing - 12/21/2018: FY19, Qtr 2, Item# 8:
The scope of work provides for replacing distributed direct expansion air cooled condensing units at Stateville
Northern Reception and Classification Center, with a building level chilled water plant with air cooled chillers,
pumps, and new controls on areas A, B, C, D, E, F, J. On building H1 and H2 the direct expansion air cooled
condensing units will be replaced with new air cooled condensing units, evaporators, and controls. Incorporated
documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement, design and specifications
provided by the architect/engineer of record and approved by CDB, and Premier Mechanical, Inc.'s quote submitted
on December 20, 2018. Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $6,838,000.00, without prior
authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the Chief Procurement Office. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/20/2018 through 03/19/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $6,838,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Premier Mechanical Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,838,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
64 Capital Development Board File Date: 10/21/2019
Fifth Filing - 10/21/2019:
A revised Scope was received on 10/21/2019. The scope of work provides for various water distribution upgrades
to Residential Buildings R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, Chapel, Prince Home, Support Buildings S1 and S2, Lake and
Command Building CI as described in dbHMS’s memorandum dated March 26, 2019. The scope of work is to
include shower mixing valves, point of use lavatory/sink mixing valves, master circulating digital mixing valves at the
water heaters, to assign site flushing hydrants for the campus, evaluate and replace boiler systems as required for
buildings R1 through R4, S1 & S2, point-of-entry filters, point-of-use filters, goose-neck faucets, hot water heater
systems, flushing hydrants at known dead-legs, bollus injection ports, increase distribution temperatures, upgrade
hot water return system balancing loop, design building/site piping plans, design Civil/Architectural scopes to
support eliminating seldom used fixtures and dead legs, and any other work described under Tier 1 Intervention
requirements. The current design includes limited automatic data collection and no automatic line flushing as part of
Tier 1. The scope is for dates 02/04/2019 through 04/30/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $670,959.00,
bringing the revised total estimated cost to 1,120,959.00.
Fourth Filing - 05/02/2019:
On May 2, 2019, CDB issued an Emergency Purchase Extension for dates through 04/30/2020 with a revised
estimated cost placeholder of $100,000.00 for Nest Builders, Inc. and $100,000.00 for Chas F. Bruckner & Sons,
Third Filing - 02/28/2019:
On March 28, 2019, CDB issued a revision to the Emergency Purchase stating for dates 2/4/2019 through
05/04/2019 with an estimated cost of $100,000.00 for Nest Builders, Inc. and $200,000.00 for Chas F. Bruckner &
Sons, Inc.
Second Filing - 02/11/2019:
On February 11, 2019, a second vendor was included for this emergency purchase. Chas F. Bruckner & Sons, Inc.
will provide installation of new flush hydrants and point-of-use mixing valves. In addition, point of entry filtration
needs to be added to filter bacteria from the water, goose-neck faucets need to be added to sinks to facilitate the
implementation of PALL filter devices and maintain the plumbing code standards. "Hot taps" are required to boost
disinfection of the incoming water and bolus injection cart equipment. Also requested, is installation of point of use
filters on water fixtures, and an underground utility locater is needed to identify and terminate dead leg plumbing.
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement and the
design and specifications provided by the A/E of record and approved by CDB. This vendor has an expected start
date of 02/11/2019 through 05/04/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $100,000.00, increasing the Revised
State Estimate to $350,000.00
Original Filing - 02/04/2019:
On January 8, 2019, a sole case of Legionellosis was detected in a resident who lived at the Manteno Veterans'
Home. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs requests that the Capital Development Board procure vendors under
emergency purchases to provide various upgrades to the facility's water distribution system to alleviate further
cases of Legionellosis. The scope of work provides for installing new flush hydrants and point-of-use mixing valves.
In addition point of entry filtration needs to be added to filter bacterial from the water, goose-neck faucets need to
be added to sinks to facilitate the implementation of PALL filter devices and maintain the plumbing code standards.
"Hot taps" are required to boost disinfection of the incoming water and bolus injection cart equipment. Also
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
requested is installation of point of using filters on water fixtures, and an underground utility locater is needed to
identify and terminate dead leg plumbing. Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for
Construction & Supplement and the March 2009 Design and Construction Manual & Supplement. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 02/01/2019 through 05/01/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of
$250,000.00 Nest Builders, Inc.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Nest Builders, Inc. & Chas F. Bruckner & Son, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $250,000.00 $1,120,959.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
65 Emergency Management Agency File Date: 10/16/2019
Latest Filing - 10/19/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 27 is $0.00.
Original Filing - 09/16/2019:
Due to the sustained heavy rains and severe flooding throughout the State of Illinois that prompted Gubernatorial
Proclamations covering 36 Illinois counties, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is soliciting
proposals to provide expertise and assistance to units of State and Local government impacted by the flooding with
disaster recovery planning and related services. Services include but are not limited to planning and oversight of
damage assessment, conducting, supporting or assisting with damage assessments, collecting, compiling and
reviewing data, and identifying and applying for all relevant federal assistance programs (e.g. Public Assistance,
Individual Assistance, Small Business Administration loans, etc.).
Signed By: Brett Cox, Chief Fiscal Officer
Vendor: Hagerty Consulting, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $680,000.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
66 State Fire Marshal File Date: 10/28/2019
Latest Filing - 10/28/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 4, Item# 30 is $594,320.00.
Original Filing - 05/02/2018:
The OSFM needs to do a one time purchase of SUVs that were previously ordered under master contract but had to
be canceled since the vendor (Wright Automotive) could no longer provide the vehicles. The OSFM had an executed
contract with Wright. Morrow Brothers has the SUV vehicles we originally ordered on their lot and ready for us to
take possession. NOTE: The OSFM is purchasing less SUVs than originally intended (down to 23 from the original
39) because we utilized the other existing vehicle master to purchase trucks for our Storage Tank Safety Inspectors.
Trucks are not a necessity for the remainder of our inspection staff. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start
date of 05/01/2018 through 06/30/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost of $594,320.00.
Signed By: Jodi Schrage, APO
Vendor: Morrow Brothers Ford, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $594,320.00 $594,320.00 $594,320.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
67 Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum File Date: 11/3/2019
Second Filing - 11/03/2019:
A letter was received on November 03, 2019, stating that FY 19, Qtr 2, Item #21 was cancelled and was instead
issued as a small purchase through BidBuy.
Original Filing - 12/19/2018: FY 19, Qtr 2, Item #21:
Packing and moving of artifacts and microfilm cabinets to a secure location in able to assess the cleaning needs of all
items in a contained environment that is recommended when working with items known to have mold on them. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/17/2018 through 03/29/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost
of $19,723.74.
Signed By: Nicole Hildebrand, PSA
Vendor: W.P. Broms Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $19,723.74 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
68 Housing Development Authority File Date: 10/22/2019
Latest Filing - 10/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 33 is $742,011.21.
Original Filing - 03/05/2018:
IHDA currently maintains two Dell Compellent Storage Arrays; one at the production data center and one at the
DR data center. Both were originally designed and procured through Dell Marketing, LLP in 2012 under the State
Dell Master Contract. At the time of procurement, the storage arrays were built based on the technologies available
for the projected current and future needs. Due to growth in the organization, additional complexity in the
application architecture, and additional data consumption, IHDA now finds the existing equipment is no longer
capable of supporting the current needs. IHDA is now at risk of material data loss should events occur as a result of
a system failure. IHDA is declaring its intent to enter into an emergency contract in order to maintain the integrity
of State records. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/15/2018 through 05/15/2018 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $800,000.00.
Signed By: Nanzi Cantero, State Purchasing Officer
Vendor: Dell Marketing, LLP Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $800,000.00 $742,011.21 $742,011.21 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
69 Housing Development Authority File Date: 12/4/2019
Latest Filing - 12/04/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 28 is $218,625.00.
Original Filing - 08/13/2019:
The Illinois Housing Development Authority ("Authority") has identified that the fire suppression system in its
server room is a water based sprinkler system. The Authority's server room houses network and server equipment
that stores all of the Authority's data and electronic records and provides connectivity to other services such as
phones, internet, email and applications used by IHDA staff. In the event of an emergency causing the sprinkler
system to activate in the server room, the Authority risks losing all data, electronic records and connectivity. These
repairs to the Authority's fire suppression system in its server room are urgent and need to be completed as
quickly as possible by a vendor that meets both the union and certificate of insurance requirements of the building.
The Authority intends to enter into an emergency contract with Advanced Fire & Security Systems, Inc. to replace
the water based sprinkler system with a gas based sprinkler system to repair State property in order to protect
against further loss or damage to State property as well as to ensure the integrity of State records (30 ILCS 500/20-
30(a)). This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/12/2019 through 06/10/2019 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $218,625.00.
Signed By: Audra Hamernik, Executive Director
Vendor: Advanced Fire & Security Systems, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $218,625.00 $218,625.00 $218,625.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
70 Toll Highway Authority, Illinois State File Date: 10/15/2019
Ninth Filing - 10/15/2019: FY19, Qtr 1, Item# 15:
On October 15, 2019, an actual cost statement was received reporting the Total Cost expended for dates 07/01/2019
through 09/30/2019 at 299,258.75.
Eighth Filing - 09/24/2019: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on September 24, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
10/01/2019 to 12/31/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $300,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Seventh Filing - 07/25/2019: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15
On July 12, 2019, an actual cost statement was received reporting the Total Cost expended for dates 04/01/2019
through 06/30/2019 at 196,517.50.
Sixth Filing - 06/28/2019: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on June 28, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
07/01/2019 to 09/30/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $300,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Fifth Filing - 04/19/2019: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15
On April 19, 2019, an actual cost statement was received reporting the Total Cost expended for dates 10/02/2018
through 03/31/2019 at 528,003.75.
Fourth Filing - 04/01/2019: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on April 1, 2019 requesting an extension for dates starting
04/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $300,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Third Filing - 12/21/2018: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15:
On December 21, 2018, an actual cost statement was received reporting the Actual Total Cost expended for dates
07/02/2018 through 10/01/2018 at $365,217.50.
Second Filing - 10/02/2018: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on October 2, 2018 requesting an extension for dates starting
10/02/2018 to 03/31/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $300,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 07/03/2018: FY 19, Qtr 1, Item# 15:
Law Enforcement Systems LLC ("LES") successfully provided out-of-state registration retrieval services for the
Tollway via sole source contract through June 30, 2017 (IPB #22037863). The sole source contract was necessary
to mitigate risks as the Tollway transitioned to a new back-office system. Since transitioning to the new system,
the Tollway pursued a replacement contract via competitive bid which was awarded on 8/21/17 (IPB #22040567).
On 9/5/17, one of the six bidding vendors filed a protest with the office of the Chief Procurement Officer. During
this time, the Tollway processed two small purchase contracts with LES to ensure business continuity. On
12/12/17, the Chief Procurement Officer issued a letter denying the protest. On 12/20/17, the Tollway executed a
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
contract with RGA Solutions LLC to perform services under contract. On 1/10/18, the Tollway issued a 90-day
emergency procurement with LES (IPB#22041782) to ensure services continued until the new contract with RGA
was up and running to performance standards. The Tollway must issue this emergency contract in order to prevent
a serious disruption in critical State services that affect the collection of substantial State revenues. Without these
services in place, the Tollway will jeopardize $250,000 to $450,000 in revenue per week. This Emergency Purchase
has an expected start date of 07/02/2018 through 10/01/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost of $700,000.00.
Signed By: John Donato, Chief Procurement Office/APO
Vendor: Law Enforcement Systems LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $700,000.00 $1,900,000.00 $1,388,997.50 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
71 Chicago State University File Date: 12/26/2019
Latest Filing - 12/02/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 2, Item# 11 is $1,007,826.30.
Original Filing - 12/11/2017: FY18, Qtr 2, Item# 11:
Amber Mechanical, the main contractor, was called in to oversee an underground pipe leak which resulted in a
shutdown of services to two main buildings. Students living on campus had to be temporarily relocated to the hotels
listed on the affidavit. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/24/2017 through 02/25/2018 with
an Original Estimated Cost of $880,000.00 to Amber Mechanical, $41,760.00 to Fairfield, $55,332.00 to Hampton
Inn, $21,924.00 to Holiday Inn, and $8,810.30 to Chicago South Loop, bringing the Total Estimated Cost to
Signed By: Rachel Lindsey, Interim President at Chicago State Univ.
Vendor: Various Vendors Notary Date: 12/1/2017
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,007,826.30 $1,007,826.30 $1,007,826.30 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
72 Chicago State University File Date: 12/17/2019
Latest Filing - 12/17/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 37 is $274,679.72.
Original Filing - 02/23/2018: FY18, Qtr 3, Item# 37:
The installation of heat exchangers to provide hot water to the dormitories and Student Union Building and rental of
an external unit to provide hot water to these buildings while the new heat exchangers are installed. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 02/26/2018 through 05/26/2018 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: Eric Cotton, Director of Purchasing
Vendor: Anchor Mechanical Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $328,920.00 $274,679.72 $274,679.72 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
73 Chicago State University File Date: 12/17/2019
Latest Filing - 12/17/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 19 is $149,032.00.
Second Filing - 06/27/2019: FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 19:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter extending this emergency purchase from
07/15/2019 to 10/13/2019, at an additional cost of $56,107.00, revising the estimated total to $149,032.00.
Original Filing - 04/16/2019: FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 19:
Both York Millennium chillers on the Chicago State University Campus have failed. These chillers provide air
conditioning to the University. IFB 1903PP was created to seek vendors for this project. There were no
responsive bidders for this project due to BEP Utilization Plan issues. This work needs to commence on April 15th
2019 to bring at least one chiller online before the weather mandates the use of air conditioning. The Stone Group
was the lowest bid on IFB1903PP. If not for the BEP Utilization Plan issues, The Stone Group would have been
awarded this business under the IFB. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/15/2019 through
07/14/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $92,925.00.
Signed By: Eric Cotton, Director of Purchasing
Vendor: The Stone Group Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $92,925.00 $149,032.00 $149,032.00 $149,032.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
74 Governors State University File Date: 11/19/2019
Fourth Filing - 11/19/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on November 19, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $416,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Third Filing - 08/08/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on August 08, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
09/02/2019 to 12/31/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $150,999.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Second Filing - 06/20/2019:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on June 20, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
07/08/2019 to 09/01/2019 at an additional estimated cost of $80,000.00, revising the total estimated cost to
Original Filing - 04/09/2019:
Immediate action was needed to prevent the disruption of University services related to legal matters. The
University will be using University Local Funds. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/08/2019
through 07/07/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $150,999.00 using University local funds.
Signed By: Tracy Sullivan, Assistant Vice President
Vendor: Burke, Burns & Pinelli Ltd. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,999.00 $797,998.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
75 Illinois State University File Date: 12/17/2019
Second Filing - 12/17/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 32:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 17, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
09/27/2019 to 03/27/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated cost at $240,000.00.
Original Filing - 09/26/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 32:
Illinois State University is currently experiencing extreme building flooding conditions at Redbird Arena. The
flooding has been made much worse by a recently completed exterior civil construction drainage project. This
project was designed to improve site drainage conditions and mitigate flooding of Redbird Arena during heavy rain
and storm water drainage events (i.e. spring snow melt).However, it could not be foreseen that the storm water
system had exceeded capacity and flooding is due to water back-ups during significant water events. Current storm
sewer flow volumes exceed storm sewer current capacity during each "significant rain event". The recent project
made the situation much worse and provided a short-cut relief valve for backed up storm sewer water to be
expedited directly back into Redbird Arena, exacerbating the problem. This Emergency Purchase has an expected
start date of 09/27/2019 through 12/11/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $240,000.00. This Emergency
Purchase will be using Reserve Funding.
Signed By: Ernest Olson, Director of Purchases
Vendor: Core Construction Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $240,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
76 Illinois State University File Date: 12/17/2019
Second Filing - 12/17/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 31:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 17, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
09/27/2019 to 03/27/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00, keeping the estimated cost at $40,000.00.
Original Filing - 09/26/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 31:
Illinois State University is currently experiencing extreme building flooding conditions at Redbird Arena. The
flooding has been made much worse by a recently completed exterior civil construction drainage project. This
project was designed to improve site drainage conditions and mitigate flooding of Redbird Arena during heavy rain
and storm water drainage events (i.e. spring snow melt).However, it could not be foreseen that the storm water
system had exceeded capacity and flooding is due to water back-ups during significant water events. Current storm
sewer flow volumes exceed storm sewer current capacity during each "significant rain event". The recent project
made the situation much worse and provided a short-cut relief valve for backed up storm sewer water to be
expedited directly back into Redbird Arena, exacerbating the problem. This Emergency Purchase has an expected
start date of 09/27/2019 through 12/11/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $40,000.00. This Emergency
Purchase will be using Reserve Funding.
Signed By: Ernest Olson, Director of Purchases
Vendor: Hanson Professional Services Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $40,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
77 University of Illinois File Date: 11/12/2019
Latest Filing - 11/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 16 is $1,365,557.72.
Original Filing - 02/28/2017: Y17, Qtr 3, Item# 16:
The University awarded a contract for sterilization of surgical trays & implant devices. This emergency/quick
purchase was required due to a situation in which immediate action was needed to prevent any disruption in
University services. For many years the Hospital utilized a Novation/Vizient vendor for sterilization of surgical
trays and implantable devices. On average the sterilization process takes around six hours for surgical trays and up
to eight hours for implantable. The sterilization process consists of on-site vendor staff that perform cleaning,
steaming, organizing and wrapping the trays and implantable devices. On a typical day the vendor processes an
estimated 350 trays/implantable devices and up to 7,000 per month. The cost to sterilize a tray/implant comes out
to $37.27 per tray. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/10/2017 through 05/11/2017 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $800,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director, U of I
Vendor: Integrated Medical Systems International Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $800,000.00 $1,365,557.72 $1,365,557.72 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
78 University of Illinois File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/25/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 15 is $139,584.32.
Original Filing - 02/28/2017: FY17, Qtr 3, Item# 15:
The University awarded a contract for elevators and escalators repairs. This emergency/quick purchase was required
due to a situation in which immediate action was needed to prevent any disruption in University services. Over the
past several months the Chicago Campus has been involved in annual inspections of all campus vertical
transportation. A more thorough and rigorous inspection process has been engaged by the campus due to the
establishment of new and more stringent operating standards. An independent elevator inspection company,
following State of Illinois standards identified a wide range of deficiencies in over 125 conveyances across the
campus. This emergency is related to emergencies JMG405 and JMG406. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 02/22/2017 through 05/22/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $145,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director, U of I
Vendor: Kone Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $145,000.00 $139,584.32 $139,584.32 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
79 University of Illinois File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/22/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY17, Qtr 4, Item# 24 is $497,923.29.
Original Filing - 04/11/2017:
Over the past several months the Chicago Campus has been involved in annual inspections of all campus vertical
transportation. A more thorough and rigorous inspection process has been engaged by the campus due to the
establishment of new and more stringent operating standards. An independent elevator inspection company,
following State of Illinois standards identified a wide range of deficiencies in over 125 conveyances across the
campus. The sudden resignation of UIC Facilities Management Elevator Foreman has necessitated the promotion of
the existing elevator mechanic to interim Foreman, leaving the operation with only two mechanics to service 258
conveyance system throughout the Chicago Campus. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
03/24/2017 through 06/22/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of $499,400.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director
Vendor: Parkway Elevators Notary Date: 3/24/2017
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $499,400.00 $497,923.29 $497,923.29 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
80 University of Illinois File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/25/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 2, Item# 12 is $2,100,000.00.
Latest Filing - 06/28/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY18, Qtr 2, Item# 12 is $980,000.00.
Original Filing - 10/05/2017:
The Hospital has an opportunity to acquire the newest surgical robotic technology with substantial savings offered
for a limited time through September 30, 2017 valued at $207,400 off list price. This offer includes robot, supplies
and a four year maintenance and support. This robot provides access to areas of the anatomy that would not be
accessible by any current robotic device or through any surgeon performed minimally invasive procedures. This
technology may lead to shorter hospital stays and reductions in open, invasive procedures. This technology may
lead to a higher number of surgical approaches which could decrease the levels of radiation and chemo. This will lead
to less long term morbidities for the patients and possibly higher quality of life scores. This provides the
opportunity to be first to market with a new less invasive surgical option for head and neck cancer. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 09/25/2017 through 12/24/2017 with an Original Estimated Cost of
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Purchasing Director
Vendor: Medrobotics Notary Date: 9/25/2017
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $2,100,000.00 $2,100,000.00 $2,100,000.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
81 University of Illinois File Date: 10/3/2019
Latest Filing - 10/03/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 23 is $108,566.64.
Second Filing - 09/09/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 23:
On September 9, 2019, we received an emergency purchase statement stating the Final Cost of this Emergency
Purchase was $99,332.64; however, there was a change order of $9,234 because prevailing wage rates were not
correct; also, two units required additional floor leveling and preparation at a change order amount of $1,549.10,
revising the estimated total to 115,783.10.
Original Filing - 02/28/2019: FY19, Qtr 3, Item# 23:
Calhoun floors will be reinstalling underlayment and floor finish systems throughout the mold affected town homes
in their entirety. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/18/2019 through 04/19/2019 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $105,000.00.
Signed By: Keith Stewart, Director of Construction
Vendor: Calhoun's Mohawk Floors Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $105,000.00 $115,783.10 $108,566.64 $108,566.64 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
82 University of Illinois File Date: 10/8/2019
Latest Filing - 10/08/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 23 is $299,000.00.
Original Filing - 04/29/2019: FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 23:
The University awarded a contract for repairs to cooling system. This emergency/quick purchase was required due
to a situation in which immediate action was needed to prevent any disruption in University services. This is time
sensitive, cooling system is already failing and as warmer weather approaches, the data riser will be affected due to
cooling unit failures, jeopardizing the integrity of the network switches that support network connectivity in the
hospital data riser. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/26/2019 through 07/25/2019 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $299,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Director, UIC Purchasing
Vendor: Thermflo Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $299,000.00 $299,000.00 $299,000.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
83 University of Illinois File Date: 10/3/2019
Latest Filing - 10/03/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 25 is $2,958,000.00.
Original Filing - 06/27/2019: FY19, Qtr 4, Item# 25:
The University awarded a contract for human organs and tissues for transplants. This emergency/quick purchase
was required due to a situation in which public health or safety was threatened. Gift of Hope Organ and Tissue
Donor Network is a certified, federally qualified Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) which provides a single,
coordinated organ and tissue recovery program to support all transplants in the region. As a federal qualified Organ
Procurement Organization (OPO). Gift of Hope is the designated OPO that serves the Donor Service Area (DSA)
that the University of IL operates in. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 06/24/2019 through
09/22/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $3,500,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Director, UIC Purchasing
Vendor: Gift of Hope Organ and Tissue Donor Network Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $3,500,000.00 $2,958,000.00 $2,958,000.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
84 University of Illinois File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/25/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 36 is $40,919.03.
Original Filing - 07/19/2019:
This emergency/quick purchase was required due to a situation in which public health or safety was threatened. It
was brought to the University's attention via our Vendor Credentialing System (VendorMate), that the
employee/owner of the company that is the current vendor has been providing services to the University while he
had a summarily suspended license in the state of Washington in 2016 for a series of incidents. As we reviewed this
issue with our Compliance & Risk Management Departments we also identified that the vendor's completed
Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest document for same employee/owner, Step 7 question 2 asked if
individual has had any professional licensure disciplines within the last 10 years which he claimed none. Therefore
the university has taken the necessary action to terminate the contract. These services are a critical component of
our accreditation & OSHA compliance requirements, and require an emergency replacement vendor. This Emergency
Purchase has an expected start date of 07/19/2019 through 10/17/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of
$125,000.00. This Emergency Purchase will use Institutional Funds.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Director, UIC Purchasing
Vendor: Hygieneering Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $125,000.00 $40,919.03 $40,919.03 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
85 University of Illinois File Date: 10/25/2019
Latest Filing - 10/25/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 37 is $250,000.00.
Original Filing - 08/01/2019:
The University awarded a contract for testing and repairing Medium Voltage12kv equipment. This emergency/quick
purchase was required due to a situation in which public health or safety was threatened. Shermco Industries
specializes in testing and repairing Medium Voltage(12kv) equipment. They have experience and knowledge of our
systems. They specializes in finding the root cause of why the tie breaker did not immediately restore power to half
of the east campus. Since their involvement with the initial installation, they have performed further testing and
found many issues prior to them becoming catastrophic issues. This vendor also has the resources to respond to our
emergencies in a timely and cost efficient manner. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of
07/30/2019 through 10/28/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $250,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Director, UIC Purchasing
Vendor: Shermco Industries Incorporated Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
86 University of Illinois File Date: 11/14/2019
Latest Filing - 11/14/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 38 is $95,557.00.
Original Filing - 08/23/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 38:
FFJ Murphy will remedy a dry standpipe that upon inspection could not hold even city water pressure and this
pipe feeds into Brookens Library. The original standpipe and FDC will be removed and replaced in their entirety.
The system will be upgraded to the latest NFPA code requirements of a wet stand pipe system that requires less
maintenance and has a longer service life in comparison to the dry pipe existing today. Three total risers are affected
by the cracks and weak joints in the scope of this repair effort. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date
of 09/09/2019 through 10/18/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $95,557.00.
Signed By: Keith Stewart, Director of Construction
Vendor: F.J. Murphy & Son, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $95,557.00 $95,557.00 $95,557.00 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00
87 University of Illinois File Date: 12/12/2019
Latest Filing - 12/12/2019:
The Actual Total Cost of FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 39 is $50,637.59.
Original Filing - 08/30/2019: FY20, Qtr 1, Item# 39:
The University awarded a contract for surveying. This emergency/quick purchase was required due to a situation in
which immediate action was needed to prevent any disruption in University services. Press Ganey is utilized to
provide patient, employee and physician satisfaction surveying and benchmarking as required for the Hospital
Patient Experience Office. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 08/30/2019 through 11/29/2019
with an Original Estimated Cost of $900,000.00, using Institution Funds.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Director, UIC Purchasing
Vendor: Press Ganey Associates Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $900,000.00 $50,637.59 $50,637.59 20 2
Federal Cost: $0.00 $0.00