June 2017
OAG employees must document all written and oral communications they receive that impart or request material information or make a material argument regarding potential action concerning a procurement matter, including but not limited to an application, a contract, or a project. This requirement does not apply to communications regarding the administration and implementation of an existing contract, except communications regarding change orders or the renewal or extension of a contract.
Name and Title OAG Employee |
Date/time of contact |
Name and title of person making contact and name of company they represent |
Registered Lobbyist? |
Name and title of each additional participant to the communication |
Method of contact (oral by phone, oral in person, or in writing). If by phone, list each person's phone number. If in person, list location of meeting. |
Approximate duration of communication. |
Provide a detailed summary of the points made by each person involved in the communication, including any action requested or recommendation made, and the substance of your response. |
Kathy Lovejoy Audit Manager |
June 5, 2017 |
Richard Scarfino, Partner BDO USA, LLP |
No |
None |
Mail- BDO USA, LLP 101 South Hanley Road, Suite 800 St. Louis, MO 63105 |
NA |
Sent IL SOC Examination assistance contract to firm for signature. |
Terri Davis Fiscal Officer |
6/1/17 11:14 am |
Nadine Liberatore R.K. Dixon Strategic Acct. Ex. |
No |
None |
Email: tldavis-at-auditor.illinois.gov nliberator-at-rkdixon.com |
Received FY18 renewal pricing for Lanier copiers. |
Megan Green Audit Manager |
6/2/17 8:48 a.m. 6/7/17 11:32 a.m.
Robert Arnholt, Partner Doehring, Winders & Co. LLP |
No |
None |
Email: Robert Arnholt: rarnholt-AT-dwcocpa.com Megan Green: mgreen-AT-auditor.illinois.gov |
I informed Robert the Doehring and Winders’ informal proposal for the FY16/17 compliance examination has been accepted. Robert responded he signed and mailed out the contract to me. |
Gordon French IS IV |
6/7/17 8:32AM |
Gus Monson CDW Sales Jason Contreras Insight Sales Ron CDS Tech Sales |
No |
Email: gusmAcdw.com Jason.ContrerasAinsight.com Online: www.cdsofficetech.com |
Online |
Asked for quotes on toner cartridges, solid state hdd & KVM |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/14/17 9:58 a.m. |
Jennifer Williamson Senior Training Consultant Fred Pryor Seminars |
No |
None |
Email: jrossATpryor.com |
NA |
Discussed CPE options for participants enrolled in the Training Rewards program. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/14/17 10:30 a.m. |
Tim Carpenter, Inside Sales Specialist, Becker Professional Education |
No |
None |
Oral by phone: (877) 814-7488 |
25 minutes |
Discussed Becker’s On Demand and Webcast subscription program. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/14/17 2:28 p.m. |
Tim Carpenter, Inside Sales Specialist, Becker Professional Education |
No |
None |
Email: TCarpenterATbecker.com |
NA |
Provided information on Becker’s Continuing Professional Education program. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/14/17 2:20 p.m. |
Don Self, CPE Specialist, Thomson Reuters |
No |
None |
Oral by phone: (800) 431-9025 |
15 minutes |
Discussed the Thomson Reuters Checkpoint Learning Packages. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/14/17 2:47 p.m. |
Don Self, CPE Specialist, Thomson Reuters |
No |
None |
Email: donald.selfATthomsonreuters.com |
NA |
Provided info on the Thomson Reuters Checkpoint learning Packages. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/15/17 11:20 a.m. |
Jay, Corporate Solutions Rep |
No |
None |
Oral by phone: (844) 690-2167 |
20 minutes |
Discussed Western CPE’s individual CPE training program. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/15/17 4:53 p.m. |
Jay, Corporate Solutions Rep |
No |
None |
Email: jay.greeneATwesterncpe.com |
NA |
Provided information on Western CPE’s individual CPE training program. |
Gordon French IS IV |
6/6/17 1:53PM |
ACL Services Ltd Cynthia Coulthard, Sales |
No |
None |
Email: accountingATacl.com |
Price quote for annual support of ACL |
Gordon French IS IV |
6/14/17 5:11PM |
ASI System Integration JP Wilson, sales |
No |
None |
Email: jpwilsoATasisystem.com |
Price quote for annual support of our Sophos Firewall |
Gordon French IS IV |
6/21/17 8:32AM |
Gus Monson CDW Brandon Engel, Sales |
No |
None |
Email: brandoneATgwava.com |
Price quote for annual support on GWAVA & Retain |
Donna Humphries IS V |
6/14/17 9:00AM |
Techno Consulting Brad Gordon |
No |
None |
OAG Springfield conference room |
N/A |
Reviewed and signed new FY18 consulting contract. |
Stephanie Wildhaber, Audit Manager |
6/21/17 11:37am |
Kate Ward, Partner Kerber, Eck & Braeckel |
No |
None |
Phone: Kate Ward (217) 789-0960 Stephanie Wildhaber (217) 558-3971 |
4 minutes |
Discussed the financial and compliance examination for FY16/17 for Illinois Literacy Foundation |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/23/17 9:00 a.m. |
John Gioeli, Director, Gov’t Programs, Becker Professional Education |
No |
None |
Oral by phone: (703) 631-8840 |
35 minutes |
Discussed Becker’s On Demand and Webcast subscription program. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/23/17 10:19 a.m. 10:55 a.m. |
John Gioeli, Director, Gov’t Programs, Becker Professional Education |
No |
None |
Email: jgioeliATbecker.com |
Price Quote and contractual documents from Becker’s On Demand and Webcast subscription program. |
Joe Butcher, Audit Manager |
6/14/17 10:25 am |
Cory Nanus, FSA, EA Aon Hewitt |
No |
Ameen Dada, Director of Performance Audits |
Email: cory.nanusATaonhewitt.com |
Inquired of Aon’s interest in continuing to do the CTA reviews. Asked Cory to provide updated information on hours, fees, and personnel. |
Joe Butcher, Audit Manager |
6/23/17 1:05 pm |
Cory Nanus, FSA, EA Aon Hewitt |
No |
Ameen Dada, Director of Performance Audits |
Email: cory.nanusATaonhewitt.com |
Cory provided updated information on hours, fees, and personnel as previously requested. |
Gordon French IS IV |
6/27/17 11:09AM |
CDS Office Technologies
CDW-G Gus Monson Sales Insight Jason Contreras Sales |
No |
None |
gusmATcdw.com Jason.ContrerasATinsight.com |
Price quote for final maintenance/cartridge order |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/28/17 2:10 p.m. |
John Gioeli, Director, Gov’t Programs, Becker Professional Education |
No |
None |
Oral by phone: (703) 631-8840 |
10 minutes |
Discussed Becker’s On Demand and Webcast contract information. |
Jim Dahlquist Sr. Adm. Mgr. |
6/28/17 3:25 p.m. |
John Gioeli, Director, Gov’t Programs, Becker Professional Education |
No |
None |
Email: jgioeliATbecker.com |
E-mailed contractual documents for Becker’s On Demand and Webcast subscription program. |
José G. Roa, Audit Manager |
6/14/17 7:00 am 7:01 am 8:25 am 11:00 am 11:08 am
Jennifer Roan, Partner Adelfia LLC |
No |
None |
Email: jroa-at-auditor.illinois.gov jsroan-at-adelfiacpas.com |
Provided revised timetable for amendment on the FY16 financial audit for the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission – Self Insurers Security Fund engagement. Firm reviewed and revised based on continued correspondence and came to an agreement.
José G. Roa, Audit Manager |
6/29/17 11:20 am 2:00 pm
Jennifer Roan, Partner Adelfia LLC |
No |
None |
Phone: José G. Roa: 312-814-4008 Jennifer Roan: 312-240-9500 |
10 minutes 5 minutes |
Discussed estimated hours for amendment and new FY18 contract on the FY16 financial audit for the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission – Self Insurers Security Fund engagement. Notified Firm that contract will be drafted for signatures and provided the next day.
José G. Roa Audit Manager Dan Nugent Audit Manager |
6/30/17 11:40 am
Jennifer Roan, Partner Adelfia LLC |
No |
None |
In person Worker’s Compensation Commission’s Office James R. Thompson Center 100 W. Randolph St, Suite 8-200 Chicago, IL 60601 |
10 minutes |
Provided amendment and new FY18 contract on the FY16 financial audit for the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission – Self Insurers Security Fund engagement for signature. |