August 2023
OAG employees must document all written and oral communications they receive that impart or request material information or make a material argument regarding potential action concerning a procurement matter, including but not limited to an application, a contract, or a project. This requirement does not apply to communications regarding the administration and implementation of an existing contract, except communications regarding change orders or the renewal or extension of a contract.
Name and Title OAG Employee |
Date/time of contact | Name and title of person making contact and name of company they represent |
Registered Lobbyist? |
Name and title of each additional participant to the communication |
Method of contact (oral by phone, oral in person, or in writing). If by phone, list each person's phone number. If in person, list location of meeting. |
Approximate duration of communication. |
Provide a detailed summary of the points made by each person involved in the communication, including any action requested or recommendation made, and the substance of your response. |
Sara Metzger, Assistant Director | 08/01/2023 12:00 PM | Gabe Sanders, Partner, EY | No | Kathy Lovejoy, Principal of IS Audits, OAG
Andrew Lavoie, EY Brad Ivanowicz, EY Joe Vandermark, EY Lana Miari, EY | Teams Call | 30 minutes | Discussion regarding consulting contract for statewide ACFR including scope of work, phased approach, on-site vs remote expectations |
Janis VanDurme, HHS Audit Manager | 08/02/2023 10:00 AM | William Sarb, RSM US LLP Partner | No | None | Suralink - | N/A | Sent the firm the final contracts for an amendment 1 to the continuation contract of the IDOR FY21/22 compliance examination engagement. |
Janis VanDurme, HHS Audit Manager | 08/02/2023 10:01 AM | Leilani Rodrigo, Roth & Co Partner | No | None | Suralink | N/A | Sent the firm the final contracts for an amendment 1 to the continuation contract of the DCFS FY21/22 compliance examination engagement for final processing. |
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/07/2023 09:27 AM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | jsroan - at -
lwarden - at - | I proposed amended timetable for the FY21/22 compliance examination of the Department of Corrections. | ||
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/07/2023 12:11 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | jsroan - at -
lwarden - at - | partner agreed to amended timetable for the FY23/24 examination of the Department of Corrections. | ||
Jeanne Michaud, Auditor V | 08/10/2023 09:36 AM | John Wysocki, Partner, GW & Associates | No | N/A | E-mail: john.wysocki - at- | I uploaded the FY23 contracts for ROE 12, 31, 41, 48, 50 and FY20 ISC 2 to suralink. | |
Jeanne Michaud, Auditor V | 08/14/2023 12:00 PM | Maria de J. Prado, President, Prado & Renteria | No | Hilda Renteria, Partner, Prado & Renteria | E-mail: | E-mails over the course of 6 hours and 6 minutes. | Maria submitted hours and rates for the FY22 and FY23 audits of ROE #47. Jeanne and Maria discussed some additional follow up questions. |
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/14/2023 12:31 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | Stella Santos, Managing Partner, Adelfia
Mavie Valera, Partner, Adelfia | email
jsroan - at - sbsantos - at - mbvalera - at - lwarden - at - | Firm submitted proposed hours by area, including correctional centers, and basis for the FY23/24 compliance examination of the Department of Corrections | |
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/15/2023 12:30 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | Stella Santos, Managing Partner, Adelfia
Mavie Valera, Partner, Adelfia | Email:
lwarden - at - Jsroan - at - mbvalera - at sbsantos - at - | Jennifer proposed audit hours and rate for the FY23/24 Department of Corrections engagement. | |
Jeanne Michaud, Auditor V | 08/22/2023 03:40 PM | Stella Santos, Partner, Adelfia, LLC | No | N/A | E-mail: | I uploaded the FY23 contract for ROE 8 and FY19 contract for ROE 4 to Suralink. | |
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/24/2023 04:33 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | Stella Santos, Managing Partner, Adelfia
Mavie Valera, Partner, Adelfia | Email:
lwarden - at - Jsroan - at - mbvalera - at sbsantos - at - | I clarified that I had not asked in our 8/4/23 call for proposed audit hours and rate for the FY23/24 Department of Corrections engagement, but which specific center procedures the firm believes are necessary at a minimum. | |
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/24/2023 04:33 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | Stella Santos, Partner, Adelfia LLC
Mavie Valera, Partner, Adelfia LLC | email
jsroan - at - sbsantos - at - mbvalera - at - lwarden - at - | I clarified that I was asking in our August 8, 2023 call for the firm to identify the specific Center audit step numbers that the firm thinks are necessary to satisfy the Audit Guide required compliance testing and statutorily required testing for the Department of Corrections for FY23/24. | |
Jeanne Michaud, Auditor V | 08/28/2023 08:09 AM | Robert Arnholt, Partner, Doehring Winders & Co | No | N/A | E-mail: rarnholt- at
jmichaud- at | I send a link for Robert to download the FY23 contracts of ROE 20 and 51 through Suralink | |
Maggie Becker (ADMIN), None | 08/29/2023 02:12 PM | Crystal Boyd - Sales Rep, CDS Office Technologies | No | emails w | request and receive price verification for server rack purchase | ||
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/30/2023 02:58 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | Stella Santos, managing partner, Adelfia
Mavie Valera, partner, Adelfia | email
jsroan - at - sbsantos - at - mbvalera - at - lwarden - at - | I sent the firm guidance on commissary testing required by mandate for their proposed Center procedures for the FY23/24 examination of the Department of Corrections. | |
Lisa Warden, Auditor V | 08/30/2023 04:52 PM | Jennifer Roan, Partner, Adelfia LLC | No | Stella Santos, Managing partner, Adelfia
Mavie Valera, Partner, Adelfia | jsroan - at -
Sbsantos - at - mbvalera - at - lwarden - at - | Firm submitted proposed center procedures for the FY23/24 examination of the Department of Corrections. | |
Jeanne Michaud, Auditor V | 08/31/2023 01:15 PM | Kimberly Walker, Partner, Kemper CPA Group | No | N/A | E-mail: | I uploaded the signed contract for the FY23 audit of ROE 45 through Suralink. |