January 2025
OAG employees must document all written and oral communications they receive that impart or request material information or make a material argument regarding potential action concerning a procurement matter, including but not limited to an application, a contract, or a project. This requirement does not apply to communications regarding the administration and implementation of an existing contract, except communications regarding change orders or the renewal or extension of a contract.
Name and Title OAG Employee |
Date/time of contact | Name and title of person making contact and name of company they represent |
Registered Lobbyist? |
Name and title of each additional participant to the communication |
Method of contact (oral by phone, oral in person, or in writing). If by phone, list each person's phone number. If in person, list location of meeting. |
Approximate duration of communication. |
Provide a detailed summary of the points made by each person involved in the communication, including any action requested or recommendation made, and the substance of your response. |
Emily Berger, Auditor III | 01/02/2025 09:54 AM | Maria Balita, Owner, Maharlika PLLC | No | Email & Suralink
Maria Balita mfbalita-at-maharlikacpa.com Emily Berger eberger-at-auditor.illinois.gov | N/A | I provide the final signed 1st amendment for Aging's FY23/24 Compliance Examination via Suralink to Maria and emailed Maria to let her know it was provided for her firms records. Maria emailed back acknowledging receipt of the signed amendment at 11:12am. | |
Megan Green, Statewide Single Audit Manager | 01/06/2025 04:11 PM | Adam Pulley, Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP | No | N/A | Email
mgreen-at-auditor.illinois.gov Adam.Pulley-at-claconnect.com | N/A | I sent the final signed contract amendment #1 for the Illinois Department of Transportation to Adam. |
Stacie Sherman, Auditor V | 01/09/2025 08:50 AM | Christine Torres, Partner, Crowe | No | Brandon Reed, Partner, Crowe | brandon.reed-at-crowe.com
christine.torres-at-crowe.com ssherman-at-auditor.illinois.gov | I sent Christine the second amendment to the continuation contract for the FY22/23 compliance examination of the Office of the Treasurer - Nonfiscal Officer Responsibilities for her siganture. | |
Stacie Sherman, Auditor V | 01/13/2025 02:18 PM | Christine Torres, Partner, Crowe | No | Suralink
Christine.Torres-at-crowe.com ssherman-at-auditor.illinois.gov | I sent Christine the final signed amendment for the Office of the Treasurer Nonfiscal Officer Responsibilities FY22/23 compliance examination. |