January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
1 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/27/2021
Original Filing – 12/27/2021: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 1
Vendor is incumbent vendor and is familiar with State needs for providing the below products and has agreed to
use the same pricing and contract terms for the emergency, except as will be updated in the resulting contract.
90 day Informatica Reseller JPMC from 12/29/21 - 03/28/22. This will be a JPMC available to all governmental
units and qualified not-for-profit agencies. Informatica products, support and services are in use by several state
agencies supported by DoIT including HFS, DHS, the Health and Human Services Innovation Incubator
(HHSi2). This procurement vehicle is required to enable continued operation, systems and software updates and
support of various programs throughout the State. Additionally there are other JPMC entities such as the
Tollway that depend on the current contract.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/29/2021 through 03/28/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $6,000,000.00. State and Federal funding will be used.
Signed By: Reginald Lampkin, Acting APO
Vendor: DLT Solutions, LLC Notary Date: 12/27/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
2 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/28/2021
Original Filing – 12/28/2021: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 2
This vendor can provide the Cisco products, maintenance, and services needed by DoIT. This vendor has been
deemed to be in good standing with both Cisco as they are a reseller of Cisco. This is the current vendor for
these needs and no transition period will be needed with this vendor.
This emergency contract is a JPMC available to governmental units or qualified not-for-profit for Cisco
hardware, Services, SmartNet
Maintenance and Licensing. There is a solicitation in process that will eventually
replace the need for this. Vendor responses are currently being evaluated by DoIT staff. However, it has not
been awarded at this time and the resulting contract will not be in place before the end of the existing contract.
This contract will provide DoIT and the JPMC agencies a procurement vehicle for the Cisco catalog. This
contract will be available to used by governmental units or qualified not-for-profit. The quantity is indefinite as a
JPMC as DoIT seeks to keep this active in support of other State agencies and governmental units. There are
several state agencies other than DoIT who rely on this contract as the procurement vehicle for Cisco equipment
and related needs. If this contract is not granted, DoIT and the other agencies and governmental units will have
to procure from a Cisco reseller on an order by order emergency basis. That would mean losing our large
percentage off list discounts we get for Cisco hardware, Services, SmarNet, Maintenance and Licensing off this
contract. So not only would DoIT and these other entities have to order via emergencies, they would also be
paying more for hardware and maintenance.
** There are several large supply chain related orders that will
be entered into the procurement process in the coming weeks. That is the reason the value of this emergency is
$4M **
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/30/2021 through 03/29/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $4,000,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC Notary Date: 12/28/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $4,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
3 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 12/28/2021
Original Filing – 12/28/2021: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 3
The original HVAC system for the clubhouse at Frank Holten State Recreational Area operated on six (6) duplex
units that work in tandem. When one goes down the other unit works harder to maintain temperature. Prior to
this emergency declaration three (3) of the six (6) units were operational but in December of 2021 another unit
failed leaving two (2) operational. At a minimum the clubhouse requires four (4) units to maintain temperature.
The two remaining units are being overly stressed and will fail if immediate action is not taken. An older but
operation unit can be re-configured to help support the two (2) operational units and the two (2) units that will be
replaced. Maintaining temperature is the main concern but there are also code compliance issues that this will
correct as well. IDNR has also procured services to repair the 2nd floor of the clubhouse and adequate
temperature is required to complete items such as
painting and staining. When the most recent furnace failed, staff contacted Bel-0 Sales and Service,Inc. (Bel-O);a
Contractor located in Belleville, Illinois serving St. Clair County. The Agency would like to proceed with this
contractor as they have over forty (40) years of experience, are familiar with the site, have an extensive history
of projects at the Frank Flolten State Recreation Area, and have completed jobs at many
other IDNR properties in Region #4. Bel-0 has investigated replacement furnaces and A/C (duplex) units,
developed replacement criteria, and have discussed installation processes as part of their diagnosis. Bel-0 is a
registered SBSA Program vendor and their extensive experience and knowledge of the Frank Flolten State
Recreation Area Grand Marais Golf Club Clubhouse makes them best suited to quickly remedy this emergency.
- Temporarily disconnect all existing electric, temperature controls, ductwork, refrigerant and condensate lines
related to two (2) failed furnaces (Carrier Model Numbers 58 MCA 100- 20 and 58 MCA 100- 16), two (2) air
conditioning units, and two (2) outdoor condensing units.
- Remove two (2) existing Dual Carrier 100,000 BTUFI gas furnaces, and two (2) existing 3 V2 ton Carrier air
conditioning units (Model #'s 58 MCA100-10116 Series 100) located in the golf cart storage area and outdoor
condensing unit located outside of the clubhouse. This includes reclaiming any R-22 refrigerant. Deliver
reclaimed refrigerant in certified tank to owner for re-use. - Return any reusable components to park staff for
use as spare parts for similar units to remain.
- Level existing outdoor condensing unit pad and provide and install new level condensing unit.
- Provide and install two (2) new 100,000 BTU output LP gas furnaces in tandem and two (2) new 5 ton air
conditioning units, with new
DX cooling coils. Minimum SEER rating of 13.
- Re-install one of the two Lp gas furnaces next to new equipment.
- Provide two (2) new 5 -ton condensing units on existing concrete pad outside the clubhouse. New unit to have
new line sets,low ambient kit, and use 410A Refrigerant. Tie in all electric, controls, refrigerant lines, condensate
line, and ductwork per applicable codes.
- Paint any new exposed conduit, condensate line, or refrigerant lines to match existing background color.
- Provide one (1) hour of training to local staff on how to properly operate and maintain new air conditioning
- Provide two (2) sets of O & M Manuals.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/28/2021 through 01/31/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $19,732.00.
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Signed By: Erick Huck, Div. Manager of Statewide Operations
Vendor: Bel-O-Sales and Services Notary Date: 12/28/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $19,732.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
4 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/29/2021
Original Filing – 12/29/2021: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 4
Vendor is incumbent vendor and is familiar with State needs for providing products and services to the state of
15,000 NetMotion Mobility subscriptions to provide secure (VPN) network connectivity for mobile and remote
State of Illinois users. NetMotion is used to provide secured private connections to State of Illinois agency's /
users working in the field and or at home. If this contract is not in place users will not be able to connect to the
network remotely or at home which contributes to a lack of services being provided throughout the state. DCFS
and ISP mobile users use NetMotion to connect to centralized services as well as many additional agencies such
as DoIT, IDPH, CMS, IDES, Governor's office, etc. that rely on remote connectivity for their work force. The
contract will administered by DoIT and will not be a Joint Purchase Master Contract.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/28/2021 through 03/27/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $562,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: ATT Mobility National Accts, LLC Notary Date: 12/29/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $562,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
5 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 1/7/2022
Original Filing – 01/07/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 5
There is currently a world wide monitor glass shortage. Our current vendor cannot meet quantity needs as the
State seeks to replace approximately 5000 aging devices. It is imperative that we get these devices replaced as
quickly as possible. This vendor has quantity in stock and available and are able to meet our requirements in
quantity where our current vendor cannot.
This chosen vendor has shown the ability, through other
emergency procurements, to deliver product within our time frame.
4000 Dell P2219H 22" 1920 x 1080 IPS LCD Monitor(Mfg. Part#: DELL-P2219HE)
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/04/2022 through 04/03/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $1,020,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: CDW-G Notary Date: 1/7/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,020,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
6 Capital Development Board File Date: 1/10/2022
Original Filing – 01/10/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 6
The Department of Corrections notified the Capital Development Board that on the evening of January 6, 2022,
the Pontiac Correctional Center experienced a power outage at several buildings within the facility, to include the
Medium Security Unit ("MSU") Sallyport, MSU Greenhouse, MSU Maintenance & Manufacturing Shop, Tower
12, Old Mechanical Store, MSU D Dorm, Loafing Shed, Quonset Hut, MSU
Sewage Ejector pumps, MSU Car Wash, and Gym/Kitchen. The maintenance team determined that the fuses at
the Main Distribution Gear Bay 3 at the Physical Plant had failed phase to phase. Further, it was determined there
was a short circuit somewhere on Medium 4160 Voltage Feeder A1. Facility staff have connected a portable
generator at the MSU Maintenance & Manufacturing Shop so that the shop has power and lights to work. They
also connected a generator at the MSU Sally Port.
On January 7, 2022, Pontiac Correctional Center facility staff engaged Block Electric Co., Inc. to assess the
situation and provide portable generators to power those buildings that were still without power. With the very
cold temperatures, and the possibility of long-term rental costs of the generators and the need for permanent
power solutions, the Department of Corrections requested CDB's assistance to provide emergency temporary
power followed by an analysis and plan for more permanent repairs.
It was discovered by facility personnel that water had infiltrated the basement of the abandoned MSU D Dorm,
where the electrical vault is located. Within the last 72 hrs the standing water depth has increased from 6 inches
to approximately 5 feet. Water samples were taken and chlorine was present which indicates a water main break
somewhere in the water distribution system. The water main break needs to be located and repaired so that so
that the water can be pumped out before any electrical issues can be assessed and repaired.
As a water main break is currently the expected cause of the infiltration, a separate contractor is being engaged
to investigate, locate, and make any required water main repairs.
The need for AE design services is unknown at this time.
Considering the time frames needed for the selection, negotiation and execution of an A/E contract followed by
bidding and award procedures, the implementation of temporary power solutions under the existing processes
would likely not begin for several months. For this reason, an emergency purchase was necessary to provide
temporary power solutions as quickly as possible in order to protect against further loss or damage and to
prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services.
Block Electric Co., Inc. , located in Niles, IL, was selected to provide temporary power solutions because they
are familiar with the site, they have the necessary expertise to complete the work, and they could respond
immediately to the request for emergency services. The scope of work provides for the rental and installation of
5 temporary emergency generators, and other ancillary equipment for continued support as needed, and to
restore power to the buildings experiencing a power outage at Pontiac Correctional Center until such time
permanent solutions can be implemented.
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement. Services
provided under this procurement should not exceed $200,000.00, which is a place-holder prior to entering into a
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the
Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon project completion and project close-out.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its
own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff
includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the
Additionally, Governor Pritzker has issued Executive Orders 2021-20, 2021-22, 2021-23, and 2021-27
containing additional mitigations to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an indoor mask requirement
and vaccinations for those working at Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) facilities. These requirements
apply to this project.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/07/2022 through 04/06/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $200,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Block Electric Co., Inc. Notary Date: 1/10/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
7 Capital Development Board File Date: 1/10/2022
Original Filing – 01/10/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 7
The Department of Corrections notified the Capital Development Board that on the evening of January 6, 2022,
the Pontiac Correctional Center experienced a power outage at several buildings within the facility, to include the
Medium Security Unit ("MSU") Sallyport, MSU Greenhouse, MSU Maintenance & Manufacturing Shop, Tower
12, Old Mechanical Store, MSU D Dorm, Loafing Shed, Quonset Hut, MSU
Sewage Ejector pumps, MSU Car Wash, and Gym/Kitchen. The maintenance team determined that the fuses at
the Main Distribution Gear Bay 3 at the Physical Plant had failed phase to phase. Further, it was determined there
was a short circuit somewhere on Medium 4160 Voltage Feeder A1. Facility staff have connected a portable
generator at the MSU Maintenance & Manufacturing Shop so that the shop has power and lights to work. They
also connected a generator at the MSU Sally Port.
On January 7, 2022, Pontiac Correctional Center facility staff engaged Block Electric Co., Inc. to assess the
situation and provide portable generators to power those buildings that were still without power. With the very
cold temperatures, and the possibility of long-term rental costs of the generators and the need for permanent
power solutions, the Department of Corrections requested CDB's assistance to provide emergency temporary
power followed by an analysis and plan for more permanent repairs.
It was discovered by facility personnel that water had infiltrated the basement of the abandoned MSU D Dorm,
where the electrical vault is located. Within the last 72 hrs the standing water depth has increased from 6 inches
to approximately 5 feet. Water samples were taken and chlorine was present which indicates a water main break
somewhere in the water distribution system. The water main break needs to be located and repaired so that so
that the water can be pumped out before any electrical issues can be assessed and repaired.
The need for AE design services is unknown at this time.
Considering the time frames needed for the selection, negotiation and execution of an A/E contract followed by
bidding and award procedures, the implementation of water main repair work under the existing processes would
likely not begin for several months. For this reason, an emergency purchase was necessary to locate and repair
any leaks in the water distribution system as quickly as possible in order to protect against further loss or
damage and to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services.
Opperman Construction Company, located in Pontiac, IL, was selected to provide water distribution repair
services because they are familiar with the site, they have the necessary expertise to complete the work, they
have employees with current security clearance, and they could respond immediately to the request for
emergency services.
The scope of work provides for locating and repairing leaks in the water main distribution system at Pontiac
Correctional Center.
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement. Services
provided under this procurement should not exceed $100,000.00, which is a place-holder prior to entering into a
Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the
Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon project completion and project close-out.
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its
own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff
includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the
Additionally, Governor Pritzker has issued Executive Orders 2021-20, 2021-22, 2021-23, and 2021-27
containing additional mitigations to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an indoor mask requirement
and vaccinations for those working at Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) facilities. These requirements
apply to this project.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 1/10/2022 through 04/09/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Opperman Construction Co. Notary Date: 1/10/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
8 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 1/7/2022
Original Filing – 1/7/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 8
An Emergency Joint Purchase Master Contract (JPMC) for Service Station Fuel Pump Repair Services with
Stenstrom Petroleum Services Inc., d/b/a Stenstrom Petroleum Services Group which will be available to State
Agencies, and local governmental units. The awarded vendor will be responsible for any disposals, installations,
decommissioning, electrical, upgrades, inspections and testing to meet full compliance with any local, State or
Federal regulations.
Lack of maintenance and repairs from this vendor Stenstrom Petroleum Services Inc., d/b/a Stenstrom
Petroleum Services Group would result in potential leakage of fuel, contamination of the environment, inaccurate
fueling records/charges if pumps malfunction and lack of availability of fuel for emergency vehicles. This
procurement is necessary to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services that affect health,
safety, or collection of substantial State revenues.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/05/2022 through 04/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $100,000.00.
Signed By: Krysti Rinaldi, Asst. Deputy Director
Vendor: Strestrom Petroleum Services Notary Date: 1/7/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
9 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 1/11/2022
Original Filing – 1/11/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 9
TonerVision,Inc. dba ProVAR Technologies is an Illinois based company that is well known in the computer and
information technology supply industry. They have a substantial track record of exceptional performance while
providing highly competitive costs. They are also registered in the Business Enterprise Program as a Women
Business Enterprise (30 ILCS 575) as well as the Small Business Set Aside
Program (30 ILCS 500/45-45).
On August 17, 2021 the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR's) issued a release off of a Master
Contract with CDW Government, LLC for the purchase of 400 HP ProDesk 405 G6 Computers and 400 HP P22
G4 monitors that had an estimated delivery date of October 25, 2021. This equipment was for IDNR's point of
sale (PoS) system that sells hunting and fishing licenses across the State of Illinois which brings in over $40
million in revenue annually. On January 7, 2022 CDW responded to a status inquiry about
delivery of the equipment and stated that 200 of the 400 HP ProDesk 405 G6 Computers are scheduled for
delivery but there is no estimate on the remaining equipment due to supply chain constraints and electronic chip
shortages.These computers will sit idle unless they can be paired with a monitor.
Some of IDNR's current PoS system has compatibility issues with Microsoft's Windows 10. The current system
does not have the ability to be upgraded to the new Windows operating system rendering it useless at a vast
majority of places of business that sell hunting and fishing licenses for IDNR. Every day these systems are down
IDNR loses substantial revenue.
TonerVision,Inc. DAB ProVAR Technologies will provide two-hundred (200) HP P22 G4- Full HD Edge LED
LCD Monitors
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/11/2022 through 02/28/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $33,606.00.
Signed By: Eric Michael, Acting APO
Vendor: TonerVision, Inc.dba ProVar Technologies Notary Date: 1/11/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $33,606.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
10 Transportation, Department of File Date: 1/13/2022
Original Filing – 1/13/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 10
After extensive Internet research, VWR International is the only vendor we could find that provided the specific
brand of sodium sulfate we need to procure at the most cost effective price. We requested a quote from Tiles
and Style, but quoted the incorrect product.
Federal regulations require testing and approval on sodium sulfate in aggregate samples from sources used in
highway construction projects.Testing is critical to ensure that the material used on IDOT contracts will be safe,
durable,and cost-effective. Mallinckrodt - Sodium Sulfate (8028) is a specific product that is referenced in the
specification as it is the only product tested that did not produce variability in results. The brand name is
Mallinckrodt. They are a pharmaceuticals manufacturer and produce a grade of Sodium Sulfate referenced as
8028 which describes the quality and grind of the dry material. This particular brand was tested against other
brand names of the same grind (8028) but was found to be superior in showing very little variability in testing
results and is needed to perform necessary Quality Testing of Aggregate to meet specification. As this product is
used in Quality Testing,the economic benefit is to that of the tax payers of Illinois by ensuring the appropriate
quality of Aggregate is used in an IDOT project.If we cannot procure additional sodium sulfate,testing and
approval of Aggregates cannot be done which would lead to delays in completion of IDOT HMA and PCC
The current vendor is not able to provide the product in adequate time for the mandated testing. They have
indicated that their supplier has run out and will not have any in the calendar year 2022. Current contract 21-BM-
B18848 (2/1/21 - 1/31/23) with a 2 year option to renew.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/13/2022 through 04/13/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $30,177.00.
Signed By: Aundra Williams, Bureau Chief of Bus. Servs
Vendor: VMR International, LLC Notary Date: 1/13/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $30,177.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
11 Corrections, Department of File Date: 1/14/2022
Original Filing – 01/14/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 11
Nelson's Catering was chosen because they had the immediate capacity to provide meal services to the Illinois
Department of Corrections Training Academy.
The vendor will be providing daily lunch and dinner services to correctional officers currently housed for training
at the Springfield Training Academy.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/14/2022 through 04/14/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $156,000.00.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Nelson's Catering Notary Date: 1/14/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $156,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
12 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 1/20/2022
Original Filing – 1/20/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 12
This vendor can provide the ManageEngine OpManager Enterprise Edition to provide Monitoring and
Configuration Management AND the associated training needed. This vendor has also provided a large
government discount.
ManageEngine OpManager Enterprise Edition is a Software platform DoIT uses to: monitor, troubleshoot,
inventory and alert on network elements and alert based on SNMP, syslog and other remote telemetry. Without
this system DoIT will not be able to monitor and troubleshoot the network, track configurations, do bulk
configurations, manage configurations remotely, perform device inventory as well as other tasks required to
maintain the network. This will also provide 30 hours of online training for DoIT staff.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 1/21/2022 through 04/20/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $147,738.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Zoho Corporation Notary Date: 1/20/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $147,738.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
13 University of Illinois - Chicago File Date: 1/20/2022
Original Filing – 1/20/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 13
The current system (3D mapping system of the Heart) that we have will not be supported by Biosense Webster
as of 1/31/2022. The new Carto 3D Mapping system replaces the old outdated system that will no longer be
supported. The Proprietary software, hardware, supplies and services that work together are only manufactured
by Biosense Webster. The Software and Hardware upgrades are included for the term of the subscription
agreement and only available from Biosense Webster. The current price for 3 years includes equipment, software
and updates during the contractual period. We have the option to lease to own for $253,011, which is only valid
till 01/31/2022. After the date of 1/31/22 the price will increase by $133,489. The quick purchase will save the
organization $133K.
This system replaces and upgrades old outdated system so we can continue to provide excellent patient care.
Proprietary Carto 3D Mapping system of the heart, for dynamic 3D mapping of the electrical conduction of the
heart. The Smartablate system for controlled focal RF (Radio Frequency) energy to the heart tissue and a cooling
system so surrounding tissue is not harmed. Pressure sensor catheters are used so the correct amount of
pressure is applied to ablate the correct amount of tissue.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 1/31/2022 through 01/30/2025 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $253,011.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Exec Director
Vendor: Biosense Webster, Inc. Notary Date: 1/20/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $253,011.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
14 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 1/21/2022
Original Filing – 1/21/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 14
Vendor previously implemented and supported DoIT Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions during initial 10 year
contract term and additional 2 year window involving extensions and emergency request. DoIT has previously
been able to successfully negotiate contracts with this vendor and the existing contract terms will be used for the
Emergency period. Contract negotiations with a new vendor could take several weeks creating significant risk
and exposure during negotiations. The administrative review process has previously been completed with this
vendor, including financial discloser and BEP utilization plan. Bringing in a new vendor for such a large and
complicated implementation would take months as the configuration and design for contact center and voice
routing are very complex. In addition the agency needs to maintain a secure system which requires regular
software patching which if improperly performed could generate significant service disruptions affecting ISP,
DCFS, DHS, DES, DPH, HFS and many other agencies.
The system currently supports 40,000+ phones, 350 Video Conferencing Systems and multiple Contact Centers
(26), some operating 24/7/365 and supporting critical Public Safety services provided by the State of Illinois.
The existing contract supports Cisco Webex Conferencing as well which provides the State of Illinois a powerful
service to conduct real-time meetings, webinars and events on line. In addition to the previously mentioned
services the contract enables texting service which are being used by several agencies which include IDPH,
IDES and IDHS COVID-19 public notifications.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 1/28/2022 through 04/27/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $12,000,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Presideo Notary Date: 1/21/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $12,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
15 Corrections, Department of File Date: 1/25/2022
Original Filing – 1/25/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 15
The Vendor has the ability to provide the needed milk and juice to all Illinois Department Correctional Facilities.
IDOC is procuring individual cartons of skim milk, and fruit juices that are required for daily meal service.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 1/25/2022 through 04/25/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $1,516,770.00.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Advanced Commodities Inc. Notary Date: 1/25/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $1,516,770.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
16 University of Illinois - Chicago File Date: 1/26/2022
Original Filing – 1/26/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 16
Other funding will be used by R & R Funding/Institutional Funds
Familiarity with Transportation and Police facility mechanical infrastructure.
Chiller failed in August/September 2021, so a temporary chiller was installed.The University has spent $45,000
per month (non-peak) in 2021 and estimates that cost to rise to $65,000 per month (peak) in 2022 If a
replacement chiller is not installed. Failure to have the chiller would impact the safety and security of the
campus. For example, if equipment in Police dispatching would fail due to excessive heat loads, campus
surveillance systems would probably not be accessible, etc.
Kroeschell Engineering Co., Inc. was originally contacted by Facilities Management after the original chiller failed
and emergency provisions were required to provide temporary cooling. Kroeschell further assisted UIC FM and
PSPM with input during design in order to streamline and compress the design phase. Kroeschell currently
performs a high volume of work on campus and have a proven history delivering work under special
circumstances similar to what this project will entail.
Demo of the existing steam absorption chiller, pumps, and cooling tower. Installation of a new air cooled chiller,
remote condensing unit, pumps, refrigerant management system and emergency ventilation, electrical and
temperature controls to support new chiller installation. Contractor will provide all miscellaneous work and
system appurtenances in order to provide a fully functioning chiller system.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 2/21/2022 through 5/22/2022 with an Original Estimated
Cost of $400,000.00.
Signed By: Paul Ellinger, Interim VP
Vendor: Kroeschell Engineering Company, Inc. Notary Date: 1/26/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $400,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
17 University of Illinois - Chicago File Date: 1/28/2022
Second Filing - 03/10/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 17:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on March 10, 2022, reporting in the same filing quarter.
Requesting an extension for dates starting 05/09/2022 to 08/31/2022 at an additional estimated cost of $0.00,
keeping the estimated cost at $350,000.00.
Original Filing – 1/28/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 17
KR Miller was the chosen because they were general contractors on the JOC list, have the experience working at
UIC and would be able to provide the needed emergency services. In addition, KR Miller is familiar with the wall
and ceiling that requires the reinforcement to prevent the possible cave in.
KR Miller will install reinforcements to the wall and ceiling from within the valve chamber to stabilize the
structure and prevent a possible cave in. The valve chamber is located underneath the drop off at the West
Harrison Street entrance and exit lanes. The street is very active with pedestrian and vehicular traffic . The vault
stabilization will be implemented to reduce the potential impact to public safety, including the risks of personal
injury and property damage. This was discovered when K&K, an electrical contractor, was hired to
redo the lighting within the tunnel. They could not remove the existing conduit because of the unstable structure.
This was because when they would, pieces of concrete would come off, this lead into a deeper investigation
which showed that the valve chamber was in poor structural condition.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/07/2022 through 05/08/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $350,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Exec. Director
Vendor: KR Miller Const Notary Date: 1/28/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $350,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
18 Corrections, Department of File Date: 1/31/2022
Original Filing – 1/31/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 18
The vendor has stock available for immediate shipment of the needed Styrofoam Meal Containers.
Advanced Commodities, Inc will be provided disposable Styrofoam Meal Containers for the Illinois Department
of Corrections.
The current vendor Shelby County Community Services Inc, 21-416CMS-BOSS4-P-22338 is unable to provide
the Styrofoam containers at this time.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 01/27/2022 through 04/27/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $1,900,000.00.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Advanced Commodities, Inc. Notary Date: 1/31/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $1,900,000.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
19 Transportation, Department of File Date: 2/3/2022
Original Filing – 2/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 19
On the evening of Feb 1, the Kampsville and Brussles ferries were both closed due to ice -floe on the Illinois
River. A power outage occurred that impacted the Joe Page Bridge (a lift bridge in the area). The backup
generator kicked in and was initially working fine. Plowever, when the power was restored, it must have started
dirty or out of phase. This resulted in no street lights, the switch to transfer power was not disengaging, and
coolant was not properly circulating. The IDOT bridge mechanic was sent out, but there was little room to work
and moderate rain was falling and turned to freezing rain. The bridge mechanic was needed to plow on the night
shift. If the lift had failed, we would have been required to lift the bridge and lock it in the up position until
repairs were completed. This would force all of Calhoun to enter and exit through Pike County limiting access to
emergency services and adding several miles of adverse travel.
Due to the immediate need for assistance in diagnosing and repairing the issue, Cummins was called as they had
completed preventative maintenance on the generator in the past. Cummins was available and could respond
The contractor is to assess and repair the electrical issues/generator caused by the power outage and
restoration of power to avoid restricting traffic in the area.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/01/2022 through 05/01/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $30,000.00.
Signed By: Joseph Monroe, Dist #8 Operations Engineer
Vendor: Cummins Sales & Service Notary Date: 2/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
20 Corrections, Department of File Date: 2/3/2022
Original Filing – 2/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 20
The Vendor is able to provide needed commissary items to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Vendor will provide approved commissary items that will allow for the continued sales of food, clothing,
health/beauty, sundries and electronics to individuals in custody.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/03/2022 through 05/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $6,000,000.00.***
*** This is a zero dollar contract, the State does not fund these expenses.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: E Ford Commissary Inc. Notary Date: 2/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
21 Corrections, Department of File Date: 2/3/2022
Original Filing – 2/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 21
The Vendor is able to provide needed commissary items to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Vendor will provide approved commissary items that will allow for the continued sales of food, clothing,
health/beauty, sundries and electronics to individuals in custody.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/03/2022 through 05/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $6,000,000.00.***
*** This is a zero dollar contract, the State does not fund the expenses.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Performance Group dba Vistar Notary Date: 2/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
22 Corrections, Department of File Date: 2/3/2022
Original Filing – 2/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 22
The Vendor is able to provide needed commissary items to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Vendor will provide approved commissary items that will allow for the continued sales of food, clothing,
health/beauty, sundries and electronics to individuals in custody.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 2/3/2022 through 05/04/2022 with an Original Estimated
Cost of $6,000,000.00.***
***This is a zero dollar contract, the State does not fund the expenses.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Keefe Group Notary Date: 2/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
23 Corrections, Department of File Date: 2/3/2022
Original Filing – 2/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 23
The Vendor is able to provide needed commissary items to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Vendor will provide approved commissary items that will allow for the continued sales of food, clothing,
health/beauty, sundries and electronics to individuals in custody.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/03/2022 through 05/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $6,000,000.00.***
***This is a zero dollar contract, the State does not fund the expenses.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Walkenhorst's Notary Date: 2/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
24 Corrections, Department of File Date: 2/3/2022
Original Filing – 2/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 24
The Vendor is able to provide needed commissary items to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Vendor will provide approved commissary items that will allow for the continued sales of food, clothing,
health/beauty, sundries and electronics to individuals in custody.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/03/2022 through 05/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $6,000,000.00.***
***This is a zero dollar contract, the State does not fund the expenses.
Signed By: Jacenta Wilson, APO
Vendor: Union Supply Group Notary Date: 2/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
25 Human Services, Department of File Date: 2/7/2022
Original Filing – 2/7/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 25
This was the only vendor willing to accept such a large request for rooms, who were able to provide all
amenities necessary on very short notice. Contact was made with numerous hotels in the Chicagoland area and
this was the only one able to provide enough rooms to the first wave of refugees arriving 2.7.22
Vendor will provide up to 104 rooms with refrigerators and microwaves, some with kitchenettes; large meeting
spaces and rooms as available; limited food service; and concessions laundry.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/07/2022 through 04/30/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $400,140.00.
Signed By: Jean Sandstrom, APO
Vendor: Prominence Burr Ridge, LLC dba Hampton Inn & Suites Notary Date: 2/7/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $400,140.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
26 Human Services, Department of File Date: 2/7/2022
Original Filing – 2/7/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 26
This was the only vendor willing to accept such a large request for rooms, who were able to provide all
amenities necessary on very short notice. Contact was made with numerous hotels in the Chicagoland area and
this was the only one able to provide enough rooms to the first wave of refugees arriving 2.7.22
Vendor will provide up to 104 rooms with refrigerators and microwaves, some with kitchenettes; large meeting
spaces and rooms as available; limited food service; and concessions laundry.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/07/2022through04/30/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $1,087,920.00.
Signed By: Jean Sandstrom, APO
Vendor: Apple Ten Illinois DBA Hampton Inn & Suites Chicago Notary Date: 2/7/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $1,087,920.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
27 Human Services, Department of File Date: 2/17/2022
Received cancellation notice on 2/25/2022
Original Filing – 2/17/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 27
The OFPV was established at DHS in late 2021/early 2022. One of the first objectives of the program is to
coordinate the efforts of multiple groups in the State already working on the same mission. To facilitate this
work, DHS requires the services of a vendor to establish and build capacity for Local Advisory Councils in
municipalities identified by the Reimagine Public Safety Act. The vendor has demonstrated that they are familiar
with the impacted communities and can provide culturally-competent care. The vendor has the capacity and
expertise required to successfully implement this project, given the unique and evolving needs of the current
firearm violence epidemic. The vendor's team is comprised of trained community organizers with an established
track record of creating effective coalitions in Illinois for over a decade. Their data driven and community
informed approach to advocacy will allow the State to build coordination and capacity in the cities that are most
impacted by gun violence in Illinois.
The Reimagine Public Safety Act was passed in August 2021. It is an evidence-based and data driven approach
focusing on violence prevention, youth development, and the provision of trauma-based services. In enacting the
legislation, the State will employ a multi-pronged approach based on equity and collaboration. To carry out this
mission, the act establishes the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention (OFPV) to focus on reducing firearm
violence in communities with the highest rates of gun violence.
Vendor will establish and build capacity for
Local Advisory Councils (LAC) in municipalities; conduct data review/asset mapping of designated areas; craft a
high-level landscape memo informed by insights from listening, a SWOT analysis focused on city's current
violence reduction infrastructure that identifies and analyzes emerging opportunities, and a review of relevant
trends, and future opportunities for engagement; organize community stakeholders and facilitate (3) trainings per
city to equip stakeholders with tools to build and sustain their LAC; connect community-based organizations to
funding; convene members to develop recommendations for funding allocation determination; and provide
strategy and grantee recommendations to the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/01/2022 through 05/29/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $170,000.00.
Signed By: Jean Sandstrom, APO
Vendor: Ciera Bates-Chamberlain Notary Date: 2/17/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $170,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
28 Capital Development Board File Date: 2/18/2022
Original Filing – 2/18/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 28
On December 16th, 2021, the Department of Corrections requested that the Capital Development Board procure
vendors under an emergency procurement to provide replacements of the facility's cell door locks at the
Lawrence Correctional Center (LCC). As a result of ongoing litigations, the LCC will be upgraded to a maximum
security correctional facility to accept the transfer of inmates from other correctional facilities so structural and
other upgrades can be made at those locations.
Currently, software upgrades supporting the locking mechanisms at LCC are underway under CDB project
#120-295-012. However, at the time of design and bid, the replacement of the physical cell-door lock
components were not included in this project. The Department of Corrections intended to make those
replacements with their internal maintenance personnel.
However, it has been recently discovered that inmates are able to physically compromise and disable the actual
cell-door lock mechanisms.
Considering the time frames needed for bidding and award procedures, the ordering and replacement of the cell-
door locking mechanisms under the existing processes would likely not begin for several months. Therefore,
emergency purchases are necessary to upgrade the cell-door locking mechanisms as quickly as possible in order
to protect the health and safety of the Law Enforcement Officers, State employees, and inmates, and to prevent
or minimize any serious disruptions in critical State services at the facility.
River City Construction LLC was selected to provide emergency services because they submitted the lowest
responsive and responsible quote, and they can respond immediately to this request for emergency services.
Several firms were invited to provide quotes, based on their availability, expertise, experience and location.
The scope of work provides for the replacement of 1,188 cell-door lock mechanisms, 124 sliding cell door
mechanisms, and related power and communication system components at the Lawrence Correctional Center as
specified by the Architect/Engineer of record. Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard
Documents for Construction & Supplement,design documents provided by the Architect/Engineer of record, and
quote provided by River City Construction LLC. Services provided under this procurement should not exceed
$8,257,000.00, prior to entering into a Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital
Development Board in consultation with the Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon
project completion and project closeout. " Name of vendor" is authorized to proceed with the scope of work
outlined in this Emergency Purchase Statement.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its
own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff
includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the
Additionally, Governor Pritzker has issued Executive Orders 2021-22 (and subsequent Executive Orders)
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
containing additional mitigations to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an indoor mask requirement
and vaccinations for those working at Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) facilities. These requirements
apply to this project.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 2/18/2022 through 05/18/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $8,257,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: River City Construction LLC Notary Date: 2/18/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $8,257,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
29 University of Illinois - Chicago File Date: 2/18/2022
Original Filing – 2/18/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 29
AT&T is our existing analog circuit vendor. AT&T provides analog circuits for campus communication services
for Technology Solutions to connect to buildings which are not physically connected to campus by University
infrastructure. AT&T is the only vendor who can provide the analog circuits for the outdated technology.
The crucial analog circuits must remain in service as the scope of the services are critical for the daily business
function of the university. The services include Analog Private Lines serving the emergency response systems,
hospital and campus call distribution systems, UIC parking lots, and other campus services.
The current State of Illinois Contract which we are utilizing expires on December 9, 2022 without any renewals
and AT&T does not execute contracts under 12 months. AT&T is the only vendor who can provide this analog
circuits for the outdated technology. There are different types of analog circuits covered on this current contract
under the State Contract, including our life safety emergency response system that reports directly to UIC
Police dispatch, UIC Parking services, and our hospital and campus call distribution systems. The financial
impact to the university for these circuits will increase from $44,500 MRC per month ($534,000 annually) to
$66,750 MRC per month ($801,000 annually). In addition, a tariff increase will occur in September 2022. The
Technology Solutions team is actively working on decommissioning these circuits, but expect the work to be
completed between August-October 2022. It is in the best interest of the University to procure the services as a
Quick Purchase before before March 1, 2022 the new rate will increase by $22,250 per month which equates to
$267,000 annually.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/01/2022 through 02/28/2023 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $534,000.00.
Signed By: Debra Matlock, Exec Director
Vendor: AT&T Notary Date: 2/18/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $534,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
30 Capital Development Board File Date: 2/24/2022
Original Filing – 2/24/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 30
The Illinois State Police (“ISP”) notified the Capital Development Board (“CDB”) that on Saturday, October 16th,
2021 a 300-foot communications tower owned by the Illinois Department of Transportation (“IDOT”) failed
and collapsed. The tower was located at the IDOT maintenance yard 710 180th Avenue in Monmouth, Illinois.
This 63-year old tower had an underground rod fail, releasing tension on guy wires to one side of the tower; this
combined with high wind gusts, caused the tower to collapse which also fell on a
communications equipment building.
IDOT no longer utilizes this tower for its communications and does not want a new tower re-built at the same
location due to their trucks and heavy equipment moving in and around their maintenance yard facility. However,
ISP and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (“IEMA”) stressed the importance of having a tower built
in this area as it is strategically placed to give the widest emergency radio coverage possible. Without this tower,
there is a huge area void of radio coverage for the northern ISP District 14 area and the neighboring southern
portion of ISP District 7. This void of communications coverage creates an officer safety issue, as well as
impacting the safety of several communities.
For the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), the Monmouth IDOT tower was one of 19 low band
radio systems around the State that serves as the agency’s radio back-up system for emergencies. This system
allowed IEMA to cover six counties with low band radios, with the next closet towers being in Moline and
Kingston, Illinois. This leaves a large void on the western side of the State that does not have radio coverage.
Additionally, Warren County Sheriff’s Department and Warren County Emergency Telephone Safety Board
(911) would like to be included in the new tower communications coverage as they have radio coverage issues
as well.
IDOT has a section of land approximately ˝ mile west of the current maintenance yard and would allow a tower
to be built on the site. This site was reviewed by ISP and was found to be large enough to have a 300-foot self-
supporting tower erected.
Initially, the ISP endeavored to replace the tower by utilizing an existing contract. However, it was ultimately
determined that an alternative procurement method would be required. Consequently, this delay has made the
immediate replacement of this tower become more critical. Therefore, ISP has requested that CDB declare an
emergency in order to construct a new 300-foot self-supporting communication tower, communication
equipment building and ancillary components as quickly as possible in order to allow for proper radio coverage.
This project began through the emergency selection of an Architect/Engineer (“A/E”); this exempts the selection
from a 14-day solicitation required through Qualifications-Based Selection (“QBS”). Considering the time frames
needed for the selection, negotiation and execution of an A/E contract followed by bidding and award
procedures, design and replacement of the radio communications tower, communications equipment building and
other ancillary components under the existing processes would likely not begin for
several months.
Farnsworth Group, Inc., located in Peoria, IL, was selected to provide design services to replace the radio
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
communications tower and communications equipment building because they are relatively in close proximity to
the site, they have the necessary expertise to complete the work, and they can respond immediately to the
request for emergency services.
The scope of work provides for expedited design services to construct a 300-foot self-supporting
communication tower, a new communications equipment building, and other ancillary components such as
security fencing, a back-up generator, access roads, required electrical upgrades, horizontal boring for fiber
optic cable connections/equipment and any necessary grading of the site.
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement and the
March 2009 Design and Construction Manual & Supplement. Basic Architectural Services provided under this
procurement should not exceed $150,000.00, which is a place-holder prior to the negotiation of a Professional
Services Agreement, without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the
Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon project completion and project close-out.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its
own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff
includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/24/2022 through 05/24/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $150,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Farnsworth Group, Inc. Notary Date: 2/24/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
31 Human Services, Department of File Date: 2/28/2022
Original Filing – 2/28/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 31
Ash removal services using a vacuum sucker truck is a highly specialized field, especially in our rural area. This
vendor is the only one in the area to provide these services. They have provided these services satisfactorily in
the past and are very responsive to our needs. The BEP portal was searched; no BEP or VSB vendors were
registered to provide services in these codes.
Services are needed to remove coal ashes from the boilers due to our malfunctioning ash silo at the Power Plant.
We need this daily removal to avoid ash buildup and to ensure the Power Plant's ability to provide steam and
electricity to the entire Choate campus. This would not be possible after just two days buildup of ashes.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/25/2022 through 05/25/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $83,600.00.
Signed By: Jean Sandstrom, APO
Vendor: Jones Hydroblast, Inc. Notary Date: 2/28/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $83,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
32 University of Illinois - Chicago File Date: 2/28/2022
Original Filing – 2/28/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 32
Due to a nationwide shortage of gaseous helium, Air Products is the only vendor with any gaseous helium
available for delivery. Physics has reached out to all viable sources and no other vendors have any gaseous
helium to deliver for the foreseeable future.
Air Products will provide gaseous helium (including hazmat fee) and trailer rental. We are required, under the
contract, to rent the trailer (monthly payment) until the gaseous helium has been used in its entirety.
Due to a nationwide shortage of gaseous helium, our contracted vendor, Praxair (1JEZ2104), is unable to supply
gaseous helium.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/01/2022 through 05/31/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $372,155.00. This is a Self-Supporting Fund.
Signed By: Kenneth Burger, Assist Director
Vendor: Air Products & Chemicals, Inc Notary Date: 2/28/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $372,155.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
33 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 3/1/2022
Original Filing – 3/1/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 33
The Agency has several open major projects in progress with Globetrotters Engineering Services which is critical
in providing State services to the State of Illinois citizens and fulfilling the Agency mission. This vendor has
done all of the engineering work in these projects which were started on the original contract and work has
continued on the existing emergency contract. Its is not technically or financially feasible to switch to another
vendor for engineering on these projects as a new vendor would have to start over on much of the work. There
is also a known large project in Western Illinois know as the "Prophetstown Project" which will need to be
started in the coming months. Additionally, there will likely be IDOT roadwork projects or repairs that come up
unexpectedly which will require DoIT to move our fiber with little notice. Engineering is needed for this.
DoIT published and evaluated and RFP to replace this contract. A vendor has been selected and the agency
is currently in negotiations with the selected vendor as part of the QBS process. The emergency will allow
current project to continue as well as allow the agency time to finish price negotiations and overall contract as
this process cannot be completed by the end of the existing emergency contract.
The Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology requires a contract to provide telecommunications plant
engineering, design and project management services for a fiber-optic backbone throughout the State on as
needed basis. The Agency has (5) major projects in progress with Globetrotters Engineering Services which is
critical in providing State services to the State of Illinois citizens and fulfilling the Agency mission.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/01/2022 through 05/29/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $400,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Globetrotters Engineering Service Notary Date: 3/1/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $400,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
34 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 3/3/2022
Original Filing – 3/3/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 34
Vendor is incumbent vendor and is familiar with State needs for providing the below products and has agreed to
use the same pricing and contract terms for the emergency, except as will be updated in the resulting contract.
90 day Emergency Informatica Reseller JPMC from 2/28/2022 - 5/28/2022. This will be a JPMC available to all
governmental units and qualified not-for-profit agencies. Informatica products, support and services are in use
by several state agencies supported by DoIT including HFS, DHS, the Health and Human Services Innovation
Incubator (HHSi2). This procurement vehicle is required to enable continued operation, systems and software
updates and support of various programs throughout the State. Additionally there are other JPMC entities such
as the Tollway that depend on the current contract.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 2/28/2022 through 05/28/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $6,000,000.00. This both Federal & State Funding.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: CDW-Government LLC Notary Date: 3/3/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $6,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
35 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 3/8/2022
Original Filing – 3/8/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 35
The Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology currently has a contract with SEPS, Inc CIT2026389
for: power, generator, UPS, and maintenance needs. The existing contract ends March 13, 2022. This vendor is
familiar with all of the DoIT/ICN sites across the state of Illinois and has installed the majority of the equipment
in use at these locations. This vendor also has security clearance to enter and perform work at these locations.
This vendor has staff that are certified and licensed to do highly skilled work including but not limited to: install
power, remove corrosive batteries, and perform maintenance.
The contract will allow DoIT to engineer, furnish and install new uninterruptible power supply (“UPS”) systems,
generators, and related equipment as needed. The resulting contract will also provide the following services:
power installation, maintenance, emergency maintenance, and preventative maintenance at locations statewide.
Maintenance and emergency maintenance are crucial to keep critical state services working in case of power
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/14/2022 through 06/11/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $102,000.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: SEPS, Inc. Notary Date: 3/8/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $102,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
36 Human Services, Department of File Date: 3/9/2022
Original Filing – 3/9/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 36
The vendor was selected via a competitive bidding process by Central Management Services (CMS) as a master
moving contract available to all agencies. Services in this region were canceled effective 3/1/2022. Vendor has
agreed to continue operations using the price of their last contract.
his Emergency procurement is to procure labor and carpentry services from Midwest Moving & Storage. The
remodel is for pick up, delivery, and the installation of 51 cubicles in the new FCS Peoria County FCRC at 103
NE Jefferson St, Peoria.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 4/1/2022 through 06/30/2022 with an Original Estimated
Cost of $78,132.00.
Signed By: Samatha Morgan, Exec II
Vendor: Mid-West Moving & Storage Inc. Notary Date: 3/9/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $78,132.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
37 Human Services, Department of File Date: 3/9/2022
Original Filing – 3/9/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 37
The vendor was selected via a competitive bidding process by Central Management Services (CMS) as a master
moving contract available to all agencies. Services in this region were canceled effective 3/1/2022. Vendor has
agreed to continue operations using the price of their last contract.
This Emergency procurement is to procure relocation services from Midwest Moving & Storage. The
relocation is for the DHS FCS Peoria County FCRC (211 Fulton St, Peoria) to their new location at 103 NE
Jefferson St, Peoria.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04/01/2022 through 06/30/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $68,817.46.
Signed By: Samantha Morgan, Exec II
Vendor: Mid-West Moving & Storage Inc. Notary Date: 3/9/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $68,817.46 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
38 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 3/4/2022
Original Filing – 03/04/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 38
18-416CMS-BOSS4-P-376 JPMC Drugs and Pharmaceuticals expired 09/30/2021. 30 ILCS 500/20-60(a) limits
the duration of contracts to ten (10) years inclusive of renewals and extensions and as of its expiration date of
09/30/2021, this contract was at the ten-year mark. As such, CMS established an emergency contract from
10/01/2021 through 12/28/2021 (22-416CMS-BOSS4-P-30786) to allow time for the completion of the
competitive process.
Efforts to establish a new contract have been ongoing since June 2020. The requisition was approved
06/30/2020 and the first attempt to competitively procure was bid 21-416CMS-BOSS4-B-16903 (B-16903)
published 10/14/2020 with a bid opening date of 01/05/2021. After bid opening, it was determined that the
solicitation did not provide for consideration of all factors of significance to the State and bid B-16903 was
canceled 01/06/2021.
The next bid, 21-416CMS-BOSS4-B-17371, was published 03/04/2021 with a bid opening of 04/08/2021
and was subsequently canceled 05/13/2021 after the buyer determined that canceling and improving the IFB was
again necessary.
Bid 21-416CMS-BOSS4-B-22340 (B-22340) JPMC Drugs and Pharmaceuticals was published 06/04/2021
and bids were opened 08/04/2021. The notice of award for B-22340 was published 08/25/2021, which started
the 14-day protest period. A protest was received by the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) on 09/02/2021,
which stayed the procurement until 09/30/2021 when the CPO issued the determination to deny the protest.
After review of the CPO’s determination and consultation with the Business Enterprise Program, CMS
determined that it was in the State's best interest to cancel the solicitation (B-22340) and rebid in order to
encourage additional participation of minority, women, and persons with disability owned businesses.
Accordingly, B-22340 was canceled 10/18/2021 pursuant to Section 1.2040(a) of the CPO-GS Procurement
Rules, which provides that "[a]ny solicitation may be cancelled before or after opening" when it is "in the State's
best interest". Section 1.2040(b)(1) further provides that the reasons for cancelling may "includ[e], but [are] not
limited to" the reasons set forth in the non-exhaustive list provided in the rules.
The rebid, 22-416CMS-BOSS4-B-25474 (B-25474), was published 10/26/2021 with a bid opening date of
12/14/2021. CMS worked with BEP prior to advertisement of B-25474 to confirm the BEP goal set for the
contract is appropriate. The BEP goal was recalculated at 9% (vs. 8% for B-22340). At a mandatory pre-bid
conference held on 11/09/2021, CMS staff answered questions related to BEP and stressed the importance of
compliance with BEP requirements, including submitting a utilization plan demonstrating how the bidder intends
to meet the BEP goal or requesting a waiver by demonstrating good faith efforts.
In the meantime, to ensure continuity of services, the emergency contract (22-416CMS-BOSS4-P-30786) was
extended for two months, from 12/29/2021 through 02/28/2022 to allow additional time for the completion of
the competitive process.
The Notice of Award for B-25474 was published 01/26/2022, which started the 14-day protest period. The
incumbent vendor for P-30786, Cardinal Health 110, LLC, is the awarded vendor for B-25474. A protest was
received by the CPO’s Office on 02/07/2022, which stays the procurement until the CPO issues the protest
determination. Based on these considerations, CMS intended to extend the emergency contract (P-30786) for an
additional two (2) months to allow time for resolution of the protest and completion of the competitive process.
The notice to extend was published 02/09/2022 and the public hearing for the extension as required by 30 ILCS
500/20-30(a) was scheduled for and occurred on 02/24/2022.
Due to circumstances outside of CMS' control, the documentation required to execute the extension was not
completed in time to move forward; therefore, the only available solution to ensure continuity of services is to
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
declare a second emergency. Cardinal Health 110, LLC has agreed to a new 90-day emergency contract at the
same terms and conditions as the current contract (P-30786) to ensure that there is not a lapse in service. Any
break in service would be extremely detrimental to the Department of Human Services and Department of Public
Health and their constituents who rely on these drugs and pharmaceuticals. This 90-day emergency should allow
time for resolution of the protest and completion of the competitive process. When the new contract is
executed, we intend to cancel the emergency contract.
stays the procurement until the CPO issues the protest determination. Based on these considerations, CMS
intended to extend the emergency contract (P-30786) for an additional two (2) months to allow time for
resolution of the protest and completion of the competitive process. The notice to extend was published
02/09/2022 and the public hearing for the extension as required by 30 ILCS 500/20-30(a) was scheduled for and
occurred on 02/24/2022.
Due to circumstances outside of CMS' control, the documentation required to
execute the extension was not completed in time to move forward; therefore, the only available solution to ensure
continuity of services is to declare a second emergency. Cardinal Health 110, LLC has agreed to a new 90-day
emergency contract at the same terms and conditions as the current contract (P-30786) to ensure that there is
not a lapse in service. Any break in service would be extremely detrimental to the Department of Human
Services and Department of Public Health and their constituents who rely on these drugs and pharmaceuticals.
This 90-day emergency should allow time for resolution of the protest and completion of the competitive
process. When the new contract is executed, we intend to cancel the emergency contract.
This is an emergency Joint Purchase Master Contract for drugs and pharmaceuticals to be purchased on an as-
needed basis during the contract period by the Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Department of
Public Health.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 02/28/2022 through 05/28/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $25,000.00. This EP is Federal & State Funding.
Signed By: Will Stephens, APO
Vendor: Cardinal Health 110, LLC Notary Date: 3/4/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
39 Public Health, Department of File Date: 3/7/2022
Original Filing – 3/7/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 39
DPH has been working with JEMM Technologies since 2014. The most recent contract is due to expire on
March 14, 2022. We began the Request for Proposal process, but it will not be completed by the expiration of
the current contract. Accordingly, we are requesting to procure an emergency contract to avoid a disruption of
services for regionalized perinatal centers. Failure to approve the new contract will force IDPH to choose
another software vendor and spend a considerable amount of time and dollars to reach the same level of
efficiency and quality that is currently experienced with this application and required by State statute. Secondly,
IDPH would be forced to work with an unsupported system while a new system is developed. Any problem
fixes, upgrades, or implementation would be delayed or canceled causing potential risks to data, data security and
stability of the system.
Illinois has a robust perinatal regionalization system that includes 10 Administrative Perinatal Centers that
supervise 122 obstetric hospitals in Illinois. This regionalized network of hospitals helps to provide quality care to
perinatal patients in Illinois. To monitor the hospitals and the quality of care they provide to perinatal patients in
Illinois, the Office of Women’s Health intends to procure a one-year contract with JEMM Technologies for
annual licenses, storage and ongoing maintenance of the system. More specifically, JEMM Technologies will
provide database development services for the proprietary ePeriNet MIS system. This management information
system allows the State to collect data from network hospitals serving mothers and infants at risk of
experiencing poor health outcomes. Access to this data increases the State's capacity to monitor and provide
technical assistance to improve the quality of care provided these populations during the birthing process. Failure
to enter into this contract could have a significant negative impact on the State's ability to monitor and provide
assistance to hospitals, and subsequently, place mothers and infants at additional risk. There are no other vendors
who could seamlessly provide this service between the time their current contract ends and a new contract
OWHFS is working on the Request for Proposal solicitation. Unfortunately, we will not be able to
complete the review and approval process for this new contract in enough time to prevent a disturbance to data
collection and the quality monitoring process.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 3/15/2022 through 06/13/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $54,750.00.
Signed By: Kenya McRae, Division Chief
Vendor: JEMM Technologies Notary Date: 3/7/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $54,750.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
40 Capital Development Board File Date: 3/7/2022
Original Filing – 03/07/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 40
Central Management Services ("CMS") has notified the Capital Development Board that the State Museum
Research & Collection Center, a 184,000 square foot, two-story building established in 1940, is experiencing
several leaks throughout the building as a result of a failed roofing system. This building houses the States
Artifacts and rare artwork (approx. 15M items), most of which are considered priceless.
Numerous attempts have been made in the past to attempt to stop the water penetration, yet facility staff
continue to find additional leaks, many located directly above the artifacts. Staff continually have to use buckets
and plastic shielding to prevent damage. This space is climate controlled with specific humidity requirements to
maintain the integrity of its contents. Due to the amount of items stored here, it is often difficult to locate points
of penetration. This delays finding the leaks and causes the humidity levels to fluctuate.
If this roof is not replaced, damage to the contents will be imminent and could be significant, resulting in a total
loss of irreplaceable priceless artifacts and artwork.
Considering the time frames needed for the selection, negotiation and execution of an A/E contract followed by
bidding and award procedures, the implementation of at least temporary repairs, followed by the design and
construction of the replacement roof, under the existing processes would likely not begin for several months.
For this reason, an emergency purchase is necessary to provide temporary roofing repairs as quickly as possible
in order to protect against the threat to further loss or damage to the building and artifacts until such time the
replacement roofing system can be designed and replaced.
Designed Roofing Systems, Inc., located in Springfield, IL, was selected to provide construction services for
temporary roofing repair work because are in close proximity to the site, they have the necessary expertise to
complete the work, and they could respond immediately to the request for emergency services.
The scope of work provides for expedited temporary roofing repair work at the State Museum Research &
Collection Center.
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement.
Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $150,000.00, which is a place-holder prior to
entering into a Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in
consultation with the Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon project completion and
project close-out.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its
own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff
includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/07/2022 through 06/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $150,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Designed Roofing Systems, Inc Notary Date: 3/7/2022
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $150,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
41 Employment Security, Department of File Date: 3/8/2022
Original Filing – 3/08/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 41
This vendor was a subcontractor on contract #4100138210/21-427DES-FINAN-B-20790 and is currently
providing the Claimant Portal services under Emergency Contract #4100152449. Continuing the same service for
the Claimant Portal eliminates the expenses of programming, testing, and implementing a new portal. The loss of
a Claimant Portal will result in claimants not having an avenue to select their method of payment and a potential
gap in claimant benefits. Additionally, there is insufficient time before the expiration of the current Emergency
Contract for the Department to procure and implement a new portal from a different vendor. No other
procurements are anticipated to support the NoCheck Claimant Portal. This is IDES' second Emergency
Purchase for this service.
The NoCheck Group, LLC ("NoCheck") will continue to provide an electronic Claimant Portal for
unemployment insurance claimants to select the method of receiving their benefits; i.e., direct deposit or paper
check during the period of 3/16/2022-6/15/2022. This Claimant Portal is required as a bridge between the
Department's benefit funding system (IBIS) and JP Morgan Chase ("Chase"), the Department's benefit banking
vendor under Emergency Contract #4100148165 and the NoCheck Group, LLC Emergency Contract
#4100152449. This Purchase is required in order to prevent a gap in services and to provide IDES the time
needed until a long-term contract for services can be executed.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/16/2022 through 06/15/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $125,000.00.
Signed By: Kristin Richards, Acting Director
Vendor: The NoCheck Group, LLC Notary Date: 3/8/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $125,000.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
42 Capital Development Board File Date: 3/9/2022
Original Filing – 1/31/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 42
CDB entered into a Professional Services Agreement and a Construction Contract for design and construction
services to replace certain roofing systems at Shawnee Correctional Center, specifically for the Administration
Building, Dietary Building,and Industries Building, otherwise known as CDB Project No. 120-255-025.
On May 29, 2020, CDB issued a Notice of Termination of Contract letter to the selected contractor as a result
of their failure to adhere to the contract documents which requires a valid roofing license issued by the State of
Illinois. Further, CDB made a demand upon the contractor's surety to complete the work under the Performance
Bond. The surety has refused to complete the work. CDB requested that the former contractor or surety provide
temporary weather protection work by utilizing a licensed roofing contractor to protect the roofing systems
from the elements as there are several leaks in each building. Both the former contractor and surety refused to
provide such weather protection work.
In October of 2020, CDB and the Chief Procurement Office authorized an emergency declaration to inspect the
buildings and provide temporary weather protection to protect the buildings from the elements. A subsequent
small purchase was authorized in May of 2021 for further weather protection work as the buildings continued to
leak and prior protection was temporary. The original design team was subsequently terminated as it was
determined that proper design and observations services were lacking. The buildings will continue to leak causing
further damage to the roofing structure, including interior components.
Therefore, an emergency purchase for construction services is necessary to replace the roofing systems as
quickly as possible in order to protect the buildings. This project began by utilizing the prior Indefinite
Delivery/lndefinate Quantity ("IDIQ") selection of an Architect/Engineer for design services.
Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing,Inc.,located in Highland,IL was selected to provide emergency construction
services to replace the roofing systems because they provided the lowest responsive and responsible quote and
can respond immediately to this request for emergency services. Several firms were invited to provide quotes,
after having reviewed the Architect/Engineer's design documents, based on their availability, expertise,
experience and location.
The scope of work provides for the replacement of roofing systems and accessories on three buildings (Building
Cl 137 Administration Building, Building Cl 138 Dietary Building, Building C1140 Industries Building) at the
Shawnee Correctional Center to include the replacement of the existing standing seam metal roofing and
accessories on all three buildings. At the Industries Building replace existing standing seam metal roofing and
accessories on the lower roof area of the building with low-slope membrane roof and insulation.Some storm
sewer work will be required for down spout tie in.
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement,
design documents provided by the Architect/Engineer of record, and quote provided by Joiner Sheet Metal &
Roofing, Inc. Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $5,160,679.00, prior to entering into
a Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the
Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon project completion and project close-out.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its
own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff
includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Additionally, Governor Pritzker has issued Executive Order 2021-22 (and subsequent Executive
Orders) containing additional mitigations to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an indoor mask
requirement and vaccinations for those working at Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) facilities. These
requirements apply to this project.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/09/2022 through 06/06/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $5,160,679.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc. Notary Date: 3/9/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $5,160,679.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
43 Capital Development Board File Date: 3/14/2022
Original Filing – 3/14/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 43
On the evening of October 24, 2021, the Menard Correctional Center, a maximum security facility, experienced
severe damage to multiple buildings at the facility from a line of strong storms containing high velocity winds.
The North 2 Cell House, which houses inmates, experienced severe roof damage. The Cell House has a EPDM
roof which was mostly torn off by the high velocity winds. Immediate temporary repairs were necessary to
prevent any future storms (rain or snow) from causing damage to the electronic components of the building and
to be shielded from potential water infiltration.
Because the repairs made to date are very temporary, the Department of Corrections is requesting a full
replacement of the roofing system to stop further water infiltration from causing additional damage to the
infrastructure and any equipment/furniture.
This project began through the emergency selection of an Architect/Engineer (“A/E”); this exempts the selection
from a 14-day solicitation required through Qualifications-Based Selection (“QBS”). Considering the time frames
needed for the selection, negotiation and execution of an A/E contract followed by bidding and award
procedures, the design and construction to replace the North 2 Cell House under the existing processes would
likely not begin for several months. For this reason, emergency purchases are necessary to replace the roofing
system as quickly as possible in order to protect against the threat to public health and safety, to protect against
further loss or damage and to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services.
Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc., located in Highland, IL, was selected to provide construction services for
roof replacement work because they provided the lowest responsive and responsible quote, and they can respond
immediately to this request for emergency services. Several firms were invited to provide quotes, based on their
availability, expertise, experience and location.
The scope of work provides for a new color coated standing seam metal roof on insulation on existing metal
roof decking. Provide new color coated metal trim to match roof panels including rake flashing, ridge flashing,
and wall flashing. Provide new color coated metal gutters and downspouts. Provide all new accessories for a
complete and watertight roofing system, including vent flashing, and roof curbs. Remove existing EPDM roofing
system down to existing metal roof deck, including all insulation, batten boards, roofing felts, wood blocking,
and associated metal and membrane flashings as designed by the Architect/Engineer of record and approved by
Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction & Supplement, design
documents provided by the Architect/Engineer and quote provided by Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing, inc.
Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $414,967.00, which is a place-holder prior to
entering into a Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital
Development Board in consultation with the Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon
project completion and project close-out.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract. In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for
Construction, the General Contractor shall perform no less than 20% of work with its own staff. Each other
trade shall perform no less than 40% of work with its own staff. Work with own staff includes direct labor and
supervision, as well as material purchases where the material is installed by the contractor.
Additionally, Governor Pritzker has issued Executive Order 2022-06 (and related Executive Orders) containing
additional mitigations to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes an indoor mask requirement and
vaccinations for those working at Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) facilities. These requirements apply
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
to this project.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/14/2022 through 06/11/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $414,967.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc. Notary Date: 3/14/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $414,967.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
44 Southern Illinois University File Date: 3/10/2022
Original Filing – 3/10/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 44
Five vendors were contacted. SkyMark Refuelers LLC was the only vendor to submit a quote for the refueler
SkyMark 1000 Gallon Avgas Refueler to replace the old aviation refueler truck.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/10/2022 through N/A with an Original Estimated
Cost of $143,100.00, using University Local Funds
Signed By: Tina Logan, DDP
Vendor: SkyMark Refuelers LLC Notary Date: 3/10/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $143,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
45 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 3/19/2020
Original Filing – 3/19/2020: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 45
HFS has occupied this leased facility since 1988. Government Property Fund LLC is the existing landlord. Lessor
has a positive history of being responsive to maintenance needs.The most recent lease expired September 28,
2019 and has been in holdover status since.The six month holdover will expire on March 28, 2020 and a new 5
year lease is in process of being submitted and posted.This emergency lease is necessary to provide continued
occupancy and payment of rent until a new 5 year term is approved by the Board.
It has served as the Springfield headquarters for HFS. It houses all personnel equipment, data and telecom is
located here. All computer systems,mail room operations, etc are based here. The cost to move all of this is
estimated at over 1.2 million
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/29/2020 through 06/26/2020 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $590,856.02.
Signed By: Craig Canfield, DCOO
Vendor: Government Property Fund LLC Notary Date: 3/19/2020
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $590,856.02 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
46 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 3/19/2020
Original Filing – 1/31/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 46
DHS has occupied this leased facility since 1974. Alzina Building II LLC is the existing landlord, lessor has a
positive history of being responsive to maintenance needs.The most recent lease expired September 30, 2019 and
has been in holdover status since.The six month holdover will expire on March 30, 2020 and a new 5 year lease
is in process of being submitted and posted. This emergency lease is necessary to provide continued occupancy
and payment of rent until a new 5 year term is approved by the Board.
DHS's Disability Determination Services office is fully funded by the federal Social Security Administration
{SSA).Its staff determines the eligibility of individuals who seek to receive benefits under Social Security's
disability programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income.This office,
while technically part of OHS, operates under the auspices of the SSA.Due to the unique funding mechanism of
this office, it cannot be moved without the express consent of the SSA.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/31/2020 through 06/28/2020 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $378,177.77, using both Federal and State funds.
Signed By: Craig Canfield, DCOO
Vendor: Alzina Building II LLC Notary Date: 3/19/2020
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $378,177.17 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
47 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 10/15/2020
Original Filing – 10/15/2020: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 47
Lease 4228 is located at 5608 W. 75th Place,Burbank,IL.IDES has occupied this location since 1987.IDES
submitted a space request to pursue an Alt-RFI extension,however due to staff turnover and the COVID-19
global pandemic,CMS was unable to complete the new lease prior to the expiration of the old lease. IDES desires
to remain in this space.The lease is currently in non-payment,and the vendor has not received payment since
May 1, 2020.If the State continues to occupy the premises without paying rent, the vendor may become unable
to perform the contract.IDES operations may be disrupted and IDES may be forced to relocate.This office is
critical to the IDES response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as directed by the Disaster Proclamation of March
9,2020 which was followed by subsequent disaster proclamations dated April 30, 2020,May 29, 2020, June 26,
2020,and July 24, 2020.
This facility is an IDES office providing unemployment and job training services for the South West side of
Chicago and suburbs. These services are critical to DHS's response to the COVID-19 pandemic
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/1/2020 through 01/29/2021 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $42,053.74
Signed By: Albert Coll, P&T Manager
Vendor: Burbank Manor Ltd. II Notary Date: 10/15/2020
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $42,053.74 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
Previously Filed
Emergency Purchases
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
48 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 3/16/2022
Original Filing – 3/16/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 48
There is no existing master contract for Beyontrust licenses and services. CDWG is an authorized reseller for
BeyondTrust and is utilizing Revere Consulting Company, Inc, a BEP-certified vendor for project management
Due to Russian invasion of Ukraine and increased risk of Nation Sponsored cyber attack, expedited
implementation of BeyondTrust security software is critical to protect State of Illinois data and systems.
1,200 units of XMS Engineer "XMS engineer sees"
120 units of XMS PM "XMS PM service
1,800 units of Revere Project Management "Revere PM services" BEP
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/15/2022 through 06/12/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $741,750.00.
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: CDWG Notary Date: 3/16/2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $741,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
49 Public Health, Department of File Date: 1/4/2022
Latest Filing - 01/04/2022:
A Final Cost Statement was received on 01/04/2022, stating that the Actual Total Cost is $425,000.00 with final
term of contract 11/18/2020
Original Filing - 09/02/2020:
Manatt will evaluate and review IDPH processes, procedures organizational structure of the Division of Long
Term Care to ensure that the Bureau is providing all services required by state and federal law and has the means
to conduct all required complaint surveys. Manatt will conduct 15-20 interviews of various stakeholders such
as office employees, trade associate representatives, representatives from long term care providers and
consumer representatives/advocates and will also conduct interviews to 4 out-of-state industry experts. Manatt
will conduct a regulatory review, review of available data and analyses, and a review of emerging lessons from
other states and industry best practices. Manatt will deliver a preliminary report for review and comments by
stakeholders and will finalize and deliver the report to IDPH in a PowerPoint format. This Emergency Purchase
has an expected start date of 08/21/2020 through 11/18/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $425,000.00.
Signed By: Sarina O'Malley, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Manatt Health Strategies, LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $425,000.00 $425,000.00 $425,000.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
50 Public Health, Department of File Date: 1/5/2022
Latest Filing – 01/05/2022:
A final Cost Statement was received on 1/05/2022, stating that the Actual Total Cost is $64,403.01 with a final
term of contract 2/14/2021.
Original Filing - 12/16/2020:
EMResource is a vendor-hosted patient tracking system used to monitor hospital capabilities and designations,
current status, and resource location and availability, using information entered by hospital personnel based at
facilities throughout Illinois. It supports critical hospital resource allocation decisions by providing an up-to-date
picture of resource availability relative to capacity. Such information is vital during mass casualty incidents and
similar emergency/disaster situations, large planned events, and other contexts such as hospital evacuations.
EMTrack is a patient tracking system used to track patient identity, location, and status during mass casualty
incidents and similar emergency/disaster situations, large planned events, and other contexts in which normal
patterns of seeking and delivering healthcare have been compromised. Patient status and location are updated in
EMResource in real time by first responders and hospital personnel and the resulting information then becomes
immediately available in summary form for use by incident command, emergency operations center personal, and
others in a leadership and/or advisory role during a response. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start
date of 11/17/2020 through 02/14/2021 with an Original Estimated Cost of $64,403.01 using Federal funds.
Signed By: Andrew Friend, Deputy Director
Vendor: ESI Acquisitions Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $64,403.01 $64,403.01
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
51 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 1/6/2022
Latest Filing – 01/06/2022:
A final Cost Statement was received on 1/06/2022, stating that the Actual Total Cost is $56,907.84 with a final
term of contract ending 7 weeks.
Original Filing - 6-11-2021; FY21, Qtr. 4, Item #2
The Department of Central Management is declaring a emergency for a elevator repair foreman to be on site
immediately, for the two elevators, in case they break down with possible entrapment. This Emergency Purchase
has an expected start date of 04-26-2021 through 6-11-2021 with an original estimated cost of $60,356.80
Signed By: Martha Blackwell, Procurement Officer
Vendor: Parkway Elevators Inc. Notary Date: 6/11/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $60,356.80 $56,907.84 $56,907.84 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
52 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 12/15/2021
Latest Filing – 12/15/2021:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3 Item# 35 is $.00. with the final contract term ending12/13/2021.
Original Filing – 8/27/2021 FY22, Qtr 1, Item 38:
The Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology currently has a contract with SEPS, Inc CIC2456240 /
P-858 for: power, generator, UPS, and maintenance needs. Contract CIC2456240 / P-858 is set to expire on
September 14, 2021, with no remaining renewals on the contract. The contract was competitively bid ensuring
the most competitive pricing within the market at the inception of the contract in 2011. This vendor is familiar
with all of the DoIT/ICN sites across the state of Illinois and has installed the majority of the equipment in use at
these locations. This vendor also has security clearance to enter and perform work at these locations. This
vendor has staff that are certified and licensed to do highly skilled work including but not limited to: install
power, remove corrosive batteries, and perform maintenance.
The contract will allow DoIT to engineer, furnish and install new uninterruptible power supply (“UPS”) systems,
generators, and related equipment as needed. The resulting contract will also provide the following services:
power installation, maintenance, emergency maintenance, and preventative maintenance at locations statewide.
Maintenance and emergency maintenance are crucial to keep critical state services working in case of power
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/15/2021 through 12/13/2021 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $102,000.00.
Signed By: Reginald Lampkin, APO
Vendor: SEPS, Inc Notary Date: 8/27/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $102,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
53 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 1/4/2022
Latest Filing – 01/04/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 53 is $927,481.87 with the final contract term ending 12/31/2021.
Original Filing – 7/01/2021 FY22, Qtr 1, Item #33:
The Agency is being provided the same terms and conditions as set forth in Agency Contract Micro Focus
CMT0111013 which provides deep discounts of (34%) off Micro Focus Novell products based on the
established Master License Agreement. Micro Focus is currently under a major revamping of products lines
which includes developing new SKUs across the product lines. The CMT0111013 contract is a sole source
contract which was unable to be reestablished under sole source conditions due to Micro Focus's new business
model of selling through Micro Focus Certified Resellers. Due to the Micro Focus major revamping of product
lines with new SKUs, the reestablishment is delayed. The Emergency contract will allow the Agency to maintain
the deep discounts off critical requirements required by both Agency and JPMC entities. The Emergency
Contract will be made available to all governmental units and qualified not-for-profit entities.
The current EAS applications and projects require the software and services that is provided by Micro Focus.
Without approval of this these applications, the agency is left without any options to continue with these critical
services. Some of the software is the original NetWare and eDirectory that a couple of agencies are still using.
Open Enterprise Server (OES) is software that is used to allow Linux servers to be managed with Microsoft
Active Directory. SUSE Linux is our standard Linux operating system (this is on here because DoIt upgraded
the NetWare licenses to Linux). The Print solution is Doit's enterprise solution for printing. DoIt requires the
ability to get MicroFocus Novell Maintenance/Support to cover the existing installed base, otherwise agencies
will lose the ability to get support and the access to vendor patching including critical security patches. DoIt still
has 18,000 users at DHS and DPH (including external users) that are dependent on Novell for network file and
print service access. Additionally, the printing software, supports 50k desktops for printing services. Agency
and JPMC Entities Micro Focus Novell products which are embedded into the infrastructure include: Novell
Access Manager, Novell Border Manager, GroupWise, Novell Identity Manager, Novell Cluster Services for
NetWare, Novell Open Enterprise Server, ZenWorks 10 Configuration Management Advanced, ZenWorks 10
Configuration Management Standard, Novell Access Manager, and SUSE Linux Server.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 07/01/2021 through 09/28/2021 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $533,615.02
Signed By: Dante Watson, APO
Vendor: Micro Focus Software Inc. Notary Date: 7/1/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $533,615.02 $927,481.87 $927,481.87 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
54 Public Health, Department of File Date: 1/4/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/04/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 31, Item# 54 is $54,599.96.with the final contract term ending 12/14/2021.
Original Filing – 10/16/2021 FY22, Qtr 1, Item #66:
Illinois has a robust perinatal regionalization system that includes 10 Administrative Perinatal Centers that
supervise 122 obstetric hospitals in Illinois. This regionalized network of hospitals helps to provide quality care to
perinatal patients in Illinois. To monitor the hospitals and the quality of care they provide to perinatal patients in
Illinois, the Office of Women’s Health intends to procure a one-year contract with JEMM Technologies for
annual licenses, storage and ongoing maintenance of the system. More specifically, JEMM Technologies will
provide database development services for the proprietary ePeriNet MIS system. This management information
system allows the State to collect data from network hospitals serving mothers and infants at risk of
experiencing poor health outcomes. Access to this data increases the State's capacity to monitor and provide
technical assistance to improve the quality of care provided these populations during the birthing process. Failure
to enter into this contract could have a significant negative impact on the State's ability to monitor and provide
assistance to hospitals, and subsequently, place mothers and infants at additional risk. There are no other vendors
who could seamlessly provide this service between the time their current contract ends and a new contract
OWHFS is preparing a sole source contract. Unfortunately, we will not be able to complete the review
and approval process for this new contract in enough time to prevent a disturbance to data collection and the
quality monitoring process.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/15/2021 through 12/14/2021 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $54.750.00.
Signed By: Vicki Wilson, Deputy Director
Vendor: JEMM Tech Notary Date: 9/16/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $54,750.00 $54,599.96 $54,599.96 22 3
Federal $54,750.00 $54,599.96
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
55 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 3/1/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 03/01/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 55 is $112,400.00, with a final contract term ending 06/30/2022.
Second Filing -11/17/2021:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on November 17, 2021 requesting an extension for dates
starting 12/09/2021 to 06/30/2022. The extension expenditure is not assessed and will be charged for time only.
Original Filing –09/07/2021 FY22, Qtr 1, Item #62:
Ruyle is a small business vendor and is certified by the State of Illinois Fire Marshall for Boilers and Pressure
Vessel Safety. Ruyle was contacted as the maintenance contractor to repair the boiler. When it was determined
that the boiler could not be repaired and needed to be replaced, Ruyle was able to inspect and give an quote
immediately on site, avoiding any delays.
Lockout/tagout and disconnect electrical and gas supply, disconnect supply and return lines, stack and flue,
remove unrepairable boiler and dispose of, supply and set new energy efficient hot water natural gas boiler,
supply sheet metal to reconnect stack and flue, repipe the supply and water return lines to new boiler, reconnect
electrical and gas supply, start boiler and analyze the boiler/burner for best operating efficiency, contact the State
Fire Marshall's office for initial inspection. There is an approximate 12 week lead time to get the boiler due to
shipping and production issues. An emergency needs declared to place the order, allow time for
shipping/production of the boiler and installation before cold winter weather arrives and pipes can freeze. This
Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/10/2021 through 12/09/2021 with an Original Estimated
Cost of $112,400.00.
Signed By: Diane Shasteen, Site Manager I
Vendor: Ruyle Mechanical Services Notary Date: 9/7/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $112,400.00 $112,400.00 $112,400.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
56 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 2/15/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing –02/15/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 56 is $997,717.12, with a final contract term ending 2/5/2022.
Original Filing – 11/2/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 26
Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the previous Master Contract vendor for this equipment. The competitive
solicitation has been opened and HPE is the presumptive low bidder. The current award is under review by BEP
and has been for two months. Declaring a new emergency with this vendor is in the best interest of the State as
various agencies are in need of supplies and services from this vendor to maintain current operations. Due to the
extended review period and time required to execute the upcoming contract award of an emergency contract to
vendor is warranted.
This is used for our server hardware procurements and supports many different projects for the different
agencies. This is also a state wide master that other state entities orders off of. HPe is the brand specific
technology to match our existing environments.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/08/2021 through 02/05/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $1,000,000.00.
Signed By: Matthew Lehman, Strategic Sourcing Manager
Vendor: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. Notary Date: 11/2/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $1,000,000.00 $997,717.12 $997,717.12 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
57 Capital Development Board File Date: 1/20/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/20/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 57 is $12,670.27, with a final contract term ending 1/20/2022.
Original Filing – 12/2/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 45
The Illinois Department of Corrections ("IDOC") has notified the Capital Development Board ("CDB") that the
Vocational Building roof has exceeded its life span and is leaking in multiple areas. The roof itself is covered with
river rock and has been patched on numerous occasions by the Logan Correctional Center maintenance staff.
This building houses the programming space for classes related to carpentry, horticulture, beautician/nails and
the library. Recent rains have caused parts of the plaster ceilings in some offices and classrooms to cave in and
has dampened equipment, boxes, and other furnishings in several of the spaces. The ability for the maintenance
staff to patch the leaking areas and repair the damage has exceeded their resources and capabilities. Additionally,
the leaks are causing mold in multiple areas of the building. This is creating hardship on facility staff and their
daily operations, and creating a threat to public safety. Therefore, the IDOC is requesting emergency repairs be
performed to stop the water infiltration until an overall roof replacement project can be implemented.
This project began through the utilization of the "Indefinate Delivery/Indefinate Quantity" Architect/Engineer
selection to provide an assessment of the building and provide recommendations. Recommendations for interim
solutions include membrane roofing joints at the area above the north south corridor be resealed, the vertical
terminations need to be properly adhered and proper lapping of flashings needs to be maintained, open joints in
the parapet cap need to be resealed, and shifting caps at the SE Corner need repaired. CDB and IDOC feel that
interim solutions to stop the leaks should be implemented prior to the onset of winter conditions. Therefore, an
emergency declaration is necessary in order to provide interim solutions as recommended by the
Architect/Engineer as soon as possible in order to prevent the threat to public safety, to prevent further loss or
damage and to prevent serious disruption to critical State services.
Henson Robinson Company, located in Springfield, IL was selected to provide limited roofing repair work
because they are relatively in close proximity to the site, have the expertise to provide the services being
requested, and they can respond immediately to this request for emergency services.
The scope of work provides for emergency repairs to the Vocational Building roof to include resealing of the
membrane roofing joints at the area above the north south corridor, vertical terminations need to be properly
adhered, proper lapping of flashings needs to be maintained, open joints in the parapet cap need to be re-sealed,
and shifting caps at the Southeast corner need repaired as recommended by the Architect/Engineer of record.
Additional repair work may be included if necessary, subject to CDB approval in consultation with the Chief
Procurement Office. Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for Construction &
Supplement. Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $27,500.00 prior to entering into
aConstruction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital Development Board in consultation with the
Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon project completion and project close-out.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/2/2021 through 03/01/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $27,500.00.
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Henson Robison Co. Notary Date: 12/2/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $27,500.00 $12,670.27 $12,670.27 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
58 Transportation, Department of File Date: 1/6/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/06/2022
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item #58 is $13,273.29, with a final contract term ending 12/27/2021.
Original Filing – 12/20/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 52
TMF Construction was selected as they have completed a lot of work with sign trusses and had the required
equipment and crew available for immediate removal.
On the morning of Saturday, Dec.18 the sign truss over northbound IL20 was struck and heavily damaged. The
damage Impacted the structural integrity of the truss and immediate removal was recommended. The contractor
is to remove the sign truss.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/18/2021 through 03/17/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $30,000.00..
Signed By: Steve Beran, Operations Engineer D-6
Vendor: TMF Construction Notary Date: 12/20/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $30,000.00 $13,273.29 $13,273.29 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
59 Military Affairs, Department of File Date: 1/24/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/24/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 59 is $19,525.00, with a final contract term ending 01/06/2022.
Original Filing – 12/27/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 54
This vendor holds the state master contract, but the funding left on the contract is not enough to cover this
project. This vendor has done a substantial amount of work for the state. The vendor goes above and beyond to
ensure repairs are made quickly and above standards. The vendor is dependable and does good work.
T & J Plumbing, Inc will remove and replace 30 feet of 15 inch water main grade pipe for the drain line across
the driveway. The vendor will excavate the area, remove the bad piping, replace it, backfill with CA-6 granule
material and cold patch the driveway. This will include 72 hours of labor at $118.50 per hour as well as material,
equipment, backhoue, dump trucks, trailers, 15 inch pipe, CA-6 gravel, and cold patch.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 12/22/2021 through 01/21/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $19,525.00.
Signed By: Logan Lehman, Procurement Exec 1
Vendor: T & J Plumbing Inc Notary Date: 12/27/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $19,525.00 $19,525.00 $19,525.00 22 3
Federal $19,525.00 $19,525.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
60 Innovation & Technology, Department of File Date: 1/3/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/03/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 60 is $2,746,101.79, with a final contract term ending 12/31/2021.
Original Filing - 3/29/2021:
The state needs to continue statewide contract coverage for legacy micro Focus product licensing, licensing
subscription, maintenance/ support and service for governmental units and qualified not-for-profit agencies that
depend on not having a lapse in coverage. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/24/2021
through 06/20/2021 with an Original Estimated Cost of $2,211,415.40.
Signed By: Dante Watson, Agency Procurement Officer
Vendor: Mirco Focus Government Solutions LLC Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $2,211,415.40 $2,746,101.79 $2,746,101.79 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
61 Capital Development Board File Date: 1/12/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/12/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 61 is $0.00, with a final contract term ending 90 days from start
date (12/25/2021).
Original Filing – 09/27/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 12
The Dixon Correctional Center is a multi-security facility that houses approximately 1,600 individuals and is the
workplace for another 700 staff. To properly care for and treat the individuals on this campus, the facility has a
three-story health care unit that is dependent upon a pair of 54-year-old elevators to move residents and workers.
This building allows for 135 individuals to receive specialized health care services on grounds. The second floor
has 51 beds that are dedicated to individuals in need for ADA accommodations; the third floor has 84 beds that
are dedicated to a medically ill population that for all intents and purposes would otherwise be a skilled nursing
The 54 years old elevators are showing signs of excessive wear and tear. The major electrical and mechanical
components of the elevators are either technologically obsolete or commercially obsolete and have exceeded their
effective net useful life. A recent assessment completed in June 2020 on the elevators indicated that the parts for
the Montgomery Flight controls may no longer be available. The elevators constantly break down and finding
vendors who can obtain parts to fix the outdated components is nearly
impossible. Multiple solicitations for elevator service have been minimally responded to or garnered no response
at all.
Recently one of the two elevators that serves this building was stuck in between floors. It took 45 minutes to
get the passenger car moving. Two individuals in wheelchairs and one individual with a walker were stuck in the
elevator with no ability to seek help.
Given the specialized populations treated at this facility – Sexually Violent Persons, Seriously Mentally Ill,
Elderly – and the presence of both Rasho and Lippert court monitors touring the grounds and evaluating our
health care operations, the Department of Corrections considers fixing these elevators an extreme priority and an
urgent situation that needs to be addressed. The elevators are unreliable and create a risk of physical harm or
death should an elevator experience a catastrophic failure. Additionally, the inability to rely on the current
elevators to transport it's ADA and/or medically ill and elderly threatens disruption of critical State services.
The Illinois Department of Corrections has requested that the Capital Development Board provide emergency
services to assess and replace the elevators as quickly as possible. This project began through the emergency
selection of an Architect/Engineer (“A/E”); this exempts the selection from a 14-day solicitation required through
Qualifications-Based Selection (“QBS”). Considering the time frames needed for the selection, negotiation and
execution of an A/E contract followed by bidding and award procedures, an assessment, design and replacement
of the elevators under the existing processes would likely not begin for several months. For this reason,
emergency purchases are necessary to protect against the threat to public health and safety and to prevent or
minimize serious disruption in critical State services as quickly as possible.
As the design work progressed, the elevators have substantially deteriorated resulting in increased service calls
due to certain component failures. As a result, the elevators are creating an increased risk of physical harm
should an elevator experience further failures. The Illinois Department of Correction's inability to rely on the
current elevators to transport its population between floors threatens disruption of critical State services.
Therefore, CDB, in consultation with the Chief Procurement Office, agree that the level of work required for
this project would not provide a large enough economical variance if bid when the more immediate need is to
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
replace the elevators in an expedited manner. The project team believes that by selecting a contractor, in lieu of
bidding, a design-assist approach can be implemented and time saved by ordering long lead equipment to further
expedite the completion of the project.
Otis Elevator Company, located in Lombard, IL, was selected because they are relatively in close proximity to
the site, they have the expertise and experience, and they can respond immediately to this request for emergency
The scope of services provides for construction services to provide reliable code compliant elevators including
all ancillary components at Dixon Correctional Center's Healthcare Unit, as directed and designed by the
Architect/Engineer of record. Incorporated documents include the March 2009 Standard Documents for
Construction & Supplement and any drawings and specifications provided by the A/E
of record. Services provided under this procurement should not exceed $2,000,000.00, which is a place-holder
prior to entering into a time and material Construction Contract, without prior authorization from the Capital
Development Board in consultation with the Chief Procurement Office. Final Actual Costs will be reported upon
project completion and project close-out.
In accordance with 30 ILCS 500/50-35, all contractors, and each subcontractor to be used whose
contract/subcontract exceeds an annual value of $50,000, shall submit financial disclosures and certifications as
a material term of the contract.
In accordance with section 00 21 50 of the Standard Documents for Construction, the General Contractor shall
perform no less than 20% of work with its own staff. Each other trade shall perform no less than 40% of work
with its own staff. Work with own staff includes direct labor and supervision, as well as material purchases
where the material is installed by the contractor.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 09/27/2021 through 12/25/2021 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $2,000,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Exec II
Vendor: Otis Elevator Company Notary Date: 9/27/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $2,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
62 Capital Development Board File Date: 2/22/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 02/22/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 62 is $97,122.80, with a final contract term ending 2/22/2022.
Fourth Filing - 10/7/2021:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on October 7, 2021 requesting an extension for dates starting
10/7/2021 to 04/30/2022 revising the current contract amount to $98,060.00. The extension expenditure is not
assessed and will be charged for time only.
Third Filing: 05/21/2021; FY21, Qtr 4, Item #66:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on May 21, 2021 requesting an extension for dates starting
June 10, 2021 to 10/31/2021. The extension expenditure is not assessed and will be charged for time only.
Second Filing - 06/10/2020:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on June 10, 2020, in the same filing quarter, requesting an
extension for dates starting 06/30/2020 to 06/30/2022. The extension expenditure is not assessed and will be
charged for time only.
Original Filing - 04/16/2020:
The Illinois Department of Corrections has requested that the Capital Development Board’ provide assistance in
seeking emergency purchases for the expedited repair of certain electrical failures at Logan Correctional Center.
During a storm on April 8, 2020, it is believed Logan Correctional Center received a power surge when thirty-
two Ameren poles were damaged. This power surge blew apart a high voltage line in an electrical vault that
supplies power to Housing Unit 14. During this explosion, another high voltage cable’s insulation was damaged
that is currently supplying re-routed power to the Health Care Unit, Gymnasium and Vocational School at the
facility. This damaged area in the loop has been isolated resulting in loss of power to Housing Unit 14. Currently
all of the buildings are back on normal power except for Housing Unit 14 which is being powered by a rented
generator. Additionally, the facility has concern about water filling up the vault and shorting the previously
storm-damaged hot cables and causing further damage. There has been a temporary sump pump to remove
water to prevent the water level from reaching the cable. Should another power failure occur, the facility would
not be able to restore power to the loop as they have lost redundancy. This Emergency Purchase has an
expected start date of 04/16/2020 through 07/14/2020 with an Original Estimated Cost of $75,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Dewberry Engineers, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $75,000.00 $98,060.00 $97,122.80 $97,122.80 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
63 Capital Development Board File Date: 1/3/2021
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 01/03/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 63 is $146,524.22, with a final contract term ending 1/03/2022.
Fifth Filing - 02/01/2021:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on February 1, 2021, requesting an extension for dates starting
02/18/2021 to 05/31/2021. The extension expenditure is not assessed and will be charged for time only.
Fourth Filing - 12/10/2020:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on December 10, 2020 requesting an extension for dates
starting 12/23/2020 to 02/28/2021 revising the original contract amount to $155,202.00. The extension
expenditure is not assessed and will be charged for time only.
Third Filing - 08/06/2020: FY19, Qtr 2, Item# 7:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on August 13, 2020 requesting an extension for dates starting
09/03/2020 to 12/31/2020 revising the current contract amount to $151,352.00. The extension expenditure is not
assessed and will be charged for time only.
Second Filing - 01/31/2019: FY19, Qtr 2, Item# 7:
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on January 31, 2019, requesting an extension for dates starting
01/29/2019 to 09/30/2020 at an additional estimated cost of $29,302.00, making a revised estimated cost at
Original Filing - 12/04/2018: FY19, Qtr 2, Item# 7:
On December 1, 2018, a tornado occurred in the Beardstown area resulting in substantial damage to the
Beardstown Readiness Center. The damage includes but is not limited to missing roof deck and membrane, the
destruction of multiple HVAC roof-top units, multiple blown out windows, blown down security fencing,
structural issues with storage building(s), interior water/wind damage to ceilings and carpet, and ripped out roof
vents in the bathroom/locker rooms. The Department of Military Affairs (DMA)has procured a contractor to
provide immediate temporary repairs to the roof as well as a contractor to winterize the plumbing systems to
prevent freeze damage. DMA has asked that CDB procure an Architect-Engineer to assess the damage to the
facility, determine what is salvageable and provide design services as needed. This project began through the
emergency selection of an Architect/Engineer (A/E); this exempts the selection from a 14-day solicitation
required through Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS). Considering the time frames needed for the selection,
negotiation and execution of an A/E contract, the assessment of the Beardstown Armory under the existing
processes would likely not begin for several months. For this reason, emergency purchases are necessary to
protect against the threat to public health and safety, to protect against further loss and damage to the facility,
and to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services. Charles Joseph Pell Architects, Inc. was
selected because they have experience with DMA projects and have the necessary discipline to complete the
work, are in close proximity to the site and can respond immediately. This Emergency Purchase has an expected
start date of 12/03/2018 through 03/02/2019 with an Original Estimated Cost of $50,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Vendor: Charles Joseph Pell Architects, Inc. Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $50,000.00 $155,202.00 $146,521.22 $146,521.22 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
64 Employment Security, Department of File Date: 1/24/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 1/24/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 64 is $7,687,715.83 with a final contract term ending 12/31/2021
Original Filing - 03/04/2021:
IDES is seeking payment for the costs of the unfunded debit cards. During the 11-month period from 3/1/2020
to 1/31/2021 there were 2,323,051 unfunded debit cards issued and IDES assumes the same rate of issuance of
debit cards going forward. IDES has determined that the number of debit cards issued in the future will be
reduced by 85% by implementing various automated vetting procedures. However, until those procedures are put
in place IDES is in the need of funding to pay the vendor for the unfunded debit cards which includes the
vendor's cost for creating the cards as well as the cost for mailing the cards to the claimant In the event IDES is
unable to obtain funding for the unfunded debit cards the vendor may refuse to sign the contract leaving IDES
without the ability to provide those claimants without bank accounts with a secure delivery method for their
benefits. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 03/02/2021 through 06/01/2021 with an
Original Estimated Cost of $866,000.01.
Signed By: Kristin Richards, Director
Vendor: Key Bank Notary Date:
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $866,000.01 $7,687,715.83 $7,687,715.83 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
65 Natural Resources, Department of File Date: 3/7/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 03/07/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 65 is $179,770.00, with a final contract term ending 03/06/2022.
Original Filing – 11/15/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 36
IIllinois Beach State Park personnel selected Krause Electrical Contractors due to their familiarity and vicinity to
the site. This will greatly reduce travel and mobilization costs. They have performed countless electrical repair
and maintenance services at this site and have a complete understanding of its utilities. It would take a great deal
of time for a Vendor whom is unfamiliar with the electrical infrastructure that dates back to 1959 to diagnosis
and provide a solution.
It is estimated that a new primary service panel would take four to five months to acquire due to current supply
chain constraints. Krause Electrical Contractors has the knowledge and expertise to build the service panel in-
house which will lessen the time it takes to restore permanent power.
The facility operates on a 2,000 amp and 600 amp panel. The 2,000 amp panel is down but the 600 amp panel
can been rerouted by to maintain critical system functions, particularly the HVAC system. With upcoming cold
weather and the added stress on the 600 amp panel the Illinois Department of Natural Resources does not have
time to competitively procure this service. The system is currently being run on the sites portable generators.
Krause Electrical Contractors will perform the following services at Illinois Beach State Park Lodge:
-Provide temporary feeds from 480-volt 600-amp CT service to heating equipment.
-Provide temporary startup of existing heating equipment to provide temporary heat in building during electrical
service modifications.
-Provide an allowance of $5000.00 for ComEd fees for electrical service de-energizations and re-energizations.
-Remove and dispose of (1) existing 480-volt 2000-amp distribution switchboard.
-Provide modifications to existing load feeder conduits to prepare for a new 480-volt 2000-amp distribution
-Provide and install (1) 480-volt 2000-amp distribution switchboard containing (2) 600-amp 3-pole circuit
breakers, (6) 400-amp 3-pole circuit breakers, (3) 225-amp 3-pole circuit breakers, and (2) 200-amp 3-pole
circuit breakers.
-Remove and dispose of (1) existing 480-volt 2000-amp service switchboard.
-Provide and install (1) new 480-volt 2000-amp service switchboard with an electrically operated 2000-amp main
circuit breaker with arcflash reduction maintenance mode.
-Provide and install (5) 400-amp conduit and cable feeders from (1) new 480-volt 2000-amp service
switchboard to (1) 480-volt 2000-amp distribution switchboard.
-Remove and dispose of (1) existing 480-volt 600-amp CT service.
-Refeed existing heating equipment from 480-volt 2000-amp distribution switchboard.
-Provide and install conduit, conductors, fasteners, boxes, straps, and fittings for the above installation.
-Provide testing of system.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 11/10/2021 through 02/04/2022 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $179,770.00.
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Signed By: Eric Michael, Procurement Manager
Vendor: Krause Electrical Contractors Notary Date: 11/15/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $179,770.00 $179,770.00 $179,770.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
66 Capital Development Board File Date: 3/8/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 03/08/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 66 is $104,712.36, with a final contract term ending 3/8/2022.
Original Filing - 04-27-2021, FY21, Qtr 4, Item #22:
Vendor work provides removing and replacing the dietary boiler and safety devices and pumps. And any
hazardous material if encountered. This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 04-09-2021 through
07-07-2021 with an original estimated cost of $110,000.00.
Signed By: Chris Miles, Executive II
Vendor: Premium Mechanical and Automation, Inc. Notary Date: 4/9/2021
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $110,000.00 $104,712.36 $104,712.36 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
67 Central Management Services, Department of File Date: 2/24/2022
Third Filing - 2/24/2022: FY22, Qtr 3, Item #67
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received on February 24, 2022, requesting an extension for dates
starting 3/1/2022 to 4/30/2022 at an additional estimated cost of $17,000.000.00, revising the total estimated cost
at $59,000,000.00.
Using State and Federal Funds
Second Filing - 12/09/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item #6
An Emergency Purchase Extension was received in the same filing quarter on December 9, 2021 requesting an
extension for dates starting 12/30/2021 to 02/28/2022 at an additional estimated cost of $17,000,000.00, revising
the total estimated cost to $42,000,000.00. Using State and Federal Funds.
Original Filing –10/01/2021: FY22, Qtr 2, Item# 6
18-416CMS-BOSS4-P-376 JPMC Drugs and Pharmaceuticals expires 09/30/2021. 30 ILCS 500/20-60(a) limits
the duration of contracts to ten (10) years inclusive of renewals and extensions and as of its expiration date of
09/30/2021, this contract will be at the ten-year mark.
Bid 21-416CMS-BOSS4-B-22340 JPMC Drugs and Pharmaceuticals was published 06/04/2021 and bids
were opened 08/04/2021 (this was a rebid of B-16903 which was canceled due to inadequate specifications and
B-17371, which was canceled due to non-responsive bidders). The notice of award for B-22340 was published
08/25/2021, which started the 14-day protest period. The incumbent vendor for 18-416CMS-BOSS4-P-376
JPMC Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Cardinal Health 411, LLC, is the awarded vendor for B-22340. A protest
was received by the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) 09/02/2021, which stayed the procurement until a
determination was made by the CPO if the protest should be denied or upheld. The CPO's decision to deny the
protest was received late afternoon September 30, 2021 and time is needed for CMS to review.
The BEP goal for this emergency contract will stay the same as the current contract at 0%. The recently
awarded solicitation (B-22340) had a BEP goal of 8%.
In the event the new contract is not executed by 09/30/2021, and in consideration of the contract duration
limitation and the fact that we cannot extend the current contract, Cardinal Health 411, LLC has agreed to a 90-
day emergency contract at the same terms and conditions as the current contract to ensure that there is not a
lapse in service. When the new contract is executed, we intend to cancel the emergency contract.
This is an emergency Joint Purchase Master Contract for drugs and pharmaceuticals to be purchased on an as-
needed basis during the contract period by the Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Department of
Public Health.
This Emergency Purchase has an expected start date of 10/01/2021 through 12/29/2021 with an Original
Estimated Cost of $25,000,000.00 with Federal & State Funding.
Signed By: Will Stephens, APO
Vendor: Cardinal Health 110, LLC Notary Date: 10/1/2021
January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022
Original Revised Paid To Actual
Estimate Estimate Date Final Cost FY QTR
State Cost: $25,000,000.00 $59,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 3
Federal $0.00 $0.00
68 Toll Highway Authority, Illinois State File Date: 3/10/2022
Final Cost
Latest Filing – 03/10/2022:
The Actual Total Cost of FY22, Qtr 3, Item# 68 is $740,479.20, with a final contract term ending 1/21/2022.
Original Filing – 7/26/2021 FY22, Qtr 1, Item #22:
The Vendor performed similar work for the Tollway in 2018 (P-7109) and their performance was satisfactory.
An Emergency Contract with Fence Masters, Inc. is required so that the work may proceed for the
immediate repair to damaged guardrails at multiple sites along the Illinois Tollway system.
Furnishing, delivery, and repair of guardrail, including traffic barrier terminals and energy attenuators.